Jonas Lidströmer
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Jonas Lidströmer (1755-1808), was a Swedish inventor and officer in the Swedish navy. Jonas Lidströmer was born in 1755 at Lagfors bruk, Medelpad, and died 1808 in Stockholm. Colonel-mecanicus, Head of the mecanical state of the Royal Swedish-Finnish Navy, Royal Inventor and advicer to the king, Knight of the order of Wasa and finally knighted Lidströmer (was previously called Lidström). He was the son of inspector and co-owner of Lagfors bruk, Jonas Lidström the elder (born 1713), and began he studies at Uppsala University in spring 1771.
Jonas Lidströmer has often been called Sweden "mechanical genious" and is often compared with Polhem, an other great Swedish inventor He collaborated with Fredrik Henrik af Chapman and came via him to Karlskrona, the main base of the Swedish navy at the time. He also collaborated with the artists Johan Tobias Sergel, Louis Jean Deprez and Ehrensvärd, and a letter corresondence with C.C. Gjörwell has been preserved. The later wellrenowned royal architect Fredrik Blom was the adept of Jonas Lidströmer.
Perhaps he is mostly famous for the Obelisk at the Royal Palace in Stockholm and the construction of Norrbro (the bridge between the Royal Palace and the Opera in Stockholm, architecht for the southern part, but leader for the construction of the northern as well). Jonas Lidströmer also erected the statue of king Gustav III, with it's functional postament. He has also designed, constructed and built the famous Mast Crane at the Naval harbour of Karlskrona.
Jonas Lidströmer also constructed series of harbours in Sweden and Finland, and improved the harbours of Gothenburg, Karlskrona and Helsingborg.
He was the head of the Mechanical school in Karlskorna, the most qualified technical education at the time. He is behind a large number of mechanical devices and innovations, such as steel grinderies, chip docks, compasses etc.
Jonas Lidströmer was the preces of the Royal Academy of Science (Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien), member of several other academies such as the Academy of Free Arts (Akademien för de fria konsterna) and the Royal War Academy (Kungliga Krigsvetenskaps Akademien). He was knight of the Royal Order of Wasa. Several models and drawings of his work are present at a number of museums such as the Naval Museum in Stockholm (Sjöhistoriska museet), the Architecture Museum in Stockholm (Arkitekturmuseum) and the Maritime Museum in Karllskrona (Marinmuseum).
He married Elisabeth Öhman and had six children (details coming). His oldest son Fredrik August Lidströmer (1787- 1856) was Stockholm's City Architect.