Jury Duty (film)

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Promotional movie poster for the film
Promotional movie poster for the film

Jury Duty is a 1995 comedy film directed by John Fortenberry and starring Pauly Shore, Tia Carrere, Stanley Tucci, Brian Doyle-Murray, Shelley Winters, and Abe Vigoda. It runs 88 minutes and is rated PG-13.

The film was Billie Bird's last screen appearance.

[edit] Synopsis

When Tommy Collins (Pauly Shore), an unemployed stripper living at his parents' home, finds out that his parents are going on a private getaway for a few months and taking the mobile home with them, he decides that he needs to find a place for him and his chihuahua Peanut to stay.

By a stroke of luck he's called up for jury duty and he must be sequestered for the duration of the trial. Collins prolongs the trial with meaningless debate in an effort to stay in the lap of luxury. In the process he irritates his fellow jurors and inadvertently makes a break in the case. The movie features a host of courtroom antics performed by Shore and his cohorts.

[edit] Criticisms

The film received a "BOMB" rating from film critic Leonard Maltin in his Movie and Video Guide book, Maltin comments that a "BOMB" rating may be too high for the film.

[edit] External links

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