Talk:Kamal Jumblatt
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[edit] Murder
Why is omitted that he was murdered? gidonb 15:27, 12 Dec 2004 (UTC)
- Well, it is mentioned in the third-from-last paragraph that he was assassinated. Judging from the category, it was in 1977. But both the circumstances and the date would be excellent addtions to the article, which someone knowledgable needs to add to it. Rlquall 19:17, 13 Dec 2004 (UTC)
[edit] Jumblatt Family is originally kurdish and here are the sources
Jumblatt, Kamal (1917-1977), Druze leader of the Progressive Socialist Party and leader of the Arabist leftist alliance, The Lebanese National Movement.
The origin of the Joumblatt family is the Kurdish-Syrian Janboulad family dating back to Janboulad Ibn Kassem al Kirdi al Kaisari, known as Ibn Arabou (1530-1580), governor of Aleppo.
The Turks recognized the status quo, and made terms with the Shehab amir in 1748; but his power was none too well secured against the opposition of the Kurdish Jumblat family, even though he was supported by the Talhuk, A bd al-Malik and Yezbeki families; and it appears that some members of the Shehab joined the Maronite faith in the middle of the 18th century, causing a suspicion of secret apostasy to fall on all the family.
Mr. Jumblatt's ancestors were Kurds, and his friends say he is proud of his roots. Walid Arbid, a professor at Lebanese University, said the Jumblatt family emigrated from Syria to Lebanon during the 17th century at the invitation of Druze leader Fakhredine, before rising to political prominence under the leadership of Sheik Bashir Jumblatt.
Ismet Şerif Wanli schreibte, dass es in Libanon seit Jahrhunderten Kurden gelebt haben und zählt vier kurdische Asirets, nämlich die Clan Banu Sayfa nördlich von Tripoli und der Festung Krac. Ein anderes Asiret ist Ras Nahasch, die seit dem 16. Jahrhundert bei Tripoli leben. Dann gibt es noch die Amadischen Scheichs, die aus Amadiya im 17. Jahrhundert in den Libanon kamen. Aus Hakkari kam der Can Polad Asiret. Heute heißen sie Djumblatt. Der Führer der drusischen Gemeinschaft und der Progressiven Sozialistischen Partei Walid Djumblatt sei Kurde. 1925 kamen viele Flüchtlinge nach dem Scheich-Said-Aufstand ins Land. Die Organisation Xoybun wurde in Beirut gegründet. Heute sollen etwa 100.000 Kurden im Libanon leben.
Walid Dcshumblat's Rede bei der Gründung von Kurdistan National Kongreß: Sehr geehrte Kongreßmitglieder, ich habe mich über Ihre Einladung sehr gefreut. Ich habe gewiss hier sein wollen. Ich bin auch ein Kurde aber muß leider arabisch reden, weil ich und meine Familie von Arabern assimiliert wurden.Wie die Kurden, die von Türken und Perser assimiliert wurden. Die Kurden haben schon längst die Demokratie, Freihet und Modernität verdient.Auch wenn wir in ganzer Welt verstreut sind, unser Herz klopft für unseres Heimatsland. Ich freue mich Sie kennenzulernen und hier dabei sein zu dürfen. Ich wünsche Kurdistan National Kongreß viel Erfolg und begrüße alle Beteiligten
There were several massacres, notably that of Christians by Druze in Jabal al-Druze in 1825, and of the Druze of Matn by the Maronites in 1845. In 1860 the Druze burned 150 villages and massacred 11,000 Maronites. This led to armed French intervention and an agreement, guaranteed by the Western powers, which resulted in local autonomy for Lebanon under a non-Lebanese Christian governor (Mutassarif).
During this period leadership had passed to the Jumblat family which was of Kurdish origin.
The Jumblatt family was originally of Sunni Kurdish descent and they later became accepted as part of the Druze community.
WALID JUMBLATT'S surname means ‘the iron man’ in Kurdish, and to many Lebanese today that rings very true.
The Near East shows a pretty smooth gradient going from north to south, with the exception of the Druze. The Druze are a closed society since the 11th century, and may represent an earlier non-Jewish population of northern Palestine and Lebanon. It is also known that certain Druze clans were of "Yemeni Arab" origin (as were many clans of the Palestinians), and other clans were of "Kurdish" origin (e.g. Jumblatt), perhaps coming from the North, closer to the Caucasus.
History of the Joumblatt family: The origin of the Joumblatt family is Janboulad (meaning "the iron heart" associated with the courage).
Originally, the family roots come from the Janboulad al Kirdi al Ayoubi, known also as Ibn Arabi, governor of the Maarat Naaman country (Syria). But the first grand father is Janboulad Ibn Kassem al Kirdi al Kaisari, known as Ibn Arabou (1530-1580), governor of Aleppo and owner of Maarat, Kalas and Iizaz. He became famous as he had succeeded in bringing stability and prosperity to his country.
Le mot Joumblatt est d'origine kurde. Il se compose de deux syllabes: Djam (âme) et Bulad (acier). A l'origine étymologique du nom des Joumblatt s'ajoute une ethnie également kurde, de descendance Ayoubide. Cependant, l'avis des historiens reste partagés. En effet, la publication dernièrement d'un manuscrit à Mossoul, en Irak, prouve que les membres de cette famille sont des descendants Abassides proche des Omeyyades.
Comment définiriez-vous les liens qui vous unissent à la communauté druze ?
Notre famille, d'origine kurde, est installée au Liban depuis le XVIIe siècle. Nous étions l'une des plus grandes familles féodales du Mont-Liban et nous avons toujours eu un rôle politique important. Et puis mon père a changé le cours de notre histoire familiale en créant en 1949 le Parti socialiste progressiste.
-- 06:04, 14 December 2005 (UTC)