Karatsuba algorithm
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The Karatsuba multiplication algorithm, a technique for quickly multiplying large numbers, was discovered by A. Karatsuba and published together with Yu. Ofman in 1962. Its time complexity is Θ. This makes it faster than the classical Θ(n2) algorithm (), although for small numbers it is not as fast.
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[edit] Example
To multiply two n-digit numbers x and y represented in base W, where n is even and equal to 2m (if n is odd instead, or the numbers are not of the same length, this can be corrected by adding zeros at the left end of x and/or y), we can write
- x = x1 Wm + x2
- y = y1 Wm + y2
with m-digit numbers x1, x2, y1 and y2. The product is given by
- xy = x1y1 W2m + (x1y2 + x2y1) Wm + x2y2
so we need to quickly determine the numbers x1y1, x1y2 + x2y1 and x2y2. The heart of Karatsuba's method lies in the observation that this can be done with only three rather than four multiplications:
- compute x1y1, call the result A
- compute x2y2, call the result B
- compute (x1 + x2)(y1 + y2), call the result C
- compute C - A - B; this number is equal to x1y2 + x2y1.
To compute these three products of m-digit numbers, we can employ the same trick again, effectively using recursion. Once the numbers are computed, we need to add them together, which takes about n operations.
[edit] Complexity
If T(n) denotes the time it takes to multiply two n-digit numbers with Karatsuba's method, then we can write
- T(n) = 3 T(n/2) + cn + d
for some constants c and d, and this recurrence relation can be solved using the master theorem, giving a time complexity of Θ(nln(3)/ln(2)). The number ln(3)/ln(2) is approximately 1.585, so this method is significantly faster than long multiplication. Because of the overhead of recursion, Karatsuba's multiplication is slower than long multiplication for small values of n; typical implementations therefore switch to long multiplication if n is below some threshold.
Implementations differ greatly on what the crossover point is when Karatsuba becomes faster than the classical algorithm, but generally numbers over 2320 are faster with Karatsuba. [1][2] Karatsuba is surpassed by the asymptotically faster Schönhage-Strassen algorithm around 233,000.
[edit] An Objective Caml implementation
(* Decomposition of the numbers into arrays *) let decomposition10 a= let rec log10 a= if a<10 then 1 else 1+(log10 (a/10)) in let lga=log10 a in let resultat=Array.create (lga) 0 in let rec decomp_aux a i= if a=0 then () else begin let b=a/10 in resultat.(i)<-(a-10*b); decomp_aux b (i+1) end in decomp_aux a 0; resultat;; (* Power function, defined recursively *) let rec ( ** ) nb pb= if pb=0 then 1 else nb*(nb**(pb-1));; (* Gives both arrays the same length *) let equilibre vecta vectb= let pluslong=max (Array.length vecta) (Array.length vectb) in let m=Array.make_matrix 2 pluslong 0 in for i=0 to pluslong-1 do begin try m.(0).(i)<-vecta.(i) with _->m.(0).(i)<-0; end; begin try m.(1).(i)<-vectb.(i) with _->m.(1).(i)<-0; end done; m.(0),m.(1);; (* Karatsuba multiplication function *) let karatsuba a b= let decompa0=decomposition10 a and decompb0=decomposition10 b in let decompa,decompb=equilibre decompa0 decompb0 in let rec karatsuba_aux xi xj yi yj= if xi=xj && yi=yj then decompa.(xi)*decompb.(yi) else begin let x1y1=karatsuba_aux xi ((xi+xj)/2+1) yi ((yi+yj)/2+1) and x2y2=karatsuba_aux ((xi+xj)/2) xj ((yi+yj)/2) yj and x1y2=karatsuba_aux xi ((xi+xj)/2+1) ((yi+yj)/2) yj and x2y1=karatsuba_aux ((xi+xj)/2) xj yi ((yi+yj)/2+1) and m2=(xi-xj)/2+1 in x1y1*(10**(2*m2))+(x1y2+x2y1)*(10**m2)+x2y2 end in karatsuba_aux (Array.length decompa -1) 0 (Array.length decompa-1) 0;;
[edit] References
- A. Karatsuba and Yu Ofman, "Multiplication of Many-Digital Numbers by Automatic Computers." Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR Vol. 145 (1962), pp. 293–294. Translation in Physics-Doklady 7 (1963), pp. 595–596.
- Karatsuba Multiplication on MathWorld
- Bernstein, D. J., "Multidigit multiplication for mathematicians". Covers Karatsuba and many other multiplication algorithms.