Japanese education system (Meiji Period to 1941)

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From the Meiji period to 1941, the Japanese education system was primarily used by the Japanese government to promote the geopolitics, nationalism and national values of Japan. At the start of World War II, this policy became increasingly important in Japan's campaign for soldiers and workers to support the war. Since the first stages of the Meiji Period, geographic learning in Japan promoted proto nationalism among students. If analyzed, it becomes apparent that the geographical education and local geopolitics in the Japanese schools at that point exalted Japanese History and accomplishments. In wartime, these lessons were used to promote the native patriotism.


[edit] Japanese education policy in 1868

The Japanese worldview changed drastically during the Meiji Period. Earlier, most Japanese did not possess even the most basic knowledge about world geography or the location of Japan. Beginning in 1868, some textbooks about western geography and history were published.

In 1872, the Meiji Central Government established an Education Act, or Gakusei, which determined that primary school education would be compulsory. History and geography lessons became a part of the system.

[edit] Japanese Education Policy in 1885-86

During the 1885 Cabinet, the first Minister of Education Arinori Mori, unveiled a new education policy. This policy was issued in 1886 as the new Education Law, or "Gakkorei". According to the new law, textbooks could only be issued upon the approval of the Ministry of Education. Additionally, schools were now required to place more emphasis on the importance of geography and history. According to the Minister of Education, the purpose of geography and history of Japan and the world was to allow children to understand important things about the lives of themselves and others, as well as to develop their patriotic spirit. Under this policy, the pro-state tone of education was gradually stregthtened.

[edit] Japanese Education Policy in 1903-1920s

More changes to education policy occurred in 1903,when the system of textbooks was modified drastically. At this time, it was required that all scholar textbooks be written and published by the Ministry of Education. As a result of this policy, all children of the same age learned each subject from the same series of textbook.

During this period, the education system in Japan became increasingly centralized. In the 1920s, some influences from Germany|German system were added. The main purpose of schooling in Japan during this period was to increase the Patriotic spirit and step up the Militarization of Japan. for example "Duty is weightier than a mountain/Death is lighter than a feather". it was one of sougths readed in Imperial Precepts to Soldiers and Sailors, obligatoire read of scholar children's in period.

[edit] Japanese education policy in 1941

In 1941, the centralized education system called Kokumin Gakkou (National School) was established. This system continued to develop in depth the ultranationalist lessons of the official textbooks promoted under the administration of Education Ministers Sadao Araki, Hideki Tojo and Koichi Kido.The national education system was consolidated in order to provide a loyality among all generations.

The principal educational objective was the importance of traditional national political values, religion and morality. This prevailed from the Meiji period. The Japanese state modernized organizationally, but preserved its national idiosyncrasies. Japan was to be a powerful nation, equal at least to the Western powers, an attitude reinforced from 1905. During the Showa period the educational system was used for militarist radical ideologies, supporting the militarised state and preparing future soldiers.

local educative system was received apports of European fascists educative thought from your Axis Educative autorities by official accords, for unofficial political interchanges or envoyed directly by German or Italian advisers to Japanese Government in period.such apports was added at German British and American previous educative thinking sources in use from Meiji Period.

In that period if produced some official texts and literature in way to support these educative system, produced by official sources how Ministry of Education, Taisei Yokusankai or editors of proper party in Government, the Kodoha faction or annex organizations.

The goal of this consolidated education system was the furthering of the national military goals, in function of Government and military plannings.the official educative system was complement with courses of indoctrination, cultural and sports events amongst of Youth official organizations outer-class activities along the interchange with Axis Powers Youth groups by exterior voyages or cultural interchanges.

If increasing the Tenno Worship cult and loyal to most important values at nation and the importance of ancient military Samurai values (adapted in contemporaneous style) for created the loyal subjects and fanatic soldiers at Imperial Throne Cause.