Japanese Occupation of Singapore

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This article is part of
the History of Singapore series

Early history of Singapore (pre-1819)
Founding of modern Singapore (1819-1826)
Straits Settlements (1826-1867)
Crown colony (1867-1942)
Battle of Singapore (1942)
Japanese Occupation (1942-1945)
Sook Ching massacre (1942-1945)
Post-war period (1945 - 1955)
First Legislative Council (1948-1951)
Maria Hertogh riots (1950)
Second Legislative Council (1951-1955)
Internal self-government (1955–1962)
Hock Lee bus riots (1955)
Chinese middle schools riots (1956)
Merger with Malaysia (1962–1965)
Indonesia-Malaysia confrontation (1962-1966)
Merger referendum, 1962
Operation Coldstore (1963)
Race Riots of 1964
MacDonald House bombing (1965)
Republic of Singapore (1965-Present)
East Asian financial crisis (1997)
Embassies attack plot (2001)
See also: Timeline of Singaporean history
[edit this box]

The Japanese Occupation of Singapore refers to the period in the history of Singapore between 1942 and 1945, when Japanese forces occupied Singapore during World War II, after having defeated the combined Australian, British, Indian and Malayan garrison. The occupation was to become a major turning point in the history of several nations, including that of Japan, the United Kingdom, and the then colony of Singapore itself. Singapore was renamed Syonan-to (昭南島 Shōnan-tō, "Light of the South Island" in Japanese) by the Japanese.


[edit] Events leading to the Occupation

 Lt Gen Yamashita (seated, centre) thumps the table with his fist to emphasize his terms — unconditional surrender. Lt. Gen Percival. sits between his officers, his clenched hand to his mouth.
Lt Gen Yamashita (seated, centre) thumps the table with his fist to emphasize his terms — unconditional surrender. Lt. Gen Percival. sits between his officers, his clenched hand to his mouth.
Victorious Japanese troops march through the City centre. (Photo from Imperial War Museum)
Victorious Japanese troops march through the City centre. (Photo from Imperial War Museum)
Banana money was issued during the war, and would become worthless after the war was over.
Banana money was issued during the war, and would become worthless after the war was over.
Main article: Battle of Singapore

The Japanese, who sought to gain control of South-east Asia in World War II, had overrun the Malay Peninsula in the Battle of Malaya with the main intent of occupying Singapore to gain greater control over her war-time resource gathering efforts, as it was a strategic port and the lynchpin of the American-British-Dutch-Australian Command (ABDACOM). After having taken all of Malaya in under a month, the garrison defending Singapore surrendered only a week after the invasion of Singapore commenced. Winston Churchill called the fall of Singapore to the Japanese on 15 February 1942 the "worst disaster" and "largest capitulation" in British history.

[edit] Life during the Occupation

The Japanese Occupation is generally regarded by Singaporeans as the darkest period of Singaporean history. The Japanese had claimed that they were liberating Southeast Asia from colonialism, but in reality they were far harsher rulers than the British ever were. In addition to civilian casualties, numerous atrocities were committed by Japanese troops, particularly by the Kempeitai, the Japanese military's secret police, and the Japanese military's use of rape and comfort women (women forced into sexual slavery). For instance, the Sook Ching Massacre of ethnic Chinese, including civilians who had donated to charities to aid the war effort in China, claimed between 25,000 and 50,000 lives in Malaya and Singapore.

Resources were scarce during the Occupation. The price of rice, for example had increased a thousandfold from five dollars per 100 catties of rice, or about 60 kilograms, to five thousand dollars. The Japanese issued ration cards to control the amount of resources the population received: adults could purchase 4.8 kg of rice per month, and children 2.4 kg. The amount allowed for adults was reduced by 25% as the war progressed. [1] The Japanese issued banana money as their main currency, giving them further control over the economy as Straits currency became rare. In this sense, the Japanese instituted elements of a command economy in which there were restrictions on how much could be bought or sold, creating a popular black market. The "banana currency" started to suffer high inflation and dropped drastically in value because the authorities would simply print more whenever they needed more money, and as such the black market often used Straits currency instead.

Food quality and availability decreased immensely. Tapioca, sweet potatoes and yam became the staple food of most diets of the population of Singapore because it was considerably cheaper than rice and could also be grown in gardens. It was then turned into a variety of dishes, as both dessert, and all three meals of the day. The nutrients helped stave off starvation, and new ways of consuming tapioca with other produce were regularly invented in order to stave off the monotony. Both the British and Japanese authorities encouraged the population to grow their own food if they had even the smallest amount of land, the encouragement and produce were similar to what occurred with Victory Gardens in the Western nations during World War II. [2] Ipomoea aquatica, which grew relatively easy and flourished relatively well near the water became a popular crop, as did other vegetables. It was not uncommon for bought food to be mixed with impurities or to be hard and difficult to eat, increasing the popularity of growing food at home.

[edit] End of the Occupation

The Japanese delegation leaves the Municipal Building after the surrender ceremony on 12 September 1945.
The Japanese delegation leaves the Municipal Building after the surrender ceremony on 12 September 1945.

After Japan surrendered to the Allies on August 15, 1945, there was a state of anomie in Singapore, as the British had not arrived to take control, while the Japanese occupiers had a considerably weakened hold over the populace. Incidents of looting and revenge-killing were widespread. Much of the infrastructure had been wrecked, including the harbor facilities and electricity, water supply, and telephone services. It would take four or five years for the economy to return to pre-war levels. When the British finally arrived, they were met with a cheering crowd and fanfare.

Banana money quickly became absolutely worthless after the Occupation ended, and many individuals whose wealth had been mostly in such currency found themselves penniless overnight.

[edit] Consequences

Although the British had been welcomed back into Singapore, the fact remained that the British had failed to defend Singapore, and in the eyes of many Singaporeans this had cost them their credibility as infallible rulers. The decades after the war saw a political awakening amongst the local populace and the rise of nationalist and anti-colonial sentiments. Hence, the Japanese Occupation caused the path to eventual independence to be greatly accelerated, as public confidence in the ability of their British leaders in protecting them and their ways of life crumbled.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] Citations

  1. ^ Japanese Occupation. AsiaOne. Retrieved on 2006-05-01.
  2. ^ Hungry years. AsiaOne. Retrieved on 2006-05-01.

[edit] External links