Jews outside Europe under Nazi occupation

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Jews outside Europe under Nazi occupation


[edit] North Africa

The "Final solution" plan aspired to destroy the Jews of North Africa also. The Jews in the states that were under French patronage hoped in the beginning of the war to get France's protection. After France's defeat in 1940 and the establishment of Vichy regime, the situation of the Jews in North Africa worsened.

[edit] Jews of Algeria

Vichy rule (that ruled in Algeria from 1940) cancelled the citizenship of the Jews and instituted the same restrictions that applied to the Jews of France (and forbid them to work for the government, to be bankers, teachers and students, and also the number of Jews permitted to work in free professions was limited). In 1941 the property of the Jews was confiscated. The suffering of the Jews of Algeria was difficult because of their previous high position in society. In 1941 some Jews joined the anti-Nazi underground. Many Jews were caught and were sent to Labor camps or were executed. The Judenrats required assistance in preparation of war materiel. In November 1942 Algeria was liberated by the United States and Great Britain. Much to the Jewish society's detriment, the American liberators collaborated with members of the Vichy government, and many of the underground Jews suffered despite their assistance to the Americans. [citation needed]In 1943 the restraints on the Jews of Algeria were cancelled.

[edit] Jews of Tunisia

Tunisia was also under Vichy rule with the same restrictions like in Morocco and Algeria. In November 1942 the control in Tunisia moved to the Germans. The Nazis established a local Judenrat, took hostages, confiscated the property of the Jews and imposed on the community heavy financial punishments. The community required to provide the needs of the German army, and the synagogue become a German storeroom. The Jews were marked with the Yellow badge, 4,000 Jews were sent to concentration camps in Tunisia and a few were sent to the extermination camps. Many Jews were murdered by means of being shot in their homes, Death Marches, hunger, diseases and bombings. Tunisia was liberated by the British in May 1943, and the persecution of the Jews ceased.

[edit] Jews of Morocco

In the summer of 1940 Morocco also moved to Vichy rule. The laws of discrimination hurt the Jews of Morocco more than Jews of Algeria and Tunisia, despite the fact that the Muslim population didn't exploit the situation to hurt the Jews. The Jews of Morocco performed forced labor under French supervision. Many Jews were murdered in cruelty, and 300 Jews were sent to Auschwitz. In November 1942 Morocco was conquered by the United States, and in June 1943 the laws that discriminated against the Jews were cancelled.

[edit] Jews of Libya

Libya was under Italian rule. The Jews suffered from anti-Semitism as a result of the tightening of the relations with Germany. During the war the Jews of Libya injured from the Italians and from the local Muslim population. From 1942 laws of racial discrimination were activated in Libya and men between the ages of 18-45 were recruited to forced labor. In February 1942 Libya was conquered by the Germans, who ordered on the transferring of the Jews to concentration camps. thousands of Jews were sent to Labor camps, and thousands died from hunger and epidemics. Hundreds of Jews, who were British and Italian subjects were sent to the extermination camps, and on the rest were cast economic restrictions.

[edit] See also

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