Jeremie Belpois

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Jeremie at Kadic.
Jeremie at Kadic.

Jeremie Belpois (also spelled Jeremy or Jérémie) is a character from the French animated television series Code Lyoko.


[edit] Description

Jeremie is the brains of the group (as he is occasionally called "Einstein"), and is thus the de facto leader of the team. He is 13 years old (after the episode "Franz Hopper"; he was 12 throughout most of the series), in grade 9, 4.82' tall, and weighs 68.3 pounds.

On Earth, Jeremie wears a light blue turtleneck sweater and khaki capris. He also has blue shoes and round glasses. He wears dark blue pajamas when he goes to sleep.

Jeremie has never been seen on Lyoko in a 3-D virtual form (he appears in a 2-D virtual form in the episode "Ghost Channel"), though he does have one. Both Odd and Ulrich described his appearance as "ridiculous". Jeremie swore never to go back after first testing the form, and the only reason he went was to ensure he would never be taken over by Xana again, so he may never be seen in it. Currently, the symbol on the back of Jeremie's Lyoko ID card has not been seen. The front of his ID card is simply a picture of his regular, 2-D face, and has a different color scheme than the others.

[edit] Discussion

Jeremie is attracted to Aelita despite her initially assumed virtual nature, finding her innocence charming. This attraction is reciprocated by Aelita. In fact, when she is materialized on Earth (in the episodes "Code: Earth" and "False Start"), he even starts romancing her.

Jeremie can be very overprotective of Aelita, which sometimes annoys and angers her. In "Déjà Vu", he asked her to stay put so he could escort her to the factory. She responded by saying she was capable of going there by herself. There are also numerous smaller incidents when he tried to keep her out of danger despite the consequences it would have for others. Also, his position as leader can sometimes go to his head, making him rather stubborn, untrusting of others, and impulsive. For example, in "Temptation" he is unwilling to listen to anyone else with regards to the return trips, though this was due in part to his irritability from using the return trips to increase his intelligence. In "Déjà Vu", he orders Aelita to hand over the interface controls to him. When she doesn't, he orders Ulrich and Yumi to drag Aelita out of Carthage out of concern for her safety. They don't comply, of course, instead dealing with the Mantas while she searches through the interface.

The affection that Jeremie feels for Aelita, despite it being of good intentions, can sometimes cloud his thinking and judgement. For example, in the episode "The Girl of the Dreams", a girl named Taelia that looks just like Aelita when materialized showed up in class. Jeremie was convinced, wrongly, that she was Aelita. Aelita had been trapped within a Guardian the entire time, which prevented communication between her and the rest of the group. Taelia was rude and mouthy (referring to Jeremie's and Odd's comments about Lyoko as "pick-up lines"), and ended up calling the police on Jeremie after he took her to the factory. Aelita was able to deactivate the tower and trigger a return trip before the cops could drag him away. Afterwards, Jeremie tried to act like he had never mistaken the two in the first place.

Despite the encouragement from his father and the rest of the group, Jeremie may be somewhat lacking in self-confidence. In "Temptation", he built a machine designed to increase his intelligence, even though he's already quite intelligent. In the first season, he told Aelita (several times) that he wonders if he's really "up to the job" (referring to her materialization program). She reassured him that he was.

[edit] Skills

Jeremie acts as the coordinator for the group, planning their missions and dealing with any unexpected bugs that might pop up. From the terminal in the lab, he can monitor their progress in Lyoko and warn them of any incoming threats. In a continuing effort to shut down Xana, Jeremie uses most of his free time to find a way to free Aelita from the supercomputer.

In the second season, he creates vehicles that enable faster travel in Lyoko, as well give a tactical advantage to those piloting them. He continues to work on an anti-virus to remove Aelita's link to the supercomputer so the group to finally shut down the supercomputer and end Xana's threat to the real world.

Jeremie is the only one that is fully-versed in all the supercomputer's functions (probably due to his innate skill in using it). Aelita has a similar amount of training, but is not nearly as capable with it as he is. The other three have taken over Jeremie's position temporarily, with less than spectacular results. Almost every incident featured some unforeseen problem. Ulrich, however, has activated two return trips without any trouble. The first time he used Jeremie's manual. He was guided over the phone by Jeremie the second time.

Jeremie's experience in Lyoko is limited. In the episode "Frontier", he tried to enter Lyoko to apologize to Aelita in person for a recent fight they had. Yumi ran the supercomputer to send him there, but made a data capture error and trapped him in a virtual limbo. He was eventually rescued through the combined efforts of the group. In "Ghost Channel", he successfully entered Lyoko to rescue Odd, Ulrich, and Yumi from captivity by Xana, but he appeared as he does in the real world. Finally, in "Mister Pück", he entered Lyoko in order to build up some resistance to Xana's possessing ghosts. He was never actually shown inside Lyoko in this case, but his performance there was suggested to be nothing special, as it is implied that he had trouble with a pair of Megatanks. After this trip, he swore never to return to Lyoko, citing the fact that he'd "never be able to hack it." His appearance in Lyoko was described by Odd and Ulrich to be "ridiculous."

[edit] Jeremie's experiments

The first Marabounta (center), surrounded by the spheres it created.
The first Marabounta (center), surrounded by the spheres it created.

In the second season, Jeremie has used information from Franz Hopper's diary and some of the more powerful functions of the supercomputer to do various experiments. Because of his lack of experience and the complicated nature of the information in the diary, his experiments often backfired and caused problems for the group.

His first experiment was the Marabounta, which was created with information from Franz Hopper's diary. It was meant to help the group fight Xana. It worked well at first, devouring every one of Xana's monsters with lethal efficiency. Unfortunately, it negated its own usefulness when it detected Aelita's link to the supercomputer and mistook her for one of Xana's monsters. When Odd fired upon it to save her, it went haywire and tried to devour all of Lyoko, starting with the Forest. Xana had to help them destroy it, though it was only concerned because it needed Aelita's memories.

The second experiment he tried was a device he built that increases intelligence with each return trip (according to a video diary made by him that Aelita hacked into). It worked, but negated its own usefulness by making him careless. It also made him irritable and almost hateful towards his friends, even Aelita. His carelessness caused him to do all of his calculations incorrectly, making his progress worthless. It also caused physical and mental damage with repeated use. This manifested itself as a recurring dream in which Jeremie was walking, then running, down a long white corridor. As he ran, darkness began to engulf the hallway, eventually covering everything in sight, except for a white flash of light at the end of the corridor. It eventually left him in a sleep-like state, due to the damage to his mind. It was only through Yumi's pleading that he found a way out of the darkness and woke up from his dream. After the ordeal, he destroys the machine and swears off using the diary, knowing that its mysteries are beyond his understanding.

In another experiment, Jeremie learned how to activate towers like Xana. His activated towers turn green instead of Xana's trademark red. He can use these to create ghosts similar to Xana's. The ghosts he creates increase the abilities of those they possess but don't control them. Forced to test this ahead of schedule due to the possessed Yolande Perraudin, the school nurse, kidnapping Aelita, he tested it on Odd, who volunteered. This was actually his most successful experiment, but he lost control of it to Xana after a short time. Once Xana had control of it, it reversed the ghost's effect to cause it to drain all of Odd's energy, which would have resulted in Odd's death had Aelita not deactivated the tower in time.

In the episode "Revelation", Jeremie activated another tower in an attempt to decipher Franz Hopper's diary. Xana had planned for this, and replaced Odd with a polymorphic clone. The clone was then sent to Lyoko. As the tower deciphered the data, Xana attempted to take it over. Xana's attempt combined with the sheer volume of data being deciphered caused the system to lock, leaving Aelita and Jeremie unable to stop the process. On top of that, the tower was still linked to the restricted access portion of the supercomputer. If Xana succeeded in taking it over, not only would the diary be deleted, but all the data pertaining to the outfits, weapons, skills, vehicles, and the materialization program would be deleted, too. The polymorphic clone managed to devirtualize Yumi, but was then defeated by Ulrich. Ulrich was then devirtualized by a Tarantula. It seemed as if Xana would succeed, but Franz Hopper took over the tower to prevent that from happening. Franz's taking over of the tower also enabled Jeremie to complete the decoding of his diary.

Jeremie ran two more experiments in the third season to further benefit the team. The first experiment was in "Triple Trouble". Jeremie programmed the ability to teleport for Odd who was, at the time, complaining over his lack of special powers. While the ability proved sucessful, it left copies of Odd in the places where he teleported from. After trying it twice, Jeremie devirtualized Odd to go over what went wrong, but ended up devirtualizing his clones as well, leaving the group with a total of three Odds. Jeremie later recombined them through virtualization. Although he later fixed the program after a return trip, Odd decided against Jeremie readding the ability, believing himself to be strong enough.

In "Nobody in Particular" Jeremie had begun working on a program that would enable the gang to virtualize into Carthage directly. On his first run of the program, Ulrich was sent to test the program, but a bug in the procedure left Ulrich's mind in a noncorporeal from while his body was sent to Lyoko and possessed by Xana. It was later recovered through the scanners. After Xana finished deleting all four sectors of Lyoko in "Double Trouble", Jeremie had finally perfected the program and was able to send the group to Carthage directly in "Final Round". Unfortunately, the destruction of Sector 5 and the realm of Lyoko proved this to be a temporary success.

[edit] Trivia

  • Jeremie's name is sometimes spelled "Jeremy." This is especially prevalent in the small transition clips in the show. Both are accepted as correct due to localization.
  • When travelling to the factory through the sewers, Jeremie uses a scooter.
  • Jeremie's name may come from Jeremie Pepin, one of the people responsible for making Garage Kids.
  • Jeremie is the least physically developed member on the team (due to skipping PE periodically in school), but is also one of their most important members. Jeremie is the only one who knows how to operate the Supercomputer, and often makes much of the tactical decisions for the group.
  • On three occasions, Jeremie has proven to be a good swimmer: Laughing Fit, Déjà Vu, and Double Trouble. On at least one occasion, Code: Earth, he has proven himself to be a fast runner, too.
  • Though Jeremie normally operates the supercomputer, others have done so on occasion, usually causing trouble when doing so.
    • Odd has run the supercomputer twice, in the second season episode "Is Anybody Out There?" and the third season episode "The Pretender". In "Is Anybody Out There?", all he did was call up the Transport Orb for Aelita and had it drop her off at the activated tower. He took the coordinates a bit too literally, however, and dropped her off right in front of the two Tarantulas guarding it. In "The Pretender," Jeremie had been knocked unconscious due to being attacked by Xana-possessed crows. Odd had to reprogram Ulrich's sword because Hornets devirtualized it. He seemed to have succeeded, until it devirtualized when grabbed by Ulrich. He then gave up and awakened Jeremie.
    • Ulrich has had less experience, but much better luck in comparison. He has successfully done two time reversions. The first time was in response to the news that Yumi might be moving back to Japan. Ulrich got the lottery numbers for that day and activated a return trip, using Jeremie's manual for instruction, so he could win the jackpot. When the others learned about this, they ousted Ulrich from the group until he could think about what he did wrong. The second time was done with Jeremie giving directions over the phone.
    • Yumi has had the most experience on the supercomputer, as well as the worst luck. She tried twice in the first season; once in "Plagued" and again in "Frontier". The first time she dropped Odd and Ulrich in the wrong place in the Desert sector. The second time she left Jeremie trapped in a virtual limbo. She was able to successfully virtualize Ulrich later in the same episode, with guidance from Aelita.
  • Jeremie appeared in the precursor to Code Lyoko called Garage Kids. His role is the same as it is in Code Lyoko.
  • Jeremie's voice changed quite noticeably during the course of the show. Near the beginning, it was quite high, but by the middle of the first season, it became a bit lower (not necessarily deepened) and developed a bit of an accent. This new voice carried into the second season. This is because in the beginning Sharon Mann, the voice actress for Jeremie and Aelita, along with the other English actors, tried to imitate the French voices, as they weren't sure that they would get the show. Once it was confirmed the show would go to the English speakers, she (over time) changed the voice to the way it is now. In the first season episode "Holiday in the Fog", Jeremie made his voice low, like his voice in the second season, when he was comically imitating Jim, which got him into trouble (he was previously punished for spraypainting graffiti on the school grounds, trying to get in trouble so he could stay at Kadic over the break in case of a Xana attack). In the third season, his voice is a combination and balance between the two voices.
  • In the second season, Xana's anger focus seems to have shifted from Yumi to Jeremie. Whenever Xana uses possession, he has his puppet either render Jeremie unconscious or tries to strangle him. In "Franz Hopper", Xana blocked Jeremie's airways and tried to choke him from the inside.
  • In "Image Problem", Xana created a clone of Yumi. During the episode, that clone attempted to seduce Jeremie, causing Ulrich to become heartbroken. The real Yumi did the same as a joke at the end of the episode.
  • In "Cruel Dilemma", it's discovered that Jeremie forbids any sugary substance on his computer, especially the keyboard, because sugar can damage it.
  • In "Frontier", when Jeremie is accidentally trapped in the virtual limbo between Lyoko and Earth, his mind melded with Aelita's, causing her to hear his thoughts. Near the end of the episode, Jeremie sees Aelita face-to-face for the first time inside the limbo. They reach out to each other and their fingers touch, which sends him back to Earth and separates his mind from hers. Just before the separation happens, the two have a moment of clarity, clearing up any doubt of the feelings they hold for each other.
  • In "Mister Pück", Xana possessed Jeremie. While possessed, he attempted to deliver Aelita to the Scyphozoa. When deterred by Odd, he nearly kills him on several occasions by shocking him. To Odd's credit, he does manage to last for quite a while. He also attempted to devirtualize both Ulrich and Yumi while they were protecting Aelita. He succeeded in devirtualizing Yumi, but she and Odd were able to distract him long enough for Ulrich to help Aelita get to the tower.
  • In "Temptation", it's comically revealed that Jeremie wears kangaroo underwear, more commonly known as briefs or "tighty whities." He does own at least one pair of boxers, though, which is also revealed in a comical fashion in the episode "Just in Time" and during his physical in "Tip-Top Shape". Jeremie hasn't made any comments about his underwear yet.
  • In "Cold War", when queried for his grade-point average by Thomas Vincent, Jeremie reveals that he has a 99.87 average.
  • In the episode "Franz Hopper", Jeremie gets a call from his father to wish him a happy 13th birthday. His father states that Jeremie hasn't called in a long time, and that his mother is starting to worry about him. When he finally appears at the end of the episode, he has brownish hair and a very handsome build. Jeremie's mother has not yet been shown, but it's assumed that she may have blonde hair and glasses like her son.
  • In "The Key", Jeremie found Aelita near-death after she turned the supercomputer off and reactivates it. He almost admits his feelings for her, as well.
  • In each of the seasons, Jeremie appears to be working on some sort of program that is finished during the season finale. In season 1, Jeremie worked on creating a materialization program to materialize Aelita. In season 2, Jeremie worked on an antivirus to separate Aelita from Xana and the supercomputer. In season 3, Jeremie worked on programs to virtualize Aelita, Odd, Ulrich, and Yumi directly into Sector 5, and the internet.

[edit] Voice actor information

Jeremie is voiced by Sharon Mann in the English version of Code Lyoko. In the Spanish version, Jeremie is voiced by Claudio Velásquez in the first season. He is replaced by Igor Cruz in the second season.

[edit] External links

Code Lyoko
Characters Aelita | Franz Hopper | Jeremie Belpois | Jim Moralés | Odd Della Robbia | Elisabeth Delmas | Ulrich Stern | William Dunbar | Xana | Yumi Ishiyama | Secondary characters
Monsters Bloks | Creepers | Krabes | Guardians | Hornets | Kankrelats | Mantas | Marabounta | Megatanks | Polymorphic clone | Scyphozoa | Tarantulas | Transport Orb
Lyoko Ice Barrier | Desert | Forest | Mountain | Carthage | Digital Void | Virtual Limbo
Places The Factory | Kadic Junior High School
Technology Scanners | Towers
Other Media | Episodes | Garage Kids
In other languages