Juan González de Mendoza

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Juan González de Mendoza (c. 1540-1617) was the author of the first Western history of China to publish Chinese characters for Western delectation. Published by him in 1586, Historia de las cosas más notables, ritos y costumbres del gran reyno de la China is an account of observations in China. An English translation by R. Parke appeared in 1588 and was reprinted by the Hakluyt Society in two volumes, edited by Sir George T. Staunton, Bart. (London, 1853-54).

Mendoza was born at Toledo. He joined the army but after some years resigned to enter the Order of Saint Augustine. In 1580 he was sent by Philip II to China, where he spent three years in gaining information as to the politics, commerce, and customs of the country. He spent two years in Mexico before returning to Spain. He was afterward Bishop of the Lipari Islands, of Chiapas, and of Popayán, where he died - honoured as a Spanish prelate.

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