Kansas City standard

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Byte Magazine March 1976 issue, with cover story "Cassette Interfaces".
Byte Magazine March 1976 issue, with cover story "Cassette Interfaces".

The Kansas City standard (KCS), or Byte standard, is a digital data format for audio cassette drives. Byte Magazine sponsored a symposium in November 1975 in Kansas City, Missouri to develop a standard for storage of digital (micro)computer data on inexpensive consumer quality cassettes, at a time when floppy disk drives cost over $1000 each.

The two day meeting was attended by 18 people and they settled on a system based on Don Lancaster's design published in Byte Magazine first issue. After the meeting, Lee Felsenstein (Processor Technology) and Harold Mauch (Percom Data Company) wrote up the standard.

A cassette interface is similar to a modem connected to a serial port. The 1s and 0s from the serial port are converted audio tones, this is known as audio frequency-shift keying (AFSK). A '0' bit is represented as four cycles of a 1200 Hz sine wave, and a '1' bit as eight cycles of 2400 Hz. This gives a data rate of 300 baud. Each frame starts with one start bit (a '0') followed by eight data bits (least significant bit first) followed by two stop bits ('1's). So each frame is 11 bits, for a data rate of 27 bytes per second.

The February 1976 issue of Byte had a report on the symposium and the March issue featured two hardware examples by Don Lancaster and Harold Mauch. The 300 baud rate was reliable but slow. The typical 8K BASIC program took 5 minutes to load. Most cassette interface systems would support higher speeds.

Processor Technology developed the popular CUTS (Computer Users' Tape Standard) which worked at 300 or 1200 baud.


[edit] Participants of the Kansas City symposium

  • The Computer Hobbyist - Hal Chamberlin and Richard Smith
  • Godbout Electronics - Michael Stolowitz
  • HAL Communications Corp - Paul Tucker and George Perrine
  • Mikra-D - Joe Frappier
  • MITS - Ed Roberts, Tom Durston, Bob Zaller, and Bill Gates
  • PCM - Bob Nelson
  • Popular Electronics - Les Solomon
  • Pronetics (later Percom Data) - Harold A Mauch www.robomargo.com/percom
  • Processor Technology; Bob Marsh and Lee Felsenstein (LGC Engineering)
  • Southwest Technical Products Corp - Gary Kay
  • Sphere - Mike Wise
  • Ray Borrill

[edit] Floppy-ROM

Interface Age magazine May 1977 issue, with a Kansas City Standard record.
Interface Age magazine May 1977 issue, with a Kansas City Standard record.

In August 1976 at the Personal Computing show in Atlantic City, Bob Marsh of Processor Technology approached Bob Jones, the publisher of Interface Age magazine, about pressing software onto vinyl records. Processor Technology provided an 8080 program to be recorded. This test record did not work and they were unable to devote more time to the effort.

Daniel Meyer and Gary Kay of Southwest Technical Products arranged for Robert Uiterwyk to provide his 4K BASIC interpreter program for the 6800 microprocessor. The idea was to record the program on audio tape in the "Kansas City Standard" format then make a master record from the tape. EVA-TONE made "sound sheets" on thin vinyl that would hold one song. These were inexpensive and could be bound in a magazine.

Bill Turner and Bill Blomgren of MicroComputerSystems Inc. worked with EVA-TONE and developed a successful process. The intermediate stage of recording to tape produced dropouts so a SWTPC AC-30 cassette interface was connected directly to the record cutting equipment.

The May 1977 issue of Interface Age contained the first "Floppy-ROM", a 33 1/3 RPM record with about 6 minutes of "Kansas City Standard" audio.

[edit] Computers using the Kansas City standard

Early microcomputers (several of them S-100 based):

Home/personal computers:

[edit] 1200 baud variation

Acorn Computers Ltd implemented a 1200 baud variation on CUTS in their BBC Micro and Acorn Electron microcomputers, which reduced a '0' bit to one cycle of a 1200 Hz sine wave and a '1' bit to two cycles of a 2400 Hz wave. Standard encoding includes a '0' start bit and '1' stop bit around every 8 bit piece of information, giving an effective data rate of 960 bits per second.

[edit] See also

  • UEF - a popular file format for archiving Kansas City standard audio

[edit] External links

 view  talk  edit  Magnetic tape data storage formats
Linear Helical-Scan
Three Quarter Inch
(~19 mm)

LINCtape (1962) - DECtape (1963)

Sony DIR (19xx) -
Ampex DST (1992)

Half Inch
(12.65 mm)

UNISERVO (1951) - IBM 7 Track (1952) - IBM 9 Track (1964) - IBM 3480 (1984) - DLT (1984) - IBM 3590 (1995) - T9840 (1998) - T9940 (2000) - LTO Ultrium (2000) - T10000 (2006)

Redwood SD-3 (1995) - DTF (19xx) - SAIT (2003)

Eight Millimeter
(8 mm)

Travan (1995) - IBM 3570 MP (1997)

Exabyte (1987) - Mammoth (1994) - AIT (1996) - VXA (1999)

Quarter Inch
(6.35 mm)

QIC (1972) - SLR (1986)

Four Millimeter
(3.8 mm)

DC100 (1976) - DECtapeII (1979)

DDS/DAT (1989)

One Eighth Inch
(3.18 mm)

KC Standard, Compact Cassette (1975) - Datassette (1977)

(1.58 - 1.9 mm)

Exatron Stringy Floppy (1979) - ZX Microdrive (1983) - Rotronics Wafadrive (1984)

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