John Terence Nicholls O'Brien

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Sir John Terence Nicholls O'Brien (April 23, 1830February 28, 1903) surveyor, engineer and colonial governor, born in Manchester, England and died in London, England.

He studied at Elizabeth College, Guernsey, and then attended Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.

O'Brien, a member of the British army, received a medal of honour for his service in the Indian Mutiny War. In 1881 he was appointed governor of Heligoland, knighted in 1888 and became governor of Newfoundland in 1889.

O'Brien as governor of Newfoundland helped precipitate the 1894 bank crash by his many dispatches to London noting that Newfoundland politicians under Premier William Whiteway's Liberal Government were uniquely corrupt and incompetent. He resigned from office in 1895 and returned to London.

The Newfoundland community of Terenceville was so named in his honor.

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Political offices
Preceded by
Sir Henry Berkeley Fitzhardinge Maxse
Governor of Heligoland
Succeeded by
Arthur Cecil Stuart Barkly
Preceded by
Sir Henry Arthur Blake
Colonial Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador
Succeeded by
Sir Herbert Harley Murray

Governors of Newfoundland and Labrador

Lieutenant-Governors (1949-present)
Walsh | Outerbridge | Macpherson | O'Dea | Harnum | Winter | Paddon | McGrath | Russell | House | Roberts

Commission Governors (1934-1949)
Anderson | Walwyn | MacDonald

Dominion Governors (1907-1934)
MacGregor | Williams | Davidson | Harris | Allardyce | Middleton | Anderson

Colonial Governors (1855-1907)
Darling | Bannerman | Musgrave | Hill | Glover | Maxse | Glover | Des Vœux | Blake | O'Brien | Murray | McCallum | Boyle | MacGregor

Civil Governors (1825-1855)
Cochrane | Prescott | Harvey | Law | LeMerchant | Hamilton

Commodore-Governors (1729-1825)
Osborn | Clinton | Falkingham | Muskerry | Lee | Vanbrugh | Medley | Smith | Byng | Smith | Hardy | Edwards | Douglas | Watson | Rodney | Drake | Bonfoy | Dorrill | Edwards | Webb | Graves | Palliser | Byron | Shuldham | Duff | Montagu | Edwards | Campbell | Elliott | Milbanke | King | Wallace | Waldegrave | Pole | Gambier | Gower | Holloway | Duckworth | Keats | Pickmore | Hamilton

French Gouverneurs (1655-1713)
de Kéréon | Gargot | du Perron | dit Lafontaine | Palme | Pioppe | Parat | de Costebelle | de Brouillan | de Monic | de Subercase | de Costebelle

Proprietary Governors (1610-1728)
Guy | Mason | Hayman | Whitbourne | Tanfield | Wynne | Aston | Calvert | Baltimore | Hill | Kirke | Treworgie