Jeffrey Collins (Vanished Character)

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Senator Jeffrey Collins
First appearance Pilot
Age 43
Occupation us senater
Portrayed by John Allen Nelson
Created by Paul Redford

Senator Jeffrey Collins is a character on the FOX network serialized drama Vanished. He is a Republican senator from Georgia; the disappearance of his second wife, Sara Collins, provides the substance of the plot of the show. He is played by John Allen Nelson.

Throughout the series, he wavers in his desicion whether to confirm Judge Wallace Rainer to the Supreme Court or not, believing he is part of the conspiracy and is using her to make him confirm Rainer. When he believed that Sara was killed, he stood firm in his stance to not confirm him; however, Agent Graham Kelton informed him that the muder scene was staged. Beleiving that he was going to vote againt Rainer, one of the kidnappers named Morrel threatened to kill Sara right in front of his eyes, but the shot turned out to be a blank, but more importantly, a warning to confirm Rainer. Jeffrey does so, but is astounded when dosn't get the call from the kidnappers informing him where Sara will be released. Agent Lucas then tells him that the whole kidnapping was a wider plot whose main objective was to release a death-row criminal who could decipher an important message for the kidnappers.

Episode List | Official Website
FBI Investigational Team Graham Kelton | Lin Mei | Daniel Lucas
Members of Sarah Collins' Family Sarah Collins | Senator Jeffrey Collins | Marcy Collins | Max Collins
Other Investigators Judy Nash | Adam Putnam
Other Characters Ben Wilson