Josh Marshall

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Joshua Micah Marshall (born February 15, 1969 in St. Louis, Missouri) is a moderate-liberal American political journalist and writer. He writes one of the most prominent U.S. political blogs, Talking Points Memo, and is also a columnist for The Hill, a Capitol Hill newspaper.

Marshall is a graduate of Princeton University and has a Ph.D. in colonial American history from Brown University. He began his journalism career as an Associate Editor at The American Prospect in 1998. Later he became the magazine's first Washington Editor before leaving in early 2001. He married Millet Israeli in March 2005, and the couple live in New York City.

Marshall's blog, Talking Points Memo, covers a wide range of topics including U.S. foreign policy, domestic politics (especially at the federal level) and domestic policy. It frequently asked readers to send in tips regarding the positions of their members of Congress.

Another Marshall project is a companion website called TPMCafe, which debuted on May 31, 2005. This site features a collection of blogs about a wide range of domestic and foreign policy issues written by academics, journalists and former public officials among others.

Marshall recently expanded his operation to a new blog, called TPMmuckraker, where two journalists working for the TPM collective, Paul Kiel and Justin Rood, investigate political corruption.

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