Just Foreign Policy

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Just Foreign Policy is an independent and non-partisan mass membership organization founded in 2006 that is dedicated to reforming U.S. foreign policy through coordinating the broad majority of Americans to advocate their interests and values, largely through Internet actions styled on those of MoveOn.Org and similar groups. It has promoted various actions for U.S. citizens to take to lobby their representatives in the U.S. Congress to avoid a war with Iran, reject a weakening of the War Crimes Act, end the U.S. occupation of Iraq, and to de-escalate the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict.

According to the group's website, its founding president is economist Mark Weisbrot, and various press releases list its national coordinators as Robert Naiman and Chelsea Mozen.[1][2] Its board consists of representatives from the NAACP, the Center for Economic and Policy Research, the Economic Policy Institute, Win Without War, the Campaign for America's Future, the No More Sweatshops campaign, Business Leaders for Sensible Priorities, and various universities, each serving in individual rather than in organizational capacities.

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