Joint Task Force-Global Network Operations

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The JTF-GNO directs the operation and defense of the Global Information Grid.
The JTF-GNO directs the operation and defense of the Global Information Grid.

Joint Task Force-Global Network Operations (JTF-GNO) is a subordinate command of the United States Strategic Command.


[edit] Mission statement

The Joint Task Force-Global Network Operations directs the operation and defense of the Global Information Grid (GIG) across strategic, operational, and tactical boundaries in support of the US Department of Defense's full spectrum of war fighting, intelligence, and business operations.

[edit] Primary Responsibilities

  • Identifies and resolves computer security anomalies that affect the GIG's ability to support Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) elements, Joint Staff, Supported Combatant Commands and the "warfighter".
  • Identifies significant threats to the GIG. Develop, disseminate and implement countermeasures to these threats in a timely manner.
  • Assesses the incidents reported by Combatant Command, service, and agency (CC/S/A) computer network defense (CND) and Regions individually and cumulatively for their impact on the "warfighter’s" ability to carry out current and future missions.
  • Coordinates the response actions taken by the CC/S/A CND service providers (CNDSP).
  • Identifies emerging technologies and their associated threats in order to integrate migrations and response actions into current CND posture.

[edit] Background

The JTF-GNO was originally created as the Joint Task Force-Computer Network Defense (JTF-CND) in December 1998 and was assigned to the United States Space Command (USSPACECOM) in 1999. In 2000, it was redesignated as the Joint Task Force-Computer Network Operations and in October 2002, with the merger of USSTRATCOM and USSPACECOM, JTF-CNO became a component of USSTRATCOM. In June 2004, the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) appointed the Director, Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), to be additionally assigned as Commander, JTF-GNO and Deputy Commander for Global Network Operations and Defense, USSTRATCOM Joint Forces Headquarters - Information Operations, with authorities and responsibilities for Global Network Operations and Defense.

In July 2004, the JTF-GNO formed the Global NetOps Center (GNC) through the functional merger of elements from the JTF-CNO's Operations Directorate, DISA's Global Network Operations and Security Center (GNOSC), the DoD Computer Emergency Response Team (DoD-CERT), and the Global SATCOM Support Center. As such, the GNC is responsible for guiding, directing, and overseeing daily compliance with NetOps policy, providing common defense of the GIG, and ensuring strategic priorities for information are satisfied.

JTF-GNO leads and directs continuous Enterprise Services Management/Network Management (ESM/NM), Information Assurance/Computer Network Defense (IA/CND), and Content Staging/Information Dissemination Management (CS/IDM) throughout the GIG. JTF-GNO provides Situational Awareness (SA) of the GIG through the Network Common Operational Picture (NETCOP) and provides customer support to the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff; the National Military Command Center; Commander, USSTRATCOM; and other Combatant commanders (CCs). The JTF-GNO provides command and control of the GIG under the authority of the Commander, USSTRATCOM, through a tiered hierarchy of NetOps Centers working together towards a common goal of assuring Global Decision Superiority by maintaining near real-time situational awareness, end-to-end management and dynamic DoD network defense.

[edit] Current operations

The JTF-GNO functions in accordance with Unified Command Plan 2002 (Change 2) and the Joint Concept of Operations for GIG NetOps, assuring Global Information Superiority by achieving the three assurances outlined in the Joint Concept of Operations for GIG NetOps: Assured System and Network Availability, Assured Information Protection, and Assured Information Delivery. Within each theater of operation, the JTF-GNO operates through Theater NetOps Centers (TNCs), established through the functional merger of DISA's Regional Network Operations and Security Centers (RNOSCs), Regional Computer Emergency Response Teams (RCERTs), and Regional SATCOM Support Centers (RSSC). The TNCs establish, maintain, and provide theater-level GIG situational awareness. The GNC is responsible for directing the response to Global NetOps issues and overseeing compliance in accordance with GIG operational policies. The GNC exercises Operational Control (OPCON) of the Theater NetOps Centers (TNC) for Global NetOps issues. The TNCs provide technical support and execution and are Tactical Control (TACON) for Theater NetOps issues to commanding officers for those parts of the GIG under their control. The TNCs act as the theater focal point to maintain NetOps SA, support the CCs in executing their GIG responsibilities, and serve as liaison between a Theater C4 Control Center (TCCC) or Global C4 Control Center (GCCC) and the JTF-GNO. For Theater NetOps issues, the GNC supports the CCs by ensuring availability of the GIG through coordination with the TCCC or GCCC, TNCs, Services and Agencies. The Services and Agencies operate and maintain the systems and networks they provide as part of the GIG, in compliance with GIG operations policy and direction of the GNC and appropriate TCCC or GCCC.

[edit] Personnel

The JTF-GNO is currently authorized 255 positions.

[edit] References

  • USSTRATCOM Fact Sheet Updated August 2005
  • JTF-GNO Website, March 2006

[edit] Bibliography