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Jewfish is a term formerly applied to a number of species of marine fish, including:

Family Species
Glaucosomatidae (Perciformes) Weststralian dhufish Glaucosoma hebraicum
Megalopidae (Elopiformes): The tarpon (Megalops atlanticus)
Paralichthyidae (Pleuronectiformes): The summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus)
Polyprionidae (Perciformes): The giant sea bass (Stereolepis gigas); The wreckfish (Polyprion americanus)
Sciaenidae (Perciformes): The Japanese meagre (Argyrosomus japonicus)
Serranidae (Perciformes) The Warsaw grouper (Epinephelus nigritus), sometimes called the black jewfish; the Goliath grouper (Epinephelus itajara)

It was also sometimes loosely applied to various other groupers of family Serranidae.

The term red Jew could refer to either of two lutjanids (Perciformes), the crimson snapper (Lutjanus erythropterus) or the Malabar blood snapper (Lutjanus malabaricus).

In 2001 the American Fisheries Society, North America's fish-naming authority, officially renamed the jewfish, (Epinephelus itajara), the goliath grouper. The term "jewfish" is offensive to many and is no longer used in polite speech in some countries.

The name is not widely considered offensive in Australia[citation needed], and is used by fisheries and fine restaurants alike. Colloquially, it is often referred to as a jewie.

[edit] References