Jaroslav Foglar

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Jaroslav Foglar (6 July 1907 in Prague - 23 January 1999) was a famous Czech author who wrote many novels about young Boy Scouts and their adventures in nature and dark city streets.

While they may be considered ideological, his stories are not mere fables, but are based upon his long-term work with children on summer camps and in club-rooms. He edited several journals for young people:

  • Mladý hlasatel ("Young herald"), 1938 - 1941
  • Junák ("Scout"), 1945 - 1949
  • Vpřed ("Ahead"), 1946 - 1948

and he wrote articles for even more journals including the Skaut, Sluníčko, ABC, and the Tramp.

Karel Sýs wrote about him on the back-cover of his book Chata v jezerní kotlině: "I think, that both meaning and effect of his work lies in moral purity based upon author's experience. Foglar raises reliance of children and young people. On pages of his novels there are happening miracles of friendship, nature is painted in its virgin purity, city streets are surrounded by secrets -- and it's possible to believe it all because it was imagined by a pure heart."

[edit] Books

Note: the list is probably incomplete.

  • Hoši od Bobří řeky ("Boys from the Beavers' river")
  • Přístav volá ("The port is calling")
  • Když duben přichází ("When April is coming")
  • Pod junáckou vlajkou ("Under the Scouts' flag")
  • Devadesátka pokračuje ("The Ninety goes on")
  • Záhada hlavolamu ("Mystery of the conundrum")
  • Stínadla se bouří ("The Shades are revolting")
  • Tajemství velkého Vonta ("Secret of the High Vont")
  • Strach nad Bobří řekou ("Fear above the Beavers' river")
  • Chata v jezerní kotlině ("The log-house in the lake basin")
  • Tábor smůly ("The camp of ill luck")
  • Tajemná Řásnovka ("Mysterious Řásnovka")
  • Boj o první místo ("A fight over the first place")
  • Historie svorné sedmy ("History of the harmonious seven")
  • Poklad Černého delfína ("Treasure of the Black dolphin")
  • Kronika ztracené stopy ("Chronicle of the lost track")
  • Náš oddíl ("Our group")
  • Dobrodružství v zemi nikoho ("An adventure in the no-man's land")
  • Modrá rokle ("The Blue gorge")
  • Jestřábe, vypravuj ("Tell us the story, Goshawk")
  • Život v poklusu ("A life in a trot")

Foglar is also the author of a comics serial called Rychlé šípy ("Rapid Arrows"), very successful among young readers.

[edit] See also

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