Johan Håkansson

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Johan Håkansson (latinized to Johannes Haquini), died 1432, was Archbishop of Uppsala, Sweden, 1421-1432.

His first known occupations were at a school in Söderköping and as a canon in Linköping. In 1411 he enrolled at Vadstena monastery. In 1418 he was sent on an important assignment to Rome, from where he returned in 1420.

In 1421 the previous Archbishop of Uppsala resigned. Three new candidates were presented to the Swedish King Eric of Pomerania, of whom he chose Johan Håkansson.

Haquini's history as a monk set the standards for his time as archbishop. He allowed the clericals to be freed from taxes, and he let build a permanent house for the archbishop (demolished during Gustav Vasa's libaration war in 1522).

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] Further reading

  • Klosterfolket i Vadstena, Silfverstolpe, 1899.

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