Javi Cobian

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Javi dies (1st time) Negation #9

Publisher CrossGen Entertainment
First appearance Negation
Created by Mark Alessi, Gina M. Villa
Alter ego Javi Cobian
Species Human
Affiliations Negation Space, Bright Side
Abilities Super healing, Nearly unkillable, Cosmic power

Javi Cobian is a fictional character created originally for the Crossgen comic Negation. He also can be found in Crossgen's Mark of Charon mini-series.

[edit] Running with the Sigil-Bearers

Javi is a sigil-bearer from the fictional world of Larrinaga, in the Hatorei system, an area of space found in what members of the Negation would call the "bright universe", which is the universe our Earth is found in. Here, Javi received the Sigil on his right arm and is one of the many Sigil-bearers found in our universe.

Javi quickly learned how to use the sigil to heal patients at the hospital he worked at. One night, as he took a nap between shifts at the hospital, Javi was abducted and found himself on a strange desolate planet later revealed to be in another universe, known as the Negation. He found others like him, men and women, some more alien than others. One person in particular was the beautiful but duplicitous Evinlea, of the race of gods calling themselves: The First. Unable to fully access her god-like abilities in Negation space, she used Javi to wield her full powers without repercussions simply by holding his hand.

It is unknown whether Javi and Evinlea had a relationship but it was strongly implied and somewhat curious considering Javi's selfless disposition. That disposition changed when Javi was killed by a Lawbringer, named QZTR (shot in issue #8, died in issue #9 of Negation). Javi's sigil kept him alive (slightly) but he was buried and left for dead by his companions. Javi was later brought back by Charon) (issue #1 of Mark of Charon, issue #24 of Negation) and his ideals soon changed with his new lease on life.

[edit] Leading the Ligis-Bearers

The new Javi Cobian and Gammid face off.
The new Javi Cobian and Gammid face off.

Javi became a reluctant leader of Charon's new sigil-bearers, called ligis-bearers, because of the mark being an inverted form of the "bright universe" sigil. These ligis-bearers (the teleporting Shrakti, the vicious Tibian, the telepathic Trocantor, and the mighty Brevus) were initially test subjects in a process where human DNA was infused with their own DNA. Because the process was unstable, Javi was required to restore the test subjects to stability after the ordeal. Of the hundreds who were selected and run through the infusement process, only the last few of the test subjects became Javi's team of ligis-bearers. As soldiers in Charon's empire, the team were sent as a sort of "last resort" to planets troublesome to the Negation regime.

While leading his ligis-bearers, Javi came in contact with several Lawbringers who were curious as to why they, marked with Charon's sign, were doing the very thing that Lawbringers were usually sent to do: be the final judgement on unwilling worlds. Hoping to find a weakness in Charon's godhood and dethrone (if not outright destroy) him, Javi tricked the Lawbringers QRYN into telepathic communication and saw the birth of the Lawbringers. He then convinced the Lawbringers that the ligis-bearers were, in fact, replacement Lawbringers and this infuriated them. Javi also saw Appolyon, during the telepathic communication; a glowing violet being much on the same level of power as Charon. The Lawbringers told Javi that Appolyon was once Charon's associate but was now an enemy, and was thus banished into a hellish plane of existence. Deciding that Appolyon might prove insightful as to how he might destroy Charon, Javi had Trocantor lock on to where Appolyon was banished and Shrakti sent all four ligis-bearers and Javi the very pocket dimension Appolyon was banished to.

The team successfully located Appolyon, who revealed to the five the origins of how both he and Charon obtained their godhood; via a transcension device the atlanteans originally used to transcend into godhood themselves. Javi then returned to Charon hoping to destroy him with something Appolyon gave him but fully sided with the mad god of Negation instead.

Javi was "disarmed" by Obregon Kaine in issue #25 of Negation and killed again by the transitioned Atlantean, Gammid.