Japan Shotokan Karate Association-Great Britain

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The JSKA (GB) is a traditional and apolitical Shotokan karate association with roots through its international Chief Instructor, Keigo Abe sensei and his grandmaster Masatoshi Nakayama shihan, to the founder of Shotokan-ryu; Gichin Funakoshi. The JSKA (GB) was formed to ensure that the tradition of authentic Japanese Shotokan karate under the auspices of one of the worlds most senior and sought after Shotokan instructors, Keigo Abe sensei 8th Dan (Japan), was available to British karate-ka. The Japan Shotokan Karate Association-Great Britainis affiliated to World Shotokan Karate Bodies and it is headed in the UK by Charles Gidley 7th Dan,George Carruthers 7th Dan and Ged Moran 7th Dan. All three are fellows of the International Shotokan-ryu Karate-do Shihankai