Jared Hindman

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Jared Hindman (1979-), sometimes referred to as Jared Von Hindman, is an American artist, well known for creating Head Injury Theater. Once a cartoonist for the Florida Times Union, he has since moved on and done mostly independent work. He currently resides in Berlin, Germany with his wife, Rachel. They have no children, because any more than Jared might kill Rachel. He is also the player, OhGodTheRats, member of clan Iocaine powder, in the browser-based online game Kingdom of Loathing.


[edit] Website

Hindman's website started out as a place to put his reviews of B-grade horror movies, which he said he did to copy the website X-Entertainment. This really took off for him when he published his review of Chopping Mall.

[edit] Reviews

Hindman has a large collection of reviews of movies and TV shows, which he mocks, pointing out sexual innuendo and cliched elements. Hindman often makes references to other obscure references in his reviews, and one of his major devices is to present his review as a serious, mock-scholarly review of elements in the movie, usually fueled by his own education in movie-making when he was in film school.

[edit] History of Reviews

During the April of 2006, Hindman added some reviews of what he called "comic book crap." This marked a departure from the subject of the Entertainment section of his website, which had only included reviews of movies before this. After reviewing The New Warriors and Archie vs. The Punisher, Hindman went back to reviewing movies.

[edit] Art

Hindman also has a large collection of "strange art" and comics. HIs art is typically surreal and usually deals with fantasy. Unusual elements include having the eyes of subjects go past the side of the head, and having mouths with protrudung fangs stretch past the enclosing lines of the head. Hindman has stated on his site that he likes dinosaurs, ninjas, pirates and robots. All these things often appear in his art.

[edit] Art Crashes

Hindman sometimes does an "art crash," which consists of him doing nothing but paint for a certain amount of time, sometimes while doing something else, such as taking a shot of tequila after each painting.

[edit] Comics

Hindman's comics usually deal with morbid, gallows humor, or humor that is only understandable if the reader knows something of science fiction or comic books. He often features undead creatures such as zombies in his comics, such as this one.

[edit] Opera

Hindman also maintains a few reviews of opera performances that he has been to, and felt like making a mocking review of, with many more comics of other operas.

[edit] External links