Talk:Julie Simone
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I have no knowledge of the subject matter of this article, but there seems to be a protracted stealth deletion campaign going on here, accompanied by misleading overly general edit summaries. Can some of the people involved kindly explain what's going on?
- Well, it's not possible to delete the article because others have also contributed to it, but mostly because all contributions to Wikipedia fall under the GNU Free Documentation License (see also Wikipedia:Copyrights)... you can see this at the very bottom of the window whenever you make an edit:
- It says:
- All contributions to Wikipedia are released under the GNU Free Documentation License (see Project:Copyrights for details).
- If you do not want your writing to be edited mercilessly and redistributed at will, do not submit it.
- By submitting your work you promise you wrote it yourself, or copied it from public domain resources — this does not include most web pages.
- This means, quite literally, that any edits that you contribute to Wikipedia don't belong to you and you can't unilaterally undo them or withdraw them.
Thanks anyway.