Justinian Rweyemamu

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Justinian Rweyemamu
Justinian Rweyemamu

Justinian F. Rweyemamu (1942March 30, 1982) was a Tanzanian economist, mathematician, philosopher and writer.

Rweyemamu was born in Katoma, Bukoba, in what was then called Tanganyika. He studied at Fordham University and obtained his PhD at Harvard University. A scholar and practitioner of development, he was Professor of economics at the University of Dar es Salaam (being the youngest African tenured professor), and then Dean of its Faculty of Social Sciences, Permanent Secretary of the Planning Ministry and Personal Assistant to President Julius Nyerere.

Internationally recognized, Rweyemamu was a member of the UN Committee for Development Planning, worked for the Brandt Commission and for the UN Director General for Development and International Cooperation. He was Chairman of the Council for the Development of Social Science Research In Africa (CODESRIA), member of the Committee of the Third World Forum and a founding member of The International Foundation for Development Alternatives (IFDA).

His writings include Underdevelopment and Industrialization in Tanzania: A Study of Perverse Capitalist Development (Nairobi: Oxford University Press, 1973); chapters in several books such as Towards Socialist Planning, The Teaching of Economics in Africa, Industrialization and Income Distribution in Africa, - Pugwash on Self-reliance, North-South: A Programme for Survival (The Brandt report), Dialogue for a New Order, as well as many papers in periodicals like Africa Development, The Journal of Modern African Studies and Development Dialogue. A collection of his several works and essays are included in the book published in his memory, Third World Options: Power, security and hope for another development ( Tanzania Publishing House, 1992).