User:JniBot/Reports/February 2006

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Number of entries in LoPbN subpages (February 9, 2006). Taken from robot's cache by:

 for i in List*; do
    awk '/^[ \t]*\*/ { sum += 1 } END { print sum+0 "\t[[" FILENAME "]]<br/>"}' "$i"; 
 done | sort -n

Bug: does not handle <nowiki> and HTML comments at the beginning of lines before '*' (I hope there isn't any).

0 List of people by name: A
0 List of people by name: Al
0 List of people by name: An
0 List of people by name: And
0 List of people by name: Anda-Andd
0 List of people by name: Ar
0 List of people by name: B
0 List of people by name: Ba
0 List of people by name: Bar
0 List of people by name: Bb-Bd
0 List of people by name: Be
0 List of people by name: Beo-Beq
0 List of people by name: Ber
0 List of people by name: Bl
0 List of people by name: Bm-Bn
0 List of people by name: Bo
0 List of people by name: Br
0 List of people by name: Brb-Brd
0 List of people by name: Brj-Brn
0 List of people by name: Bro
0 List of people by name: Brp-Brt
0 List of people by name: Bu
0 List of people by name: Bv-Bx
0 List of people by name: C
0 List of people by name: Ca
0 List of people by name: Car
0 List of people by name: Cb
0 List of people by name: Cc
0 List of people by name: Cd
0 List of people by name: Cf
0 List of people by name: Cg
0 List of people by name: Ch
0 List of people by name: Cha
0 List of people by name: Cj
0 List of people by name: Ck
0 List of people by name: Cl
0 List of people by name: Clb-Cld
0 List of people by name: Cm
0 List of people by name: Cn
0 List of people by name: Co
0 List of people by name: Con
0 List of people by name: Cons
0 List of people by name: Cp-Cq
0 List of people by name: D
0 List of people by name: Da
0 List of people by name: Db-Dd
0 List of people by name: De
0 List of people by name: Do
0 List of people by name: E
0 List of people by name: F
0 List of people by name: Fa
0 List of people by name: Fb-Fd
0 List of people by name: Ff
0 List of people by name: Fg
0 List of people by name: Fh
0 List of people by name: Fi
0 List of people by name: Fj
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0 List of people by name: Fs
0 List of people by name: Ft
0 List of people by name: G
0 List of people by name: Ga
0 List of people by name: Gab
0 List of people by name: Gabs-Gabz
0 List of people by name: Ge
0 List of people by name: Go
0 List of people by name: Gp-Gq
0 List of people by name: Gr
0 List of people by name: Grb-Grd
0 List of people by name: Gre
0 List of people by name: Grf-Grh
0 List of people by name: H
0 List of people by name: Ha
0 List of people by name: Ham
0 List of people by name: Har
0 List of people by name: Hb-Hd
0 List of people by name: He
0 List of people by name: Hf-Hh
0 List of people by name: Ho
0 List of people by name: Hp-Hq
0 List of people by name: Ht
0 List of people by name: Hu
0 List of people by name: Hv
0 List of people by name: Hw
0 List of people by name: Hx
0 List of people by name: Hz
0 List of people by name: I
0 List of people by name: J
0 List of people by name: Ja
0 List of people by name: Jb-Jd
0 List of people by name: Jj-Jn
0 List of people by name: Jo
0 List of people by name: Jp-Jt
0 List of people by name: K
0 List of people by name: Kb-Kd
0 List of people by name: Ke
0 List of people by name: Kf-Kg
0 List of people by name: Kk
0 List of people by name: Kp-Kq
0 List of people by name: Ks-Kt
0 List of people by name: L
0 List of people by name: La
0 List of people by name: Lb-Ld
0 List of people by name: Le
0 List of people by name: Lf-Lg
0 List of people by name: Li
0 List of people by name: Lk
0 List of people by name: Lm-Ln
0 List of people by name: Lp-Lt
0 List of people by name: Lz
0 List of people by name: M
0 List of people by name: Ma
0 List of people by name: Mac
0 List of people by name: Mar
0 List of people by name: Mc
0 List of people by name: Md
0 List of people by name: Me
0 List of people by name: Mi
0 List of people by name: Mo
0 List of people by name: Mu
0 List of people by name: N
0 List of people by name: Nb-Nc
0 List of people by name: O
0 List of people by name: P
0 List of people by name: Pa
0 List of people by name: Pb-Pd
0 List of people by name: Pe
0 List of people by name: R
0 List of people by name: Rb-Rd
0 List of people by name: Rf-Rg
0 List of people by name: Ri
0 List of people by name: Rj-Rn
0 List of people by name: Ro
0 List of people by name: Rp-Rt
0 List of people by name: Rv-Rx
0 List of people by name: S
0 List of people by name: Sa
0 List of people by name: Sc
0 List of people by name: Sch
0 List of people by name: Sd
0 List of people by name: Sh
0 List of people by name: Shb-Shd
0 List of people by name: Si
0 List of people by name: Sm
0 List of people by name: St
0 List of people by name: Ste
0 List of people by name: Stp-Stq
0 List of people by name: Sts-Stt
0 List of people by name: T
0 List of people by name: Ta
0 List of people by name: Tay
0 List of people by name: Tf-Tg
0 List of people by name: Th
0 List of people by name: Thb-Thd
0 List of people by name: Thf-Thh
0 List of people by name: Thj-Thn
0 List of people by name: Tho
0 List of people by name: V
0 List of people by name: Va
0 List of people by name: Van
0 List of people by name: W
0 List of people by name: Wa
0 List of people by name: Wb-Wc
0 List of people by name: We
0 List of people by name: Wf-Wg
0 List of people by name: Wi
0 List of people by name: Wil
0 List of people by name: Z
1 List of people by name: Bp-Bq
1 List of people by name: Bs-Bt
1 List of people by name: Cs-Ct
1 List of people by name: Cv-Cx
1 List of people by name: Fm
1 List of people by name: Gs-Gt
1 List of people by name: Gv
1 List of people by name: Hao-Haq
1 List of people by name: Hs
1 List of people by name: Ia
1 List of people by name: Ie-If
1 List of people by name: Ih
1 List of people by name: Iw
1 List of people by name: Jv-Jz
1 List of people by name: Km
1 List of people by name: Lj
1 List of people by name: Mf-Mh
1 List of people by name: Mj
1 List of people by name: Mk
1 List of people by name: Mm-Mn
1 List of people by name: name Bar
1 List of people by name: name E
1 List of people by name: name I
1 List of people by name: name J
1 List of people by name: name K
1 List of people by name: name Mi
1 List of people by name: name Mo
1 List of people by name: name P
1 List of people by name: name T
1 List of people by name: name Van
1 List of people by name: Nj
1 List of people by name: Nz
1 List of people by name: Rz
1 List of people by name: Sb
1 List of people by name: Stf-Sth
1 List of people by name: Taz
1 List of people by name: Tj
1 List of people by name: Wd
1 List of people by name: Zb-Zc
1 List of people by name: Zd
2 List of people by name: Aj
2 List of people by name: Bem
2 List of people by name: Brox-Broz
2 List of people by name: Consu-Consz
2 List of people by name: Ee
2 List of people by name: Eo
2 List of people by name: Gb-Gd
2 List of people by name: Gz
2 List of people by name: Jf-Jh
2 List of people by name: Lh
2 List of people by name: Lv-Lx
2 List of people by name: name Bo
2 List of people by name: name C
2 List of people by name: name M
2 List of people by name: Pf-Pg
2 List of people by name: Ps
2 List of people by name: Sj
2 List of people by name: Tk-Tn
2 List of people by name: Tv
2 List of people by name: Vam
3 List of people by name: Ao
3 List of people by name: Aq
3 List of people by name: Aw
3 List of people by name: Df-Dh
3 List of people by name: Dj-Dn
3 List of people by name: Dw
3 List of people by name: Gaa
3 List of people by name: Id
3 List of people by name: Io
3 List of people by name: Ix-Iz
3 List of people by name: Kj
3 List of people by name: Mb
3 List of people by name: Ml
3 List of people by name: Mp-Mt
3 List of people by name: name F
3 List of people by name: name Ham
3 List of people by name: name Le
3 List of people by name: Nd
3 List of people by name: Nk-Nn
3 List of people by name: Np-Nt
3 List of people by name: Peu-Pez
3 List of people by name: Stb-Std
3 List of people by name: Taya-Tayk
3 List of people by name: Thoa-Thol
3 List of people by name: Vv-Vz
3 List of people by name: Zf-Zg
3 List of people by name: Zp-Zt
3 List of people by name: Zv
3 List of people by name: Zx-Zz
4 List of people by name: Ax
4 List of people by name: Bom
4 List of people by name: Dv
4 List of people by name: Ef
4 List of people by name: Gm-Gn
4 List of people by name: Hox-Hoz
4 List of people by name: Ip-Iq
4 List of people by name: name Li
4 List of people by name: name Ma
4 List of people by name: Riw-Riz
4 List of people by name: Stv-Stz
4 List of people by name: Taym-Tayz
4 List of people by name: Tb-Td
4 List of people by name: Tz
5 List of people by name: Ek
5 List of people by name: Mia-Mib
5 List of people by name: Ria-Rib
5 List of people by name: Roa
5 List of people by name: Stj-Stn
5 List of people by name: Wj-Wn
6 List of people by name: Gf-Gh
6 List of people by name: Gy
6 List of people by name: Heo-Heq
6 List of people by name: Hj-Hn
6 List of people by name: Ii-Ik
6 List of people by name: Im
6 List of people by name: Mao-Maq
6 List of people by name: name Hu
6 List of people by name: Sr-Ss
7 List of people by name: Ala
7 List of people by name: Anu-Anz
7 List of people by name: Bj-Bk
7 List of people by name: Lex-Lez
7 List of people by name: Sci-Scn
7 List of people by name: Vs-Vu
8 List of people by name: Et
8 List of people by name: Gw-Gx
8 List of people by name: Hr
8 List of people by name: Ic
8 List of people by name: Kv-Kz
9 List of people by name: name or prefix Da
9 List of people by name: Pes
9 List of people by name: Pt
9 List of people by name: Pv-Pz
9 List of people by name: Wet-Wez
9 List of people by name: Zj-Zn
10 List of people by name: Gaba-Gabq
10 List of people by name: Il
10 List of people by name: name Tay
10 List of people by name: Sn
10 List of people by name: Vp-Vr
10 List of people by name: Zw
11 List of people by name: Ep-Eq
11 List of people by name: Ew
11 List of people by name: Ig
11 List of people by name: It
11 List of people by name: Jot-Joz
11 List of people by name: Maa-Mab
11 List of people by name: Nv-Ny
11 List of people by name: Smj-Smz
12 List of people by name: Az
12 List of people by name: Ib
12 List of people by name: prefix St
12 List of people by name: Scp-Scz
13 List of people by name: Nf-Nh
13 List of people by name: Sv
13 List of people by name: Weo-Wer
14 List of people by name: Cz
14 List of people by name: Eg
14 List of people by name: Ex-Ez
14 List of people by name: Ji
14 List of people by name: Joi-Jom
14 List of people by name: Rh
14 List of people by name: Tw-Tx
14 List of people by name: Vaa-Vak
15 List of people by name: Eh
15 List of people by name: Hamn-Hamz
16 List of people by name: Sf-Sg
16 List of people by name: Sma-Smh
16 List of people by name: Sz
16 List of people by name: Thi
17 List of people by name: Af
17 List of people by name: Ah
17 List of people by name: Brv-Brz
17 List of people by name: Dx-Dz
17 List of people by name: Eb
18 List of people by name: Ec
18 List of people by name: Jaa-Jab
18 List of people by name: Sca-Scg
19 List of people by name: Bf-Bh
19 List of people by name: Hy
19 List of people by name: Wea
20 List of people by name: Aa
20 List of people by name: Ara
20 List of people by name: Cont-Conz
20 List of people by name: Maru-Marz
20 List of people by name: name Ho
20 List of people by name: Vj-Vn
21 List of people by name: Ak
21 List of people by name: Cy
21 List of people by name: Em
21 List of people by name: X
22 List of people by name: Consa-Conss
22 List of people by name: Gabr
22 List of people by name: Iu-Iv
22 List of people by name: Nu
22 List of people by name: Ts-Tt
22 List of people by name: Wu
23 List of people by name: Zo
24 List of people by name: Ae
24 List of people by name: Av
25 List of people by name: Joo-Jor
25 List of people by name: Riv
25 List of people by name: Sy
25 List of people by name: Tha
25 List of people by name: Thp-Thz
25 List of people by name: Wen
26 List of people by name: Com
27 List of people by name: Alc-Ald
27 List of people by name: Ay
27 List of people by name: Jos
27 List of people by name: name Go
28 List of people by name: Ana-Anc
28 List of people by name: Greh-Grez
28 List of people by name: prefix D
28 List of people by name: Wam-Waq
29 List of people by name: Ai
29 List of people by name: Boo-Boq
29 List of people by name: Geo
29 List of people by name: Ir
29 List of people by name: Ll
30 List of people by name: Hai-Hak
30 List of people by name: Sk
30 List of people by name: Thon-Thoz
32 List of people by name: Vana-Vanz
32 List of people by name: Zi
33 List of people by name: Daw-Daz
33 List of people by name: Ea
33 List of people by name: Gac-Gak
33 List of people by name: Hau-Hav
33 List of people by name: Haw-Hax
33 List of people by name: Maca-Macc
33 List of people by name: Mua-Muk
33 List of people by name: Mum-Muq
34 List of people by name: Zh
35 List of people by name: Chs-Chz
35 List of people by name: Jad-Jal
35 List of people by name: Mv-Mz
35 List of people by name: Wel-Wem
36 List of people by name: Ci
37 List of people by name: Is
38 List of people by name: Ei-Ej
38 List of people by name: Joa-Jog
38 List of people by name: Schm
38 List of people by name: Zu
41 List of people by name: By-Bz
42 List of people by name: Gj-Gl
42 List of people by name: Haa
42 List of people by name: Sio-Siz
42 List of people by name: Ty
42 List of people by name: Wia-Wik
43 List of people by name: Ap
43 List of people by name: Eu
43 List of people by name: Gon
43 List of people by name: Pj-Pn
43 List of people by name: Sti
44 List of people by name: Arb
44 List of people by name: Kn
45 List of people by name: Macd
45 List of people by name: Mid-Mik
45 List of people by name: Mus-Muz
45 List of people by name: Ze
46 List of people by name: Gam-Gaq
46 List of people by name: Gar
47 List of people by name: Goo-Goq
47 List of people by name: Hag-Hah
48 List of people by name: Bas
48 List of people by name: En
48 List of people by name: Fit-Fiz
48 List of people by name: Has-Hat
48 List of people by name: In
48 List of people by name: Leo
48 List of people by name: Wr-Wt
48 List of people by name: Wv-Wz
49 List of people by name: Ag
49 List of people by name: Jam
49 List of people by name: May-Maz
49 List of people by name: Pu
49 List of people by name: Stew-Stez
50 List of people by name: Dao-Dau
50 List of people by name: How
50 List of people by name: Val
51 List of people by name: Ane-Ans
51 List of people by name: Hes-Hez
51 List of people by name: Step
52 List of people by name: Andf-Andz
52 List of people by name: At
52 List of people by name: Hab-Haf
52 List of people by name: Stu
53 List of people by name: Hama-Haml
53 List of people by name: Kh
53 List of people by name: Pam-Paq
54 List of people by name: Es
54 List of people by name: Ev
54 List of people by name: Greg
54 List of people by name: Mau-Max
54 List of people by name: Steq-Steu
55 List of people by name: Bars-Barz
55 List of people by name: Mul
55 List of people by name: Schi-Schl
56 List of people by name: Bes-Bez
56 List of people by name: Chas-Chaz
56 List of people by name: Cle
56 List of people by name: Er
57 List of people by name: Clf-Clz
57 List of people by name: Lep-Leu
57 List of people by name: Sco
57 List of people by name: Sw-Sx
57 List of people by name: Vao-Vaz
58 List of people by name: Const
58 List of people by name: Gea-Gen
59 List of people by name: Chr
59 List of people by name: Hamm
59 List of people by name: Pal
60 List of people by name: Bol
60 List of people by name: Bor
60 List of people by name: Bru
60 List of people by name: Carr
60 List of people by name: Ce
60 List of people by name: Char
60 List of people by name: Dan
60 List of people by name: Ju
60 List of people by name: Lew
60 List of people by name: Sav-Saz
60 List of people by name: Web
61 List of people by name: Cona-Conr
61 List of people by name: Dp-Dt
61 List of people by name: Gas-Gaz
61 List of people by name: Lee
62 List of people by name: Ant
62 List of people by name: Lev
62 List of people by name: The
63 List of people by name: Schn-Scho
64 List of people by name: Alb
64 List of people by name: Scha-Schh
64 List of people by name: Sl
65 List of people by name: Lia-Lim
65 List of people by name: Rot-Roz
66 List of people by name: Chap-Chaq
66 List of people by name: Gri
66 List of people by name: Hay-Haz
67 List of people by name: Ac
68 List of people by name: Bam-Baq
68 List of people by name: Kl
68 List of people by name: Mas
68 List of people by name: Mic
68 List of people by name: Ot-Oz
69 List of people by name: Au
69 List of people by name: Gal
69 List of people by name: Hars-Harz
69 List of people by name: Mars
69 List of people by name: Waa-Wak
70 List of people by name: Gep-Gez
70 List of people by name: Gor
70 List of people by name: Pau-Paz
70 List of people by name: Wec-Wek
71 List of people by name: Sin
72 List of people by name: Lin
72 List of people by name: Lio-Liz
72 List of people by name: Mes-Mez
73 List of people by name: Ku
74 List of people by name: Ed
75 List of people by name: Mat
75 List of people by name: Wila-Wilk
75 List of people by name: Wilm-Wilz
76 List of people by name: Alm-Alz
76 List of people by name: Q
77 List of people by name: Sia-Sik
77 List of people by name: Sto
78 List of people by name: Don
78 List of people by name: Mur
78 List of people by name: Za
79 List of people by name: Alf-Alk
79 List of people by name: Wes
81 List of people by name: Moa-Mom
81 List of people by name: Ry
82 List of people by name: Bon
83 List of people by name: Am
83 List of people by name: Bat
83 List of people by name: Jan-Jaz
83 List of people by name: Mara-Marh
84 List of people by name: Bea
84 List of people by name: Lao-Lat
84 List of people by name: Moo-Moq
84 List of people by name: Pas-Pat
84 List of people by name: War
85 List of people by name: Chaa-Chao
85 List of people by name: Han
85 List of people by name: Mer
85 List of people by name: Sao-Sau
85 List of people by name: She
86 List of people by name: prefix Van
86 List of people by name: Saj-Sam
87 List of people by name: Gos-Goz
88 List of people by name: Harr
88 List of people by name: Hom-Hoq
90 List of people by name: Bos-Bou
90 List of people by name: Stea-Steo
90 List of people by name: Te
91 List of people by name: Boa-Bok
91 List of people by name: Ric
92 List of people by name: As
92 List of people by name: Bus-Buz
93 List of people by name: Cor
93 List of people by name: Mos-Moz
93 List of people by name: Ros
93 List of people by name: Str
94 List of people by name: All
95 List of people by name: Chb-Che
95 List of people by name: Shf-Shz
95 List of people by name: Stev
96 List of people by name: Faa-Fal
96 List of people by name: Lea-Led
96 List of people by name: Saa-Sai
96 List of people by name: Vo
97 List of people by name: Ale
97 List of people by name: Frf-Frz
98 List of people by name: Ph
99 List of people by name: Ly
99 List of people by name: Mari-Marr
102 List of people by name: Mace-Macz
102 List of people by name: Rid-Riu
103 List of people by name: Bov-Boz
103 List of people by name: Her
104 List of people by name: Hen
104 List of people by name: Kr
104 List of people by name: Paa-Pak
106 List of people by name: Can-Caq
106 List of people by name: Coo-Coq
107 List of people by name: Per
108 List of people by name: Del
108 List of people by name: Jac
108 List of people by name: Kem-Kez
108 List of people by name: Lef-Len
108 List of people by name: Sil-Sim
110 List of people by name: Fra-Frd
111 List of people by name: Barr
111 List of people by name: Fis
112 List of people by name: Grea-Gref
112 List of people by name: Hara-Harq
112 List of people by name: Ti
113 List of people by name: Daa-Dam
114 List of people by name: Fia-Fir
114 List of people by name: Fu-Fz
115 List of people by name: Bau-Baz
115 List of people by name: Chf-Chq
115 List of people by name: Hal
115 List of people by name: Je
115 List of people by name: Mim-Miz
115 List of people by name: U
116 List of people by name: Cos-Coz
116 List of people by name: Lau-Laz
116 List of people by name: Mil
117 List of people by name: Cam
117 List of people by name: Fl
117 List of people by name: Was-Waz
118 List of people by name: Coa-Cok
118 List of people by name: Hol
118 List of people by name: Hor-Hov
118 List of people by name: Pet
119 List of people by name: Hoa-Hok
120 List of people by name: El
122 List of people by name: Beb-Bek
122 List of people by name: Bla
122 List of people by name: Fam-Faz
122 List of people by name: Lu
122 List of people by name: Man
122 List of people by name: Mon
123 List of people by name: Bern-Berz
123 List of people by name: Cla
123 List of people by name: Dea-Dek
123 List of people by name: Fre
124 List of people by name: Ad
124 List of people by name: Broa-Brov
124 List of people by name: Dem-Deq
124 List of people by name: Goa-Gom
124 List of people by name: Grj-Grz
125 List of people by name: Vb-Vh
126 List of people by name: Der-Dez
128 List of people by name: Cara-Carq
129 List of people by name: Ab
129 List of people by name: Jon
130 List of people by name: Pea-Peq
132 List of people by name: Laa-Lam
132 List of people by name: Pp-Pr
132 List of people by name: Sp-Sq
133 List of people by name: San
133 List of people by name: Schp-Schz
133 List of people by name: Su
134 List of people by name: Col
134 List of people by name: Tu
137 List of people by name: Dav
137 List of people by name: Wh
138 List of people by name: Ol-Oo
139 List of people by name: Cu
140 List of people by name: Ru
140 List of people by name: Wim-Wiz
141 List of people by name: Bel
142 List of people by name: Hun-Huz
143 List of people by name: Bua-Buq
143 List of people by name: Cars-Carz
143 List of people by name: Ni
143 List of people by name: Vi
144 List of people by name: Gra
145 List of people by name: Blb-Blz
146 List of people by name: Hua-Hum
147 List of people by name: Sta
149 List of people by name: No
151 List of people by name: Hea-Hem
151 List of people by name: Na
152 List of people by name: Bera-Berm
152 List of people by name: So
155 List of people by name: Bre-Bri
155 List of people by name: Doa-Dom
155 List of people by name: Kea-Kel
155 List of people by name: Tp-Tr
158 List of people by name: Ande
158 List of people by name: Rob
161 List of people by name: Mea-Meq
161 List of people by name: Par
162 List of people by name: Doo-Doz
163 List of people by name: Mcg-Mcz
164 List of people by name: Brow
167 List of people by name: Bra
167 List of people by name: Bur
167 List of people by name: Oa-Ok
167 List of people by name: Sha
170 List of people by name: Hi
170 List of people by name: Mart
170 List of people by name: Mca-Mcf
170 List of people by name: Pi
170 List of people by name: Tayl
172 List of people by name: Lan
172 List of people by name: Taa-Tax
174 List of people by name: Cas-Caz
176 List of people by name: Di
176 List of people by name: Ko
176 List of people by name: Po
178 List of people by name: Fe
179 List of people by name: To
180 List of people by name: Gi
181 List of people by name: Ki
183 List of people by name: Wo-Wq
184 List of people by name: Arc-Arz
184 List of people by name: Op-Os
188 List of people by name: Baa-Baj
189 List of people by name: Ben
189 List of people by name: Bi
191 List of people by name: Bak-Bal
196 List of people by name: Caa-Cal
198 List of people by name: Du
200 List of people by name: Roc-Ror
204 List of people by name: Cr
206 List of people by name: Y
208 List of people by name: Bara-Barq
208 List of people by name: Gu
211 List of people by name: Smi
213 List of people by name: prefix De
213 List of people by name: Thom
213 List of people by name: Will
214 List of people by name: Wal
218 List of people by name: Mor
220 List of people by name: Mad-Mam
235 List of people by name: Fo
236 List of people by name: Ra
236 List of people by name: Re
238 List of people by name: Se
257 List of people by name: Joh
269 List of people by name: Ne
270 List of people by name: Ka
286 List of people by name: Lo