Jungle (board game)

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Jungle. Initial setup
Jungle. Initial setup
This article is about Jungle, the board game. For alternate usages: see Jungle (disambiguation).

Jungle or Dou Shou Qi (Traditional Chinese: 鬥獸棋) is a traditional Chinese board game. It is a two player, abstract board game played on a 7x9 board.


[edit] Rules

The goal of the game is to move a piece to a special square on the opponent's part of the board - den.

[edit] Board and pieces

The game's board and initial setup of pieces is shown on the picture at right. There are several special squares:

  • Den (shown in black color) - white's den on d1 and black's on d9.
  • Trap (shown in magenta) - white's traps on c1,d2,e1 and black's on c9,d8 and e9.
  • Water (shown in blue) - in the middle of the board.

Each side have 8 different pieces, each piece has a different rank. The larger is the number, the stronger is the piece (with one exception: Mouse can capture Elephant):

  1. Mouse
  2. Cat
  3. Wolf
  4. Dog
  5. Leopard
  6. Tiger
  7. Lion
  8. Elephant

White pieces are setup in the following way:

  • Mouse - g3
  • Cat - b2
  • Wolf - c3
  • Dog - f2
  • Leopard - e3
  • Tiger - a1
  • Lion - g1
  • Elephant - a3

Black pieces are setup symmetrically relatively to the center of the board.

[edit] Movement

Players alternate moves with White moving first. During their turn, a player must move. Each piece moves one square horizontally or vertically (not diagonally). A piece may not move to its own den.

There are special rules related to the water squares:

  • The Mouse is the only animal that is allowed to go to a water square.
  • The Mouse may not capture the Elephant from a water square.
  • Lion and Tiger pieces may jump the water moving horizontally or vertically. They move from a square on one edge of the lake to the next non-water square on the other side. Such move is not allowed if there is a Mouse on any of the crossed water squares. It is allowed to capture enemy pieces by such jumping move.

[edit] Capturing

Pieces capture by replacement. The piece can capture any enemy piece, which has the same or lower rank, with the following exceptions:

  • You may capture any enemy piece in one of your trap squares regardless of rank.