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Kangasniemi is a municipality in Finland. "The most beautiful municipality of Finland"
- the municipality was founded in 1867
- location: on trunk road 13, 50 km to Mikkeli, 63 km to Jyväskylä, 47 km to Pieksämäki, 250 km to Helsinki
- area 1326 km² (second largest in Southern Savonia), more than 20% of the area is water
- largest lakes: Puulavesi (Finland’s eighth largest lake) and Kyyvesi
- more than 1550 km of shoreline
- 6587 inhabitants (2001), more than half of them live in the main village
- summer guests redouble the number of inhabitants during the summer months
- 3467 summer houses
- economic life: primary production 24%, processing 21%, services 50%, unclassified 5%
- large forest resources, approx. 12 million cubic meters – yearly growth approx. 500,000 cubic meters
- income tax per cent 18.25