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The Karatmeter is a scientific device which uses X-rays (generating inside) to give an exact reading of the purity of gold in just three minutes. Due to its excellent precision, X-ray analysis has been adopted by international agencies in India as part of the certification process used to hallmark gold. It is an accurate, non-destructive means of testing the purity of gold, and gives the customer an unmatched benefit when buying or selling gold. It is the latest in X-ray fluorescence instrumentation and in the league with the new Windows-based software X-MasteR, delivers a complete package to all engaged in the field. Using this technique, the precise percentage by weight (of karat) in a solid piece of jewellery can be determined in just a few minutes. It also accurately determines the element composition of all types of gold, white gold, platinum, silver, palladium, rhodium and related alloys.