Joe Flynn (physicist)

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This article is about the physicist. For the American actor, see Joe Flynn (US actor).

Joe Flynn is the inventor of Parallel Path Technology, recently endorsed at the STAIF Conference by Boeing Phantom Works.


[edit] Background

Flynn has been researching magnetic flux for over 25 years, and has numerous patents to his name such as U.S. Patent 6246561 . In the mid 1990s he developed a novel approach to the application of mechanical magnetic force, that has become termed 'Parallel Path.'

Parallel Path is more of a design methodology, than a specific piece of apparatus, and in this context, application scenarios are numerous [citation needed], and can potentially include any context requiring mechanical force. The greatly improved efficiency of Parallel Path, means many applications where magnetic actuators would not previously have been considered in fact become viable.

One of the most interesting applications for Parallel Path is electric motor design. In February 2006 at the STAIF Conference, Boeing Phantomworks publicly endorsed Parallel Path technology for this exact application. [citation needed]

[edit] Single pm layout

The basic layout consists of a single central permanent magnet. By steering a magnetic field to one side of a flux core, you can deliver 1.75x more units of magnetic force, than the electrical input alone could supply.


[edit] Dual pm layout

Altering the layout and placing the control coils in the center, while using two permanent magnets keeping the overall core flux density the same, requires half as much input to switch. This is why it is termed 'Parallel Path' technology. The cores can be adapted for generator output, by placing coils on the armature of the cores. By steering two magnetic fields to one side of a flux core, you can deliver 3.5x more units of magnetic force, than the electrical input alone could supply.


[edit] Validation experiment

The below experiment can be used to validate the principals of Parallel Path design.

  • Increase the voltage input to the control coils until one end plate of the flux path drops off.
  • Make a note of that input level, as it defines where the Parallel Path effect occurs for that specific magnet / core combination.
  • Since the Parallel Path effect occurs within a relatively narrow current/voltage window, these basic tests are required to get a feel for the force point, before more advanced apparatus such as motors and generators can be constructed.

[edit] Rotary applications

The basic flux switching experiments can be adapted to rotary applications. The armature of the core is removed, and instead motion is imparted to a central shaft. Rotary applications are the ones that have attracted greatest commercial interest.


[edit] See also

[edit] External links