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Jugendstilsenteret in Ålesund, Norway.
Jugendstilsenteret in Ålesund, Norway.
 Entrance to Jugendstilsenteret.
Entrance to Jugendstilsenteret.
 The pharmacists dining room, exhibited at Jugendstilsenteret.
The pharmacists dining room, exhibited at Jugendstilsenteret.

Jugendstilsenteret is a national Art Nouveau Centre located in the former Swan Pharmacy building in central Ålesund, the Art Nouveau town of Norway.

The building was designed by architect Hagbarth Schytte-Berg and built 19051907. It was the first listed Art Nouveau / Jugendstil monument in Ålesund (1984) and it includes the towns best preserved Art Nouveau interior. Jugendstilsenteret is an interpretation centre showing both modern multimedia exhibitions and international art and design of Art Nouveau. The Art Nouveau centre was opened by Her Majesty Queen Sonja of Norway on June 6, 2003.

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