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JeL (Jaungoikoa eta Lagi-zaŕa, "God and the old law" in Basque, Lege-zaharra in Standard Basque) is the motto of the EAJ/PNV, the Basque Nationalist Party of Spain. The "old laws" referred to are the fueros, privileges granted to the Basque provinces by Spanish kings which were revoked after the Carlist Wars. The motto of Basque Carlists was Dios, patria, fueros, rey ("God, country, Fueros, king"). Many nationalists came from a Carlist background. As the mottos show, the nationalists rejected the support to Carlist pretenders and considered their "country" the Basque Country instead of Spain.

JEL is the origin of jelkide ("JEL-companion", EAJ-PNV member) and jeltzale ("JEL-follower", as in the gloss of EAJ, Eusko Alderdi Jeltzalea).