Talk:José Millán Astray

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[edit] Translation concerns

I did my best to translate this from the Spanish version (almost verbatim), making a few idiomatic changes when absolutely necessary. I'm afraid I may have made a few mistakes. I should mention two main concerns.

1.) I had some trouble comprehending the idiomatic expression here.

Millán-Astray, controlándose, grita: "¡Coja el brazo de la señora!" y Unamuno, haciéndole caso, se coge del brazo de Carmen Polo de Franco y abandona el recinto.

I made a major leap and concluded that this refers to some kind of courtesy gesture, i.e. hand-kissing. But it isn't at all clear what was meant (at least not to me), and it could be something else entirely. Surely a better translation exists.

I take it as "Protect yourself with the lady or I'll have to kill you!". --Error 17:05, 29 January 2006 (UTC)

2.) My other concern is how I should translate things like "Academia de Infantería de Toledo" and "Escuela Superior de Guerra", since they refer to specific institutions (although the latter is a generic term, common in Hispanophone countries, and ostensibly carries the meaning of "military college"). I decided to leave them in Spanish, in italics, and then provide parenthetical translations. If someone thinks this is wrong, please set it right. Bhumiya 06:25, 6 January 2006 (UTC)

From memory, the Academia is the Alcázar. --Error 17:05, 29 January 2006 (UTC)