Journal of Collective Negotiations
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The Journal of Collective Negotiations is a journal which publishes articles regarding collective bargaining.
The journal publishes articles which cover a wide range of topics, including collective bargaining economics, preparation for bargaining, techniques at the table, labor law, dispute resolution, arbitration, impasse resolution, new developments in collective bargaining language, organizational behavior, contract administration, the history of collective bargaining and labor-management relationships, and laws and regulations pertaining to bargaining. Although the journal focuses on the United States, many articles are comparative or transnational in focus.
The publication expanded the range of items it publishes in 2004, and now features accepting short articles, comments and book reviews in additional to lengthier academic and practitioner-oriented articles.
The target audience for the journal is comprised of academics, students, employers, workers, and collective bargaining negotiators.
The Journal of Collective Negotiations was founded in 1971 as the Journal of Collective Negotiations in the Public Sector. It is published quarterly by Baywood Publishing.