Karatsuba algorithm

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The Karatsuba multiplication algorithm, a technique for quickly multiplying large numbers, was discovered by A. Karatsuba and published together with Yu. Ofman in 1962. Its time complexity is Θ(n^{\log_23}). This makes it faster than the classical Θ(n2) algorithm (\log_23 \approx 1.585), although for small numbers it is not as fast.


[edit] Example

To multiply two n-digit numbers x and y represented in base W, where n is even and equal to 2m (if n is odd instead, or the numbers are not of the same length, this can be corrected by adding zeros at the left end of x and/or y), we can write

x = x1 Wm + x2
y = y1 Wm + y2

with m-digit numbers x1, x2, y1 and y2. The product is given by

xy = x1y1 W2m + (x1y2 + x2y1) Wm + x2y2

so we need to quickly determine the numbers x1y1, x1y2 + x2y1 and x2y2. The heart of Karatsuba's method lies in the observation that this can be done with only three rather than four multiplications:

  1. compute x1y1, call the result A
  2. compute x2y2, call the result B
  3. compute (x1 + x2)(y1 + y2), call the result C
  4. compute C - A - B; this number is equal to x1y2 + x2y1.

To compute these three products of m-digit numbers, we can employ the same trick again, effectively using recursion. Once the numbers are computed, we need to add them together, which takes about n operations.

[edit] Complexity

If T(n) denotes the time it takes to multiply two n-digit numbers with Karatsuba's method, then we can write

T(n) = 3 T(n/2) + cn + d

for some constants c and d, and this recurrence relation can be solved using the master theorem, giving a time complexity of Θ(nln(3)/ln(2)). The number ln(3)/ln(2) is approximately 1.585, so this method is significantly faster than long multiplication. Because of the overhead of recursion, Karatsuba's multiplication is slower than long multiplication for small values of n; typical implementations therefore switch to long multiplication if n is below some threshold.

Implementations differ greatly on what the crossover point is when Karatsuba becomes faster than the classical algorithm, but generally numbers over 2320 are faster with Karatsuba. [1][2] Karatsuba is surpassed by the asymptotically faster Schönhage-Strassen algorithm around 233,000.

[edit] An Objective Caml implementation

(* Decomposition of the numbers into arrays *)
let decomposition10 a=
  let rec log10 a=
    if a<10 then 1 else 1+(log10 (a/10))
  let lga=log10 a in
  let resultat=Array.create (lga) 0 in
  let rec decomp_aux a i=
    if a=0 then () else
        let b=a/10 in
          decomp_aux b (i+1)
    decomp_aux a 0;

(* Power function, defined recursively *)
let rec ( ** ) nb pb=
  if pb=0 then 1 else nb*(nb**(pb-1));;

(* Gives both arrays the same length *)
let equilibre vecta vectb=
  let pluslong=max (Array.length vecta) (Array.length vectb) in
  let m=Array.make_matrix 2 pluslong 0 in
    for i=0 to pluslong-1 do
        try m.(0).(i)<-vecta.(i) with _->m.(0).(i)<-0;
        try m.(1).(i)<-vectb.(i) with _->m.(1).(i)<-0;

(* Karatsuba multiplication function *)
let karatsuba a b=
  let decompa0=decomposition10 a
  and decompb0=decomposition10 b in
  let decompa,decompb=equilibre decompa0 decompb0 in
  let rec karatsuba_aux xi xj yi yj=
    if xi=xj && yi=yj then decompa.(xi)*decompb.(yi) else
        let x1y1=karatsuba_aux xi ((xi+xj)/2+1) yi ((yi+yj)/2+1)
        and x2y2=karatsuba_aux ((xi+xj)/2) xj ((yi+yj)/2) yj
        and x1y2=karatsuba_aux xi ((xi+xj)/2+1) ((yi+yj)/2) yj
        and x2y1=karatsuba_aux ((xi+xj)/2) xj yi ((yi+yj)/2+1)
        and m2=(xi-xj)/2+1 in
    karatsuba_aux (Array.length decompa -1) 0 (Array.length decompa-1) 0;;

[edit] References

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