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The Kálfsvísa (sometimes mistakenly called Alsvinnsmál[1]) is a poem partially preserved in Snorri Sturluson’s Skáldskaparmál.

Its three stanzas mostly consist of a þula of horses and their riders, Norse heroes (for instance Grani and Sigurðr). The Kálfsvísa also includes a narrative dealing with the battle on the ice of Lake Vänern between Áli and Aðils[2]:

"Ali on Hrafn, they rode to the ice, and another one east under Adils, grey, it wandered, wounded with a spear."
Skáldskaparmál (58), Faulkes’ translation[3]

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ In the Skáldskaparmál, Alsvinnsmál is also used as an alternative name for the Eddic poem Alvíssmál, Alsvinnr and Alvíss both meaning "All-wise".
  2. ^ This battle is also referred to in the Skáldskaparmál (44), in the Ynglinga saga (29), in the Skjöldunga saga and in Beowulf (2391-2396).
  3. ^ Faulkes, Anthony (trans.). 1995. Snorri Sturluson: Edda. First published in 1987. London: Everyman. ISBN 0-460-87616-3.

[edit] External link