Jillian (comics)

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Jillian is a fictional character, a mutant in the Marvel Comics Universe. Her first appearance was in Uncanny X-Men #429.

Jillian is a servant of Azazel, the father of the X-Men's Nightcrawler. She is capable of flight and carries a spear.

Jillian, Yidrazil and others accompanied Azazel as they were teleported to his island on Earth. There, they encountered the X-Men, who had come looking for Nightcrawler. In the middle of this confrontation, Jillian, Azazel, and the others were sent back to their dimension, with the X-Men not far behind. In a standoff with the mutant team, Jillian, who is contemptuous against angels, attacked Archangel. She was fought off and beaten back by Husk and Nightcrawler.

[edit] Powers

Has heightened aerial agility and reflexes, bat-like leather wings allowing her to fly.