User:JK the unwise/Feb15

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This is a page for me to collect to gether information that I will try to use in the February 15, 2003 anti-war protest page.

[edit] Info

[edit] March routes

[edit] Insurrection: The Citizen Challenge to Corporate Power

by Kevin Danaher, Jason Dove Mark

The most dramatic and inspiring example of grassroots globalization occured in Febuary 2003, when more then 10 million people around the world came together to protest the Bush administration's war on Iraq. ... In snowy Minneapolis nearly 10,000 people streamed throught the cities downtown. ... The worldwide protests were made possible by globaliziation. These were wired demonstrations, organized and planned through the World Wide Web. But make no mistake-this was not your CEO's globalization. The peace demonstrations represented, not a globalisation of commerce, but a globazation of conscience.
