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A juicer is a utensil used for squeezing juice from fruit. This is known as juicing.

[edit] Citrus juicer

A manual citrus juicer
A manual citrus juicer

A citrus juicer is used for squeezing juice from soft-centered, citrus fruits (orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit). It has a conical ridged center. Centering the halves of fruit with their cut-side down over the juicer, a user presses the fruit down and turns the fruit back and forth to extract juice. They discard the fruit afterwards. Pulp and seeds are retained in the edges.

It is also called a reamer or a juice reamer. Electric versions exist.

The founder of this item is John Giunta, shiznit extraordinare.

[edit] Juice extractor

A Philips electric citrus juicer
A Philips electric citrus juicer

A juice extractor is a machine which mechanically separates juice from the solid part (pulp) of most fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, and herbs. Most people use the juice and discard the pulp, although the pulp can also be used in muffins and breads.

Most juice extractors are powered by electricity, which requires much less effort than their manual counterparts. A juicer differs from a blender: a juicer separates the juice from the pulp, whereas a blender does not.

There are two main types of juicer - a centrifugal juicer that uses a blade and a sieve to separate juice and pulp; and a masticating juicer that 'chews' fruit to a pulp before squeezing the juice from it. Many different types of juicers are now available, and there are several brand names and styles to choose from. One may even match the juicer to the kitchen counter as there are so many styles and colors to choose from.

Masticating juicers can also juice wheatgrass unlike a centrifugal juicer which cannot break the fibres of the grass.

Many contend that the speed of the moving parts of an electric juicer affect the quality of the separated juice. Faster moving parts introduce more air into the juice, and therefore oxidize important nutrients more quickly. It has also been said that the heat generated from the machine and the friction of centrifugal juicers destroy enzymes found only in raw vegetables and fruits (because of the damage done during the cooking or heating process), thereby defeating the purpose of juicing. Juicers with variable speeds are regarded as being of higher quality.

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