Wikipedia:Jewish Encyclopedia topics/O

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[edit] Section 1

  1. Oak and Terebinth JE The Hebrew terms calling for consideration here are: "elah" (Gen. xxxv. 4; Judges vi. 11, 19, and elsewhere); "el" (only ......
  2. Oath JE The Hebrew terms for "oath," "alah" and "shebu'ah," are used interchangeably in the Old Testament (comp. Gen. xxiv. 8 and ......
  3. Obadiah JE The name of thirteen different persons mentioned in the Bible. As vocalized in the Masoretic text, it means "worshiper of ......
  4. [Book of Obadiah]] JE This book, which bears the title "The Vision of Obadiah," consists of but twenty-one verses, which are devoted to a ......
  5. Obadiah ("Herald of the Messiah") JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  6. Obadiah di Bertinoro JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  7. Obadiah ben David B. Obadiah JE Commentator; born in 1325, according to Azulai ("Shem ha-Gedolim," i. 76); in 1341, according to Steinschneider ("Cat. Bodl." col. 2075, ......
  8. Obadiah ben Jacob Sforno JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  9. Obed JE 1. Son of Boaz by Ruth, the daughter of Naomi. He was named, curiously enough, by Naomi's neighbors, and not ......
  10. Obed-Edom JE A Gittite to whose house the Ark was taken when removed from that of Abinadab in Gibeah. It remained with ......
  11. Meïr Obornik (Obernik) JE Biurist and one of the Me'assefim; born in 1764; died at Vienna Nov. 6, 1805. Obornik contributed to the "Meassef" ......
  12. Ocaña JE Town of Castile which had a Jewish community at an early date. When the Jews, who had previously enjoyed full ......
  13. The Occident and American Jewish Advocate JE Periodical published in Philadelphia by Isaac Leeser. It appeared first in April, 1843, and was continued as a monthly until ......
  14. Occupations JE The ancient Hebrews were farmers, fishermen, artisans, etc., very seldom merchants. Solomon's endeavors to stimulate commerce among them bore no ......
  15. Samuel Oceda JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  16. Ochlah We-Ochlah JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  17. Adolph Simon Ochs JE American journalist and newspaper publisher and proprietor; born March 12, 1858, at Cincinnati; educated at the common schools of Knoxville, ......
  18. George Washington Ochs JE American journalist; born in Cincinnati Oct. 20, 1861; brother of Adolph S. Ochs; educated at the University of Tennessee. Ochs ......
  19. Siegfried Ochs JE German conductor and composer; born at Frankfort-on-the-Main April 19, 1858. He first studied medicine and chemistry at the Polytechnikum of ......
  20. Odeka JE Initial word of Ps. cxviii. 21 (See Hallel), marking the point where the antiphony of alternate verses between two choirs ......
  21. Odenathus JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  22. Odessa JE City on the northwestern shore of the Black Sea, forming with the adjoining region a separate district. It has been ......
  23. Oedenburg (Sopron)(Sopron) JE Hungarian city, capital of the district of the same name. Its Jewish community, according to a document of 1526, dates ......
  25. Œnomaus of Gadara JE Pagan philosopher; lived during the reign of the emperor Hadrian (117-138); he belonged to the school of the younger Cynics. ......
  26. Oesterreichische Wochenschrift, Central-Organ für die Gesammten Interessen des Judentums JE Austrian weekly, founded by Deputy Dr. Josef S. Bloch to combat Austrian anti-Semitism; published at Vienna every Friday since Oct. ......
  27. Oesterreichisch-Israelitsche Union JE Austrian political society for the protection of Jewish interests, founded in 1884 on account of the victory of the anti-Semites ......
  28. Ofan (Ofannim) JE Name by which is known that part of the morning prayer in which the praise of the Lord by the ......
  29. Ofen(Buda) JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  30. Offenbach JE Town in the province of Starkenburg in the grand duchy of Hesse. When Fettmilch caused the expulsion of the Jews ......
  31. Jacques Offenbach JE Creator of French burlesque opera; born at Cologne June 21, 1819; died at Paris Oct. 5, 1880. He was a ......
  32. Solomon Tzebi Offenhausen JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  33. Offering JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  34. Og JE Amorite king of Bashan, who reigned in Ashtaroth and was conquered by Moses and Israel in the battle of Edrei ......
  35. Ohalot JE Treatise in the Mishnah and the Tosefta dealing with defilement through a dead human body, through the dead body of ...... (see Oholot
  36. Ohio JE One of the North-Central States of the United States of America; admitted to the Union in 1803. Jews did not ......
  37. Oholah JE Symbolic names of two sisters mentioned in the twenty-third chapter of Ezekiel: Oholah, the taller sister, representing Samaria, as the ......
  38. Ohole Shem Association JE Association founded in New York city Oct. 8, 1895, to promote and foster the study of Hebrew and other Semitic ......
  39. Oholiab JE Son of Ahisamach of the tribe of Dan; contemporary of Moses. He was appointed by God ("and I, behold, I ......
  40. Oholibamah JE Daughter of Anah, a descendant of Seir the Horite (Gen. xxxvi. 2, 21), and one of the three wives of ......
  41. Oil JE In the Bible olive-oil alone is mentioned, although it may be inferred from the expression "shemen zayit" that other oils ......
  42. Ointment JE See Anointment. ......
  43. Okbara and Okbarites [ NO DESCRIPTION...
  44. Oklah We-Oklah JE Old Masoretic work in which the notices and rules of the Masorah are collected; it consists of groups of rare ......
  45. Old Testament JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  46. Oldenburg JE Grand duchy of northern Germany. It includes nine Jewish communities, among which are Delmenhorst, Jever, Oldenburg, Varel, Vechta, and Wildeshausen. ......
  47. Laurence Oliphant JE English traveler, author, and politician; born at Cape Town in 1829; died at Twickenham, England, Dec. 23, 1888. He traveled ......
  48. Olive JE Evergreen tree, one of the most characteristic of Palestine. The term "zayit" is applied in the Old Testament only to ......
  49. Nicolas de Oliver y Fullana JE NO DESCRIPTION...

[edit] Section 2

  1. Solomon de Oliveryra JE Ḥakam and author; son of the Portuguese scholar David Israel de Oliveyra of Amsterdam; died May 23, 1708, at Amsterdam. ......
  2. Gustave Ollendorf JE Art critic; born at Paris March 4, 1850; died at Saint-Cloud Sept. 19, 1891. Both Gustave and his brother Paul, ......
  3. Henri Ollendroff JE French linguist; originator of the Ollendorff method of teaching modern languages; born at Rawicz, Posen, in 1802; died at Paris ......
  4. Jacob Daniel ben Abraham Olmo JE Italian rabbi and poet; born at Ferrara about 1690; died there the first day of Pentecost, 1757. He studied Talmud ......
  5. Olmütz JE City of Moravia in which Jews were living as early as the twelfth century (Maḥzor Vitry, p. 388, Berlin, 1899-1903). ......
  6. Jacob Solomon Olschwang (Levin) JE Russian Hebraist; born at Kokhanovo, government of Moghilef, May 4, 1840; died at Yekaterinoslav Jan. 17, 1896. He was a ......
  7. Isaac Wolf Olschwanger JE Russian rabbi; born at Plungian, government of Kovno, Aug. 30, 1825; died in St. Petersburg Aug. 5, 1896. He was ......
  8. Justus Olshausen JE German Orientalist; born in Hohenfelde May 9, 1800; died at Berlin Dec. 22, 1882; educated at the universities of Kiel ......
  10. Omar I (Ibn Al-Khattab) JE Second calif; succeeded Abu Bakr in 634 C.E.; assassinatedin 644. Omar I. was the great champion and organizer of Islam, ......
  11. Omen JE Occurrence or incident regarded as fore-shadowing a favorable or unfavorable issue in a certain conjuncture. The belief in prognostic signs ......
  12. 'Omer JE The Israelites were commanded after the conquest of Canaan to bring at harvest-time an 'omer of the first-fruits to the ......
  13. 'Omer JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  14. Lag Be-'Omer JE Thirty-third day in the period of the counting of the 'omer ("Lag" = V09p399002.jpg, the numerical value of which is ......
  15. Omnam Ken JE A penitential hymn in the ritual for the eve of Atonement, according to the Polish rite. The author has been ......
  16. Omniscience of God JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  17. Omri JE The first king of the fourth dynasty of the Northern Kingdom of Israel (I Kings xvi. 16-28). He is first ......
  20. Ona'ah JE Term applied to the sale of an article at so much more, or to the purchase of an article at ......
  21. Onan JE A son of Judah; he refused to enter into a levirate marriage with his sister-in-law after the death of his ......
  22. Abraham Samson Onderwijzer JE Dutch rabbi; born at Muiden (near Amsterdam) July 24, 1863; studied at the theological seminary and the University of Amsterdam ......
  23. Onias JE Name of several high priests at the time of the Second Temple. The sequence given them below is based on ......
  24. Onias (Choni) Ha-Me'aggel JE Teacher and miracle-worker; lived in the first century B.C. Tradition declares him to have been a descendant of Moses (Tan., ......
  25. Onkelos JE Tanna of the end of the first century C.E. Although the proselyte Onḳelos is frequently confounded with the proselyte Aquila ......
  26. Isaac ben Samuel Onkeneira JE Turkish Talmudist, poet, and polemical writer; flourished at Constantinople about the middle of the sixteenth century. He was a friend ......
  27. Onycha JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  28. Samuel B. Eleazar Opatow JE Rabbi of Prossnitz, Moravia, in the sixteenth century; born in Bohemia. He was the author of "Ḥiddushe V09p406001.jpg" (Prossnitz, 1602 ......
  29. Otto Opet JE German legist; born in Berlin April 1, 1866. He was formerly privat-docent in Bern, Switzerland, and at present (1904) is ......
  30. Goldener Opferpfennig JE Personal tax, for the benefit of the emperor, imposed upon the German Jews by Ludwig the Bavarian in 1342. The ......
  31. Ophel JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  32. Ophir JE District first mentioned in the Old Testament as a Joktanite or south-Arabian tribe (Gen. x. 29 et seq.), and later ......
  33. Ophites JE Collective name for several Gnostic sects which regarded the serpent (Greek, ὄφις; Hebrew, "naḥash"; hence called also Naasseni) as the ......
  34. Ophrah JE A town in Benjamin (Josh. xviii. 23) situated, according to Eusebius, five miles northeast of Beth-el, and probably identical with ......
  35. Oppeln JE City in Prussian Silesia. Although the first explicit reference to Jews at Oppeln belongs to the fourteenth century, and the ......
  36. Oppenheim JE German town in the province of Rhein-Hessen. The earliest documents relating to Jews in Oppenheim date back to the thirteenth ......
  37. Oppenheim JE German family, probably originating in the town of that name. Its best-known members are:Bernhard (Issachar Baer) Oppenheim: Austrian rabbi; born ......
  38. Abraham Oppenheim JE German rabbi; born at Mannheim; died at Hanover Nov. 2, 1786; son of Löb Oppenheim. He was for many years ......
  39. Abraham Oppenheim JE Communal leader; born at Worms; died at Heidelberg Dec. 2, 1692; son of Simon Wolf Oppenheim, brother of Samuel Oppenheim, ......
  40. Abraham Chayyim Oppenheim JE Rabbi at Péczel, Hungary, where he died at the age of twenty-eight, before 1825. He was the author of "Har ......
  41. Asher Anshel Oppenheim JE Talmudist; lived at Dessau at the beginning of the nineteenth century. He was the author of "Dibre Asher" (part i., ......
  42. David ben Abraham Oppenheim JE Austrian rabbi, cabalist, liturgist, mathematician, and bibliophile; born at Worms 1664; died at Prague Sept. 12, 1736. After studying at ......
  43. Heinrich Bernhard Oppenheim JE German jurist, economist, and deputy; born at Frankfort-on-the-Main July 20, 1819; died at Berlin March 29, 1880. He was the ......
  44. Hermann Oppenheim JE German physician; born at Berlin Jan. 1, 1858. He studied medicine at the universities of Göttingen and Bonn, taking his ......
  45. Jacques Oppenheim JE Dutch barrister; born at Gröningen March 3, 1849. Educated at the gymnasium and university of his native town, he was ......
  46. Leo Paul Oppenheim JE German naturalist; born in Berlin May 28, 1863. After graduating from the Königliche Französische Gymnasium of that city in 1882, ......
  47. Lewis Oppenheim JE English physician; born in London Dec., 1832; died there Jan. 7, 1895. He studied for the medical profession, entering as ......
  48. Moritz Daniel Oppenheim JE German genre- and portrait-painter; born of Orthodox parents at Hanau in 1801; died at Frankfort-on-the-Main Feb. 26, 1882. He received ......
  49. Morris Simeon Oppenheim JE English lawyer; born in London 1824; died there Jan. 3, 1883; son of Simeon Oppenheim, secretary of the Great Synagogue. ......
  50. Simon ben David Oppenheim JE Austrian plagiarist; born in Kromau, Moravia, 1753; died at Pest, where he was dayyan, Jan. 24, 1851. He seems to ......

[edit] Section 3

  1. Charles Oppenheimer JE British consul-general at Frankfort-on-the-Main; born at Nastätten, Nassau, 1836; died at Frankfort June 21, 1900. He received his education in ......
  2. Franz Oppenheimer JE German physician and writer; born at Berlin March 30, 1864. His father, Julius Oppenheimer, is rabbi of the Berlin Reform ......
  3. Joseph Süss Oppenheimer JE German financier; born at Heidelberg in 1698; executed at Stuttgart Feb. 4, 1738. He was the son of R. Issachar ......
  4. Samuel Oppenheimer JE German banker, imperial court factor, and diplomat; born at Heidelberg about 1635; died at Vienna May 3, 1703. He enjoyed ......
  5. Frederick Burr Opper JE American political caricaturist; born at Madison, Lake County, Ohio, Jan. 2, 1857. He attended school until fourteen years of age ......
  6. Ernst Jacob Oppert JE German merchant and traveler; born at Hamburg Dec. 5, 1832; died Sept. 19, 1903; brother of Jules Oppert. He chose ......
  7. Gustav Solomon Oppert JE German Orientalist; brother of Jules and Ernst Jacob Oppert; born at Hamburg July 30, 1836. He was educated at the ......
  8. Jules Oppert JE French Orientalist; born at Hamburg, Germany, July 9, 1825; died in Paris, Aug. 19, 1905. He was educated at the ......
  9. Optimism and Pessimism JE Philosophical and theological systems according to which this world and human life are considered as essentially good or essentially evil. ......
  10. Or Torah JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  11. Orabuena JE Spanish family; flourished in Navarre in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Many of its members were rabbis or tax-lessees. Another ......
  12. Orach Chayyim JE See Caro, Joseph. ......
  13. Oral Law JE Term used to denote the laws and statutes which, in addition to the Pentateuch, God gave to Moses. According to ......
  14. Orales JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  15. Oran JE Capital of the department which forms the western part of the French colony of Algeria; situated at the head of ......
  16. Orange JE Chief town of the department of Vaucluse, France; until 1702 capital of the small independent principality of the same name. ......
  17. Ordeal JE A form of judicial trial wherein supernatural aid was invoked in place of evidence; an appeal to the immediate judgment ......
  18. Ordinance JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  19. Ordination JE Appointment and solemn public dedication to the office of judge and teacher of the Law and to all the functions ......
  20. Oregon JE One of the Northwestern States of the United States of America; admitted into the Union in 1859.First Congregation.The first Jewish ......
  21. Oren JE A word formed by the addition of the German infinitive suffix to the Latin "ora" (="pray"). which was very familiar ......
  22. Israel Orenstein JE Russian novelist; born at Yampol, government of Podolia, 1831. At the age of twenty-one he went to Rumania, where he ......
  23. Orgaan van Nederland JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  24. Organ JE According to Jewish authorities, the organ was one of the instruments of music in the Temple. In the Authorized Version ......
  25. Orchot Tzaddikim JE Book on ethics written in Germany in the fifteenth century, entitled "Sefer ha-Middot" by the author, but called "Orḥot Ẓaddiḳim" ......
  26. Oria JE City of southern Italy, possessing one of the oldest Jewish communities in Europe. Ahimaaz ben Paltiel in his Chronicle represents ......
  27. Der Orient JE German weekly, founded by Julius Fürst, and published in Leipsic from Jan. 4, 1840, to June, 1851. Among its collaborators ......
  28. Origen JE Christian theologian; born in Alexandria about 185; died in Tyre about 254. Trained in the study of the Bible by ......
  29. Original Sin JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  30. Orion JE One of the constellations. The Septuagint translates "Kesil" in Isa. xiii. 10 and Job xxxviii. 31 by "Orion"; the Targum ......
  31. 'Orlah JE Name of a treatise in the Mishnah, Tosefta, and Yerushalmi, devoted to a consideration of the law, found in Lev. ......
  32. Orleans JE Chief city of the department of Loiret, France. Its Jewish community dates from the sixth century. The various councils which ......
  33. Ormuzd JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  34. Ornament JE The mention made in the Old Testament of numerous articles of adornment leads to the conclusion that in antiquity self-adornment ......
  35. Ornan JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  36. Abraham Philip Ornstein JE English rabbi; born in London 1836; died at Cape Town Dec. 6, 1895. He was at first a teacher in ......
  37. Jacob Meshullam Ornstein JE Galician rabbinical authority; died at Lemberg 1839. He was the son of the Lemberg rabbi Mordecai Zeeb Ornstein. Jacob Meshullam ......
  38. Mordecai Zeeb Ornstein JE Austrian rabbinic scholar; died at Lemberg Oct. 28, 1837; son of Jacob Meshullam Ornstein, rabbi of that city, by whom ......
  39. Tzebi Hirsch Ornstein JE Austrian rabbi; born at Lemberg; died there March 21, 1888; son of Mordecai Zeeb Ornstein, and grandson of Jacob Meshullam ......
  40. Orobio de Castro JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  41. Orpah JE A Moabitess; daughter-in-law of Naomi, and wife of Mahlon. After the death of her husband, Orpah and her sister-in-law Ruth ......
  42. Orphan JE A child bereft of one or both parents, more commonly the latter .—Biblical Data: The Authorized Version, in all cases ......
  43. Orsha JE Town in the government of Moghilef. Orsha is mentioned in the Russian chronicles of the eleventh century. In 1579 Isaac ......
  44. Ilya Grigoryevich Orshanski JE Russian jurist and author; born at Yekaterinoslav 1846; died there Sept. 5, 1875. He was descended from a family which ......
  45. Isaac Orshanski JE Russian physician; born in Yekaterinoslav about 1851. His early education was confined to the study of the Old Testament and ......
  46. Baruch Oser JE German ab bet din; born about 1743 at Prague; died 1822 at Hamburg. From 1783 to 1814 he was dayyan ......
  47. Leopold Oser JE Austrian physician; born at Nikolsburg, Moravia, July 27, 1839; studied medicine at Vienna University, graduating and establishing himself as a ......
  48. Marco Osimo JE Italian physician; born at Montagnana in 1818; died at Padua May 1, 1881. He received his degree in medicine at ......
  49. Daniel Osiris JE French philanthropist and art patron; born at Bordeaux July 23, 1825. For more than half a century a close friend ......
  50. Justinus Oskar JE NO DESCRIPTION...

[edit] Section 4

  1. Osnabrück JE Capital of the district of the same name in the province of Hanover, Prussia. A Jew named Jacob is mentioned ......
  2. Osnapper JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  3. Osprey JE Rendering in the English versions of the Hebrew "'ozniyyah" in the list of unclean birds in Lev. xi. 13 and ......
  4. Ossifrage JE An unclean bird, mentioned in Lev. xi. 13 and Deut. xiv. 12; the Gypaetus barbatus, commonly known as the lammergeier ......
  5. Max Osterberg JE American electrical engineer; born at Frankfort-on-the-Main June 12, 1869. He accompanied his parents to America (New York) in 1884, where ......
  6. Josephmanes Österreicher JE Hungarian physician; born at Alt-Ofen 1756; died at Vienna Dec. 14, 1831. He studied medicine, but could not practise until ......
  7. Ostrau JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  8. Ostrich JE The Hebrew term for this bird occurring most frequently in the Bible is "bat ha-ya 'anah"; the plural form "ye'enim" ......
  9. Ostrog JE Russian city in the government of Volhynia. A Jewish community was probably founded at Ostrog toward the end of the ......
  10. Moisei Yakovlevich Ostrogorski JE Russian political economist and sociologist; born in the year 1854. He is the son of a Jewish teacher at Grodno ......
  11. Samson ben Pesah Ostropoli JE Polish rabbi; martyred at Polonnoye, government of Podolia, in the Cossacks' Uprising July 15, 1648. When the Cossacks laid siege ......
  12. Ostrowo JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  13. Othniel JE One of the sons of Kenaz, according to the chronicler (I Chron. iv. 13); hence one of the Kenizzites. After ......
  14. Ottiyot de-Rabbi Akiba JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  15. Ottranto JE City of southern Italy. It was one of the oldest seats of Jewish learning in Europe, so that at an ......
  16. Henriette Ottenheimer JE German poetess; born at Stuttgart Sept. 10, 1807; died there 1883. A faithful Jewess, she was filled with the desire, ......
  17. David Ottensooser JE German author; born 1784; died May 22, 1858, at Fürth. An infant prodigy, he was an omnivorous reader from early ......
  18. Lazarus Ottensoser JE German rabbi; born at Weimarsschmieden in 1798; died at Hochstädt Aug., 1878; son of the "Cultusbeamte" Naphtali Ottensoser of Weimarsschmieden, ......
  19. Öttingen JE Former principality and county of Germany, covering about 100 square kilometers. It belonged to the two houses of Öttingen-Spielberg and ......
  20. Elijah B. Abraham B. Mordecai Ha-Levi Öttingen JE Rabbi at Wengrow, Poland, in the first half of the seventeenth century. His first work, "Berit ha-Lewi" (Lublin, 1645), is ......
  21. Öttinger JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  22. Eduard Maria Öttinger JE German writer; born at Breslau Nov. 19, 1808; died at Blasewitz, near Dresden, June 26, 1872. In 1828 he became ......
  23. Jacob Joseph Öttinger JE German rabbi; born at Glogau 1780; died at Berlin Nov. 7, 1860. A pupil of Hirsch Samose, he acquired a ......
  24. Joseph Öttinger JE Austrian physician; born at Tarnow, Galicia, May 7, 1818; died at Cracow Oct. 2, 1895. He was educated at the ......
  25. Julius Conrad Otto JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  26. Abraham Azariah (Bonajut) Ottolenghi JE Italian rabbi; born at Acqui 1776; died in 1851; brother of Israel Emanuel Ottolenghi. On the occasion of the entrance ......
  27. Donato Ottolenghi JE Italian author; born at Acqui Nov. 7, 1820; died Oct. 5, 1883, at Alessandria, Piedmont, where he had resided since ......
  28. Emilio Ottolenghi (Count of Vallepiana) JE Italian philanthropist; born at Acqui Nov. 5, 1830; since 1848 he has been a resident of Alessandria, Piedmont. In 1882 ......
  29. Giuseppe Ottolenghi JE Italian general; born at Sabbionetta, Lombardy, Dec. 26, 1838; died at Turin Nov. 2, 1904. He began the study of ......
  30. Lazzaro Ottolenghi JE Italian rabbi; born at Acqui 1820; died in Rome 1890. He occupied successively the rabbinates of Turin, Moncalvo, and (1858) ......
  31. Leonetto Ottolenghi JE Italian philanthropist; born at Asti Nov. 3, 1829; died at Pisa Feb. 20, 1904. In 1889 he rebuilt the Jewish ......
  32. Salvatore Ottolenghi JE Italian physician; born at Asti March 20, 1861. He received his education at his native town and at the University ......
  33. Joseph Ottolengo JE Italian scholar of the sixteenth century; died about 1570. He was a German by birth, but went from Ettlingen to ......
  34. Samuel David ben Jehiel Ottolengo JE Italian rabbi of the cabalistic school; flourished in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; born at Casale Monferrato; died 25th of Ab, ......
  35. Charles Narcisse Oulif JE French lawyer; born at Metz July, 1794; died in Paris March 3, 1867; educated at the Imperial Lyceum of Metz ......
  36. Leopold Óváry JE Hungarian historian; custodian of the Hungarian state archives; born at Veszprim Dec. 31, 1833. He took part in the Hungarian ......
  37. Oven JE Stoves built into a room for the purpose of heating it have always been unknown in the East. The substitute ......
  38. Overreaching JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  39. Ovruch (Ovrutch) JE District town in Volhynia. In 1629 only three houses there were owned by Jews; but a fairly large Jewish community ......
  40. Owl JE Rendering in the English versions of the following Hebrew words: "kos" (Lev. xi. 17; A. V. "little owl"); "yanshuf" (ib.; ......
  41. The Owl JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  42. Ownership JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  43. Ox JE Among the agricultural Semites the ox or bull had a sacred character. Thus in Sabea it was sacred to Athtar ......
  44. Oxford JE County town of Oxfordshire, England. According to Anthony à Wood, Jews settled there almost immediately after the Conquest. They located ......
  45. Otzar Ha-Chokmah Weha-Madda' JE NO DESCRIPTION...
  46. Otzar Nechmad JE Hebrew annual founded and published at Vienna by Ignatz Blumenthal of Brody, Galicia, in 1836. Only four volumes appeared, in ......
  47. Otzar Ha-Sifrut JE Hebrew annual devoted to Jewish literature, science, poetry, and belles-lettres; founded by Isaac Shaltiel Gräber at Yaroslav, Galicia, in 1887. ......
  48. 'Ozer ben Meïr JE Polish rabbi; died at Zolkiev May, 1710; great-grandson of Solomon Luria. 'Ozer was rabbi at Clementow. He wrote: "Eben 'Ozer ......