Jorge Rios

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Jorge Paes Rios was born in a family originally from Spain, Portugal and Italy in Rio de Janeiro on April, 1945. He is an hydraulics and sanitary engineer and professor.

He is a Brazilian researcher and Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He is also a scientific leader. He lives in Rio de Janeiro.

He is also Professor at Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro , Military Institute of Engineers of Rio de Janeiro and Lecturer at The Polytechnical Institute of Lisbon (Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa), at The Polytechnical Institute of Coimbra (Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra), at The Polytechnical Institute of Porto (Instituto Politécnico do Porto), at Braga University (Universidade de Braga) in Portugal , at University of Grenoble, in France and in Mexico University ( National Autonomous University of Mexico - UNAM) and Guadalajara University (Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara - UAG).

He worked, in 1973 - 1974 with Veiga da Cunha and others at The National Laboratory of Civil Engineering - LNEC - in Lisbon - Portugal , and with Jonh Parmakian, Ven Te Chow and others Americans and French engineers in Itaipu Project in Paraná State and in Tucuruí Dam Project in Pará State - Brazil , and has published papers and books in Hydraulics and in Environment.

Jorge Rios collaborated with several scientific organizations, like Sindicato do Meio Ambiente do Rio de Janeiro, Associação Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos , Associação Brasileira de Profissionais Especializados na França (Brazilian Association of Specialized Professionals in France), International Committee on Large Dams ( ICOLD), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and Clube de Engenharia do Rio de Janeiro .

From 1999 to 2002, Jorge Rios was the General Supervisor (Superintendente) of Hydraulics Resources of the State of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.

Researching about Hydraulics Resources, Rios received his M.Sc. degree from University of Grenoble - France (1979).

His official website is located at


RIOS , Jorge. The flood gates operating instructions of Tucurui Hydroelectric Power Plant . San Francisco (CA) ,1986. ( ICOLD = International Committee on Large Dams). - Les consignes d' opération des vannes de l' Usine Hydroelectrique de Tucurui .

RIOS , Jorge. Autodepuração dos cursos d" Agua . Lisboa : LNEC, 1974. ( Saneamento).

RIOS , Jorge. Revitalização de Rios Rio de Janeiro: SEMADS- GTZ , 2002. See DOWNLOADS in

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