Jews for Judaism

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Jews for Judaism, established by Rabbi Bentzion Kravitz in 1985, is an international organization with the aim of helping Jews of all ages rediscover and strengthen their Jewish heritage. It is the largest Counter-Missionary organization in existence. It provides counseling services, education, and outreach programs to all Jewish denominations. The organization focuses on those who are Jewish according to Jewish law.

The organization is a primary response to the challenge presented by the deliberate evangelization of Jews by Christianity. The organization also concerns itself with the Messianic Judaism movement, which considers itself as a legitimate branch of Judaism, but normally maintains a belief that Jesus is a divine Messiah, which Reform Judaism, Conservative Judaism, Orthodox Judaism, and Reconstructionist Judaism all believe makes them illegitimate according to traditional Judaism, Jewish law and the Torah.

The name Jews for Judaism is a parody of Jews for Jesus, one of the principle missionary organizations it was founded to counteract.

[edit] Jews For Judaism forums

Jews For Judaism Forums serves as a home for many Noahides, practicing Jews, non-practicing Jews, and converts. The forums discuss issues pertaining to interfaith couples and help inquisitive minds answer their questions about Judaism. Additionally, there are frequent debates on the site between the members and visiting Evangelists.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links and references

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