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 The young Janjua Raja Amir Khan in action
The young Janjua Raja Amir Khan in action

The Janjua Rajput (Urdu: جنجوعہ, Hindi: जन्जुआ) are one of the most dominant royal warrior clans of Punjab. They were the last Punjabi Emperors of Punjab before the conquests of Sultan Mahmud Ghazni. They have produced many decorated Generals and high ranking Military Officers to the Pakistan Army and are also distinguished as providing Pakistan's Permanent Representative to the United Nations in the form of Ms Tehmina Janjua. Fine internationally renowned and popular sportsmen such Amir Khan and Sajid Mahmood are further indicative of the rise of the Janjua Rajput in the International Arena.

They have a recorded history that spans centuries through famous Rajas, Emperors, Sultans, Maliks and Maharajas since the time of the Mahabharat to the present age. They were among the earliest Rajput converts to Islam.

Janjuas rebelled against the Delhi Sultanate in the early 13th century and in the 16th century aided the Mughal conqueror Babur's route into India with other allied mountain tribes and served as Chief Officers in the Mughal armies conquests of India. They have played a major part in Punjabi history through their alliances and rebellions with world conquerors and other neighbouring mountainous warrior tribes.


[edit] Ancient Patriarchs of the Janjua Rajput

The Janjua Rajput are a branch of the ancient Pandava Dynasty through Prince Arjun, who is the ancestor of the Janjua. He is widely believed by Hindus to have been the ideal Kshatriya/Warrior and according to Hindu legends was also believed to have been the spiritual son of Indra as well as the physical son of Pandu.

The Pandavas were a Chandravanshi Kuru branch of the ancient Vedic Aryans of India descending from the legendary vedic emperor Pururava (also known as Puru) and lived in about the 14th century BC. General Alexander Cunningham of India also researched and concluded the Janjua to be Aryans. (Panjab Castes D.Ibbetson, Delhi 2002, p153)

Fought for 18 days, the Battle of Kurukshetra was one of the great battles fought in ancient India. Shown here is Arjun, the father of the Janjua dynasty and his charioteer Krishna between the two warring armies.
Fought for 18 days, the Battle of Kurukshetra was one of the great battles fought in ancient India. Shown here is Arjun, the father of the Janjua dynasty and his charioteer Krishna between the two warring armies.

Arjuna was himself first cousin to the famed Lord Krishna (believed by the Hindus to be an incarnate of Vishnu). Arjun married Krishna's sister Subhadra to extend his dynasty. It is also mentioned in the Mahabharata text, that at one point Parikshit, the posthumous still born son of Abhimanyu (who was the lone son of Arjuna) was saved and revived by Krishna himself thus saving the sole survivor of this dynasty. Parikshit was the father of the famous emperor of Hastinapur, Maharaja Janamejaya.

Maharaja Janamejaya who is the apical ancestor of the Janjuas was also known as the Serpent Killer after the famous mass revenge killing of all snakes and the Nagas people - a large community of snake worshippers who were rulers of a nearby state responsible for the assassination of his father Parikshit[1] His descendants were also known historically as the Pandava Dynasty and the Pauravas being patriarchal names of the same dynasty.

Regarding the Janjuas descent from the Pandavas dynasty, the Bali and Bhimwal generals of Raja Dhrupet Dev of Mathura, recorded that the Janjua Raja Dhrupet Dev was the descendant of EmperorJanamejaya. This reference was recorded in 1195AD. Sir Lepel H Griffin K.C.S.I. had also recorded in the early 1900's that the Janjua were "Pandus" in origin. ('Punjab Chiefs', L.H.Griffin, 1909 Lahore, p213).

India's other name Bharat or Bharat-Varsh is actually named after a forefather of the Puru dynasty, Bharat. Bharat-Varsh means "Kingdom of Bharat".[2]The Mahabharata epic is a narration which records a war between Bharat's later descendants the Pandavas and their cousins the Kauravas for the throne of Hastinapur. Arjuna was the hero of the war. This also believed to be the world's longest poem and Janamejaya was responsible for the retelling of this epic.

Alexander and the wounded King of the Pauravas
Alexander and the wounded King of the Pauravas

The Purus also ruled Kekaya which was widely known as the Kingdom of the Puru/Pauravas Clan and it was Raja Purushottama (a title meaning best of the Purus) or more popularly known in the west as King Porus who fought Alexander the Great in 326 BC (in what is now Jhelum, Pakistan) in the famed Battle of the Hydaspes. In 'The Horse in the Ancient World' (Ann Hyland, 2002 Sutton Publ.,p161) it is mentioned that "Unlike Darius, Porus fought aboard his elephant until the end..In victory Alexander treated Porus with the dignity reserved for a great warrior reinstating him a vassal king and sealing the bond of friendship." According to Arian, Alexander is said to have asked King Porus "How would you like me to treat you?" to which Porus famously replied "As a Raja (king)". The answer touched Alexander, who in return allowed the Raja of the Pauravas to retain his Kingdom and more. (ref;The Horse in the Ancient World Ann Hyland, 2002 Sutton Publ.,p159, Empire of Ashes Nicholas Nicastro, Signet 2005, p257,258, 260, 263, Alexander the Great Nick McCarty, Carlton Books, 2004, p111, To the Frontier Geoffrey Moorhouse, Phoenix Press, 1998, p190, Hannibal's War John Peddie, Sutton Publ. 2005, p261)

The page List of Indian monarchs gives an account of the period of rule of the Bharata-Puru-Pandava-Pauravas-Janjua Shahi phase which began from approx 1600BC to 1026AD.

[edit] The Janjua Emperors of the Hindu Shahi Dynasty

From about 964AD, the Janjua chief Parambhattaraka Maharajadhiraja Paramesvara Sri Jayapaladeva (Epithets known from the Bari Kot inscriptions) succeeded the Brahmin Hindu Shahi Emperor Bhimdev. The Janjua Shahiya emperors now ruled from Ghandar (Kandahar of Afghanistan) to the whole of Punjab in what was known as the second phase of the Hindu Shahiya, the Janjua Shahi Dynasty.

Famed ethnologists and Indo researchers Sir Alexander Cunningham (Coins of Medieval India Reprint. Varanasi:1967 p56,p62), Elliot and Dowson (The History of India Indian repr.1962.vol.i, p.22,425-26) and Sachau (Alberuni's India London 1914, vol.ii, p393-94) led research into the origins of the 'Pala' Hindu Shahiya, the second dynasty that succeeded the initial Brahmin 'Dev' Shahiyas. Through independent research they concluded that the origins of Emperor Jayapala Shah was in fact in the Janjua Rajput. In 1973's Al-Biruni International Congress in Pakistan, Dr Hussain Khan presented a paper in called "An Interpretation of Al-Biruni's Account of the Hindu Shahiyas of Kabul" which also confirmed the same findings. Finally, the Janjuas own genealogy records the names of the Janjua Shahi Jayapala as well as the continued descendants of his House (Gazetteer of the Jhelum District, Lahore 1904, p93).

Jayapala was challenged by the armies of Sabuktigin and his son Sultan Mahmud towards the end of his reign as emperor. According to the Minháj ad-Dīn in his chronicle Tabaqát-i Násiri(Raverty's trans., Vol.1, p.82), writes a testament to the political and powerful stature of Emperor Jayapala Shah, "Jayapála, who is the greatest of all the ráis (kings) of Hind..." Upon being captured after a fierce battle with Sultan Mahmud, Jayapala was ransomed and upon his release, "he ordered the construction of a funeral pyre. Mounting and setting it alight, he nobly perished in the flames" (The Last 2 Dynasties of the Sáhis Dr Abdur Rehman, Delhi Rennaisance publishing house. p147) Misra wrote: "Jaypala was perhaps the last Indian ruler to show such spirit of aggression, so sadly lacking in later Rajput kings." (R.G.Misra, Indian Resistance to Early Muslim Invaders Up to 1206 AD, Anu Books, repr.1992)

[edit] Anandpal Shah

His son prince Anandapala who ascended the throne (in about March/April 1002AD) already proved an able warrior and General in leading many battles prior to his ascension. According to Adáb al-Harb (pp.307-10) in about 990, "the arrogant but ambitious Raja of Lahore Bharat, having put his father in confinement, marched on the country of Jayapála with the intention of conquering the districts of Nandana, Jailum (Jhelum) and Tákeshar." Jayapala instructed prince Anandapala to repel the opportunist Raja Bharat. Anandapala defeated Bharat and took him prisoner in the battle of Takeshar and marched on Lahore and captured the city and extended his father's kingdom yet further. However, during his reign many losses were incurred on his kingdom by the Ghaznavids. During the battle of Chach between Sultan Mahmud and Anandapala, it is stated that "a body of 30,000 Gakhars fought alongside as soldiers for the Shahi Emperor and incurred huge losses for the Ghaznavids." (The Last 2 Dynasties of the Sahisp.152) It is also mentioned in the same text that "the Gakhars (or Khokhars) formed a very significant force in the armies of the Sáhis" (The Last 2 Dynasties of the Sahis p.31). However, despite the heavy losses of the enemy, he lost the battle and suffered much financial and territorial loss. This was Anandapala's last stand against Sultan Mahmud. He eventually signed a treaty with the Ghaznavid empire in 1010AD and shortly a year later died a peaceful death. R.C Majumdar (D.V. Potdar Commemoration Volume, Poona 1950, p.351) compared him ironically to his dynasty's ancient famous ancestor "Porus, who bravely opposed Alexander but later submitted and helped in subduing other Indian rulers." And Tahqíq Má li'l-Hind (p.351) finally revered Anandapala in his legacy as noble and courageous.

[edit] Tirlochanpal Shah

Tirlochanpála, the son of Anandapala, ascended the throne in about 1011AD. Inheriting a reduced kingdom, he immediately set about expanding his kingdom into the Siwalik Hills, the region of the Rai of Sharwa. His kingdom now extended from the River Indus to the upper Ganges valley. According to Al-Biruni, Tirlochanpála "was well inclined towards the Muslims" and was honourable in his loyalty to his father's peace treaty to the Ghaznavids. He later rebelled against Sultan Mahmud and was eventually assassinated by some of his own mutinous troops in 1021-22AD, an assassination which was believed to have been instigated by the Rai of Sharwa who became his arch-enemy due to Tirlochanpala's expansion into the Siwalik ranges. (The 2 Dynasties of the Sáhis p.166). He was romanticised in Punjabi folklore as the Last Punjabi ruler of Punjab.

[edit] Bhimpala Shah

Bhímapála, son of Tirlochanpala, succeeded his father in 1021-22AD. He was referred to by Utbí as "Bhīm, the Fearless" due to his courage and valour" (The Last 2 Dynasties of the Sahis, p.166). Considering his kingdom was at its lowest point, possibly only the control of Nandana, he admirably earned the title of fearless from his enemy's own chronicle writer. He is known to have led the battle of Nandana personally and seriously wounding the Commander of the Ghaznavid army Muhammad bin Ibrahim at-Tāī (Utbi, vil.ii, p.151.) He ruled only five years after his father before meeting his death in 1026AD.

His remaining descendant, Rudrapal and his brothers Diddápála and Anangapāla had settled in Kashmir and played a major role in the court of Kashmirian king Ananta (1028-63AD). According to the Rājtarahginī (vii, p.145), Rudrapal proved himself extravagant in personal valour by crushing the rebels of the king, as commander in chief of the Kashmiri royal army.

Al-Biruni, despite living under Sultan Mahmud's grace, praises the house of Jayapala: "We must say that in all their grandeur, they never slackened in the ardent desire of doing that which is good and right, that they were men of noble sentiment and noble bearing."

Kalhana writes of the Shahis: "Where is the Shahi dynasty with its ministers, its kings, and its great grandeur? ... The very name of the splendor of Shahi kings has vanished. What is not seen in dream, what even our imagination cannot conceive, that dynasty accomplished with ease"

[edit] The Janjua Rule of Mathura

The later descendant of Rudrapala, Dhrupet Dev gained the rule of Mathura state in about 1150AD through intermarriage with the daughter of the Raja Hukum Ram, King of Mathura, who had no male issue to extend his dynasty. Dhrupet Dev was also the ruler of the Mandu fort of the Siwalik hills. His rule of Mathura was ended in 1195AD when Qutb-ud-din Aybak, the general of the Ghorid army, attacked Mathura and ousted the ruling royal family. According to Mohyal historians (Gulshan-e-Mohyali) Raja Dhrupet's younger brother Raja Shripat Dev, accompanied the exile back to the Siwalik hills. Shripat Dev later, "established his dominion at Katasraj (old name Namaksar) in Tehsil Pind Dadan Khan, Distt. Jhelum." The Mohyal commanders in chief of the Janjua army at this point were Rai Tirlok Nath Bali and Bam Dev Bhimwal.(Mohyal reference)

[edit] The Rise of Raja Mal Khan

Raja Dhrupet Dev was the father of a famous Janjua Sardar Raja Ajmal Dev Janjua who embraced Islam in the 12th century and rose to become the next rising force of the Janjua Rajput. He followed the Islamic tradition of change of name after conversion and was then known as Raja Mal Khan. He was among the first Muslim Rajputs recorded in Indian history. This conversion was done before the armies of Shahabudin Ghauri entered into the Indian Plateau to conquer whilst he was very young in his teens and inclined towards Islamic philosophy of the Sufis brought by the Dervishes of the Chistiya order.

Raja Mal Khan migrated from Mandu fort in the Siwalik Hills to the Koh-i-Jud and settled at Rajgarh which he later renamed Malot. He re-conquered the Salt Ranges of Punjab to establish the dominion which his forefathers lost almost two centuries earlier to the Ghaznavids. (Journal of Central Asia Vol. XIII. No.1, 1990,p.78 & The last 2 Dynasties of the Sahis by Abdur Rehman p.270) (Malot was originally called Shahghar or Rajghar - meaning home of the Shahis/Kings but was later changed to Malot in recognition of its famous King Raja Mal.)

The Tarikh-e-Alfi of the Ghorids mentions the rebellious behaviour of Raja Mal Khan towards the Delhi Sultanate. It records that a "Rai Mal" of the mountains between Lahore and Kabul excited a rebellion against them and intercepted communications between Lahore and Ghazni.

There is still today remnants of an ancient fort in Malot, Chakwal which was initially built by the Shahis and later rebuilt by Raja Mal Khan. It is also inscribed that the last Hindu Shahi prince Raja Mal embraced Islam at this place. Chakwal reference

Raja Mal Khan was also the first ruler to begin the mining of salt in the Salt Ranges of Kallar Kahar and in the Khewra Salt Mines of Punjab which is currently the world's second largest salt mine. [3] [4] [5] [6].

[edit] The Five Branches of Janjua Rajput

Many prominent Muslim tribes trace their lineage back to the Janjua through the five princes of the House of Raja Mal Khan Janjua. The five princes were Raja Bhir Khan, Raja Jodh Khan, Raja Kala Khan, Raja Tanoli Khan and Raja Khakha Khan. Jodh and Bhir were born of a Gakhar Rani while Kala, Khakha and Tanoli were born of another Rajput Rani. (Journal of Central Asia, Vol. XIII, no.1, 1990 p79)

[edit] Khakha Rajputs

Raja Khakha Khan was succeeded by three sons, Faggal Khan, Aliya Khan, Mangi Khan who took over from him on his death. The Raja's of the Khakha Janjua of Kashmir and Pakhli became a renowned tribe of the Kashmiri region. Sir Lepel H.Griffin writes of them in Chiefs and Families of note in the Punjabv(1909 Lahore, p214) "Raja Khaka's offspring inhabit Muzaffarabad, Kot Khaka (named after them) and other villages near the Jammu frontier."

The Imperial Gazetteer of Kashmir and Jammu records, "The Khakhás, who enjoy the proud title of Rájá, are, like the Chibs, Musalmán Rájputs, and trace their descent to Rájá Mal......They regard themselves as belonging to the Janjuah tribe." (Sang-e-Meel, 2002, p34)[7]

The Khakha Rajputs are renowned for being a "..powerful and warlike Musalman Rajput tribe." During the period of the Afghan overlordship over the region of Kashmir it is recorded that they, "...paid little to their overlord and were practically independent." Even when the Sikh empire tightened their hold over the Jhelum Valley of Kashmir, the Khakha Rajputs retained a privileged position. (Imperial Gazetteer of Kashmir and Jammu, Sang e Meel, 2002, p9, p34)

The proud and privileged position of the Khakha Rajputs within their kingdom aswell as their strong alliance to the Bhambas Sultans is renowned throughout their history in the region. Their power and dominance aided Yakub Shah in his defence of Kashmir, in what was the first defeat of Mughal Emperor Akbar in 1582 on his first incursion into the Kashmir valley. But Akbar eventually returned more powerful and a lot of difficulty, finally conquered the region in 1586. (Imperial Gazetteer of Kashmir and Jammu, Sang e Meel, 2002, p24, 34)

Sir George Campbell of the British Raj referred to them as "...a curiously handsome people."

The Khakha Rajputs have also continued their ancestral tradition of recording of the family lineal tree. The above all indicate a strong a continuance of the Janjua traditions by the Khakha Rajas, making them a highly successful and powerful branch of the Janjua dynasty. They have always been a force to be reckoned with in the Jhelum Valley and their reputation as a warlike tribe is well renowned.

[edit] Raja Jodh and Raja Bhir

According to Lepel H. Griffin, in his famous book Chiefs and Families of note in the Punjab (Lahore, 1910, ii, p254) he writes "On the death of their father they determined to divide the country called, from Raja Mal, the Maloki Dhan between them. Jodh took the Salt Range near about the Makrach, and captured the town of Makshala from a colony of Brahmans (mohyals)...He changed its name to Makhiala and built there a fort and two tanks for rain water..... Wir Khan (also spelt Bhir), took the possession of Khura (also spelt Khewra) near modern Pind Dadan Khan. He had one son, Raja Ahmad Khan, from whom have descended the families of Malot, Badshapur, and Dalwal" The descendants of Raja Jodh had continued to rule this region through various interruptions until the age of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Raja Bhir meanwhile took over Malot (Rajghar) state in Chakwal from his father. Raja Bhir's son, Raja Acharpal became a famous chief after his father's death. The above mentioned Ahmed Khan was infact Acharpal, who later changed his name after converting to Islam.

[edit] Raja Darwesh Khan

Raja Darwesh Khan of Garjaak/Girjakh Jehlum (son of Raja Sangur Khan mentioned above and descendant of Raja Jodh) had fought Sultan Hathi Khan Gakhar in Punjab (a valiant Gakhar chief). Darwesh Khan defeated Hathi Khan famously in a decisive and courageous battle causing him to flee defeated to Basal, while Hathi's cousins Adam Khan and Sarang Khan escaped to Dangalli. Raja Darwesh Khan recovered the territory that was taken from his tribe by Hathi Gakhar. (Gazetteer of the Rawalpindi District 1893-94, Punjab Government, 2001 Sang-e-Meel Publ., Lahore). Punjab Chiefs also makes mention of Darwesh Khan as "...founder of Darapur, a fighting chief, who avenged many of the injuries his tribe had received from the Gakhars." Raja Darwesh Khan's later descendant Malik Zaman Mahdi Khan of Darapur, was distinguished by Sir Lepel H Griffin as a true noble, "he acted up to the traditions of his tribe in honesty of character, loyalty to the authorities, and in unstinted hospitality to the strangers within his gates." In 1891 he was already a Provincial Darbari and was granted the title of Khan Bahadur by the British Raj. (Punjab Chiefs, Lahore 1909, p216)

Raja Darwesh Khan's great-grandson, Raja Shabat Khan had fought under Sardar Mahan Singh Sukarchakia (father of Maharaja Ranjit Singh) in many campaigns in the late 18th century. But upon Raja Shabat Khan's death his death, the Sikh chief Sardar Atar Singh Dhari assassinated his son and successor, Raja Ghulam Muhi-ud-din Khan. The Janjua didn't appear to trust the Sikhs thereafter and rebelled valiantly against their rule.

[edit] The Janjua Sultans

The Janjua Sultan of Watli, Sultan Fateh Muhammad Khan (descendant of Jodh Khan through Raja Sun Paal) valiantly opposed them, holding them off for over 6 months in Kusuk Fort, Watli.

The Janjua Sultan of Makhiala, Sultan Firoz Ali Khan was a famous warrior king of his time and from Raja Jodh's line through Raja Rai Pal. He opposed Maharaja Ranjit Singh during his conquest of Punjab. After his death his son Ali Haider Khan was crowned Sultan. But he ruled for a very short period before his own untimely death. His son Ashgar Ali Khan was then crowned the next Sultan of Makhiala. (Punjabi Chiefs L.H.Griffin, Lahore 1909 p217)

[edit] Ranial and Dhamial Rajputs

Ranial Rajputs and Dhamial Rajputs are a branch of the Janjua through Raja Bhir and Raja Jodh respectively. According to Tehreek-e-Janjua (Sahiwal Press, v1, p224) these two Rajas employed a sudden military onslaught to conquer the areas of Ranial and Dhamial. The repute of their military success spread far and wide amongst other dominant clans of the day. Raja Malu took the area Ranial whilst Raja Mubarak took the Dhamial plain. Interestingly, Raja Malu's offspring were known as the Rajas of Ranial and Raja Mubarak's offspring likewise known as the Rajas of Dhamial. This later culminated in the recognition of these two branches as simply Ranial Rajas and Dhamial Rajas. Their influence today is recognised in key roles of administration and as members of local government.

[edit] Tanoli Janjua

The first mention of Tanolis or Tanawalis entering the North-West Frontier Province history is from the early 13th century when a Janjua conqueror Raja Mal Khan aided his sons conquest into various regions of Northern India. One of his sons, Raja Tanoli (also spelt Tanawali) conquered the region of what is today Hazara. He became Muslim before this conquest. (The Punjab Chiefs, Sir L.H.Griffin, Lahore, 1909,p214) (Journal of Central Asia Vol. XIII, No.1, July 1990, p79) (Chronicles of Early Janjuas, Dr. Hussain Khan, iUniverse, 2003, p26)

Raja Tanoli was succeeded by his son Amir Khan Tanoli. Amir Khan Tanoli was succeeded by his two son's, Hind Khan and Pal Khan. They are also both the apical ancestor of the Hindwal Tanolis and the Palwal Tanolis. These are two most prominent and recognised branches of the Tanoli.

Although today the word Tanoli denotes a geographical residence (a resident of the ancient state of Tanawal is also referred to as a Tanoli), the historic Janjua presence in the region is very well documented by reputable accounts of the Mughal contemporary writers (covered in depth below).

There are records of Punjabi Tanolis contribution to the 91st Punjabi Infantry during the British Raj Subadar Kalandar Khan 1909. The link to the Janjuas of some of the Tanoli people has been mentioned by historians of non Janjua backgrounds [8]. However, beyond the Janjua records of this ancient account, we also find significant proof elsewhere of the Tanoli Janjua presence in the State of Tanawal.

[edit] Janjua of Tanawal mentioned by Mughal Akbar;

During the reign of Mughal Emperor Akbar Darband (which was the name of the central headquarters of the State of Tanawal) was recorded in the famous book of Mughal Akbar's reign, Ain-i Akbari (Abu'l Fazl Allami, Eng Trans, HS JARRET, Delhi repr.1978, II, p327). It records that the Janjua were chiefs and inhabitants of Darband. They were under orders to pay the Mughal Emperor a revenue of 3,100,000 dams in money and to maintain a "cavalry of 20, Infantry of 500 Janju'as." The sizeable proportion of their taxed revenue and the size of the Infantry proves a continued legitimately recognised dominance of the Janjua branch of Raja Tanoli in Tanawal since it's conquer in the early 13th century until Akbar's reign. An interesting point here, is that the word Tanoli was not used or represented in the Ain-i Akbari as a name for all resident tribes of The State of Tanawal. It also makes no reference to any Barlas Mughal or Yousafzai Pashtun presence in Darband.

[edit] Rebellious Janjua of Chach mentioned by Mughal Jahangir;

The Mughal Emperor Jahangir makes mention of a large predatory and unruly band of Janu'á (the recorded name of Janjua by his script writers) in the Chach plain near Attock. This is better understood when one realises that the State of Tanawal is in the north east of the Chach plains, clearly indicating their spread from this region. (Punjab District Gazetteers, VOL XXVII, 1904, P93)

All the above prove beyond doubt of a continued dominance and influence of Janjuas in the region of Tanawal since the 13th century conquer of Raja Tanoli.

The Janjua have been recognised as a highly warlike tribe with strong pride of race (Panjab Castes, Delhi 2002, p149, p154). The powerful Khakha tribe of Kashmir (descendants of Raja Khakha, the brother of Raja Tanoli) have retained their Janjua link and titles in true Janjua tradition, as have all the major branches of Janjua. [9]. The fact that this practice has not fully continued with contemporary Tanolis would indicate a major shift in tradition. This can be explained by the reference from Panjab Castes source, where it cites, "The remainder of the district (Hazara), that is the northern and central portion, is held by tribes which, whatever their origin, have by long association become assimilated with the Patháns in language and customs, the Jadún, holding the Dor valley from Bagra upwards to Mángal, the Tanoli holding the Tanawál tract in the west centre of the district between Abbottábád and the Indus, much of which belongs to the semi-independent Nawáb of Amb..." This provides a plausible explanation to the current Pashtun position. It is later concluded regarding the Barlas Mughal theory, that "...there can be little doubt that they are of Aryan and probably of Indian stock. (Delhi, 2002, p93)

The Gazetteer of Hazara District 1883-4 (Sang-e-Meel, Lahore, 200, p71) elaborates this further, "The Tanaolís are a tribe of whose origin we know little. The Patháns do not reckon them among their race..." Thus concluding that even over a century ago, although culturally Pashtun, the Tanolis were ethnically not accepted as so.

A branch of Tanolis, in the Gujar Khan and Rawalpindi regions still claim Janjua descendancy and also continue using their ancestral Raja and Khan titles.

It appears that with the use of the term Tanoli by other tribes of Tanawal has today added a new dimension to the name Tanoli. The Janjua Tanolis are adamant of their descendancy and legitimacy to their ancestral name of Tanoli, and further strongly disclaim other tribes claims to their ancestral name purely on the grounds of geographical residence of their ancestral kingdom.

Charles Allen in his book Men who made the North-West Frontier (p138-139) referred to them as "the extremely hostile and powerful Tanolis of the Tanawal Moutains.....who were brave and hardy and accounted for the best swordsmen in Hazara...Of all the tribal chiefs of Hazara, the most powerful was said to be Jehandad Khan (son of the famed Painda Khan) of the Tanoli...a good looking young man of 26 years, tall and slender, with a remarkably large and fine eyes - surrounded by an escort of horsemen clad in shirts of mail and steel skull-caps, handsomely mounted and equipped, who made a most picturesque display...the bystanders who regarded the chief with great awe..." proving both the awe inspiring look and reputation of the Tanoli.

The same chief Mir Jehandad Khan is said to have famously said to have replied to the President of the Board of Administration's threat to "...burn your villages and give your country to another" with the heroic reply "We should consider your presence (in our Kingdom) an honour, but our country is rather difficult one for your army." (Men who made the North-West Frontier Charles Allen, p204) The control of Amb by the Tanolis finally ended in 1973 with the last Nawab of Amb Nawab Salahuddin Khan, the present day descendant of Mir Jehandad Khan.

Today there are also theories of Barlas Mughal origin and Pashtun origin of the Tanoli. But with the sources of information stated above, it is clear that the Tanoli of Janjua's presence in Hazara cannot be denied. It is therefore important to note that merely being known as a Tanoli is no proof of Janjua origin unless the respective families indicate thus with verified geneological trees, an old and much practiced tradition of the Janjua Rajput.

[edit] Raja Kala Khan - Sultan Ahmed Sani

Raja Kala Khan became the ruler of Kahuta district in present day Rawalpindi, Pakistan. He became Muslim early on his rule and following tradition, changed his name to Sultan Ahmed Sani. His two sons, Juss Rai and Patt Rai were united in their control of Kahuta. It comprises of over sixty villages of various clans including Gakhars, Minhas Rajputs and Awans. Raja Kala Khan's descendants are in abundance in Kahuta Rawalpindi. Most of his descendants work in the Pakistan Army and sports. A Mazhar (Large Tomb) was erected on his death and his descendants congregate every year at this Mazhar to commemorate his life. He is referred to by his descendants as Dada Pir Kala.

During Ahmed Shah Abdali's conquest of Northern India, he was allied by Sardar Ameer Khan of Kahuta, the chief of the Kahuta Janjua Rajas.

Sardar Bahadur Noor Khan was a prominent personality of the Matore Janjua branch of Raja Kala Khan, and was conferred the title of Sardar Bahadur by the British Raj. He was elected as the MLC and Vice Chairman of the District Board Rawalpindi. After his death, his son, Khan Bahadur Sardar Feteh Khan was elected as MLA from Kahuta and Murree Tehsils in 1937.

[edit] Kharwal Rajputs of Kahuta

The Kharwal or Garwal Rajputs of Kahuta (not to be confused with Garewal Rajputs which are a distinctly different tribe and settled in India) are a branch of Janjua through Raja Kala Khan. They reside only in the hills of the eastern half of the Kahuta region called the Kahuru ilaka. They have been recorded by Sir Denzil Ibbetson (Panjab Castes Delhi 2002, p153) as "...a fine strong race, decidedly superior to the ordinary (non Janjua) Rájpúts, and socially much the same position as other Janjúas." The Rawalpindi Gazetteer records the Kharwal Rajput chiefs in the early 1884 as Raja Ali Mardán Khan and Raja Burhán Ali Khan(The pillars of their branch) who were counted in the census as Janjua Rajputs. (F.Robertson, Lahore 2001,p111)

[edit] The Janjua and the Mughal Emperor Babur

There is a handwritten Parwana (letter of gratitude) by the great Tamerlane (Amir Timur) himself to the Janjua Sultan family of Watli, Northwest Frontier Province, Pakistan for their service to his entourage, which is still held by them to this day. The Janjua were honoured by Amir Timur for their joining him in his conquest of India throughout his campaign (The Punjab Chiefs Sir Lepel. H.Griffin, 1909 Lahore) This formed the foundation for the later loyal alliance between Tamerlanes future descendants, the Mughal Emperors and the Janjua.

The Mughal conqueror Babur recorded in his famous Baburnama that the Koh-i-Jud region was divided into two halves. One half belonged to the Janjua, who were the traditional rulers of the peoples and tribes (also consisting of Jatts and Gujars) between Nilab and Bhera. He stated "Their rule, however, is benevolent and brotherly, they do not take whatever they want....The people (subjects) also serve in their army....the chief is called Rai and his younger brothers and sons are known as Malik" indicating their subjects support of their just administration and the organisation of titles amongst the Janjua rulers. An important allied Afghan chief of Babur's campaign of Punjab, Langar Khan Niazi was also stated by Babur to be a maternal nephew of the Janjua, "Langar Khan was sent to Malik Hast (Asad). He hastened there, convinced him of our good intentions and favour and brought him back that night." (The Baburnama, 2002, W.M Thackston p271 ,276)

The Janjua chief Malik Hast (Asad) was recorded by Babur as, "the lone ruler of the tribes and clans in the Sohan River area." He was invited by Babur to unite with him through Malik Hast's nephew Langar Khan Niazi (The Baburnama, 2002, W.M Thackston p271). The hand written record of Amir Timur was brought to Babur by Raja Sangur Khan and Malik Hast (Asad). Babur honoured this record. The Janjua Rajas were now allies to the House of Babur. Babur allowed the Janjua to continue their rule in their respective Kingdoms as before. (Chronicles of Early Janjuas by Dr. Hussain Khan, iUniverse 2003, p.22)

The Baburnama also mentions Malik Hast (Asad) and Raja Sangur Khan as able warriors and assigned important roles as reinforcements to important strongholds. Malik Hast himself being only 23yrs old according to Babur's estimation and yet trusted staunchly with this responsibility. (The Baburnama, 2002, W.M Thackston, p278)

The Janjua Rajputs also took part in the battles against Rana Sangha in 1527AD in which the Mughals famously defeated the Sesodia Rajputs who had allied with the Afghans against him. Raja Sangur Khan Janjua is stated to have been involved in charging the army of Sangha when they came out of the fortress and after overwhelming them, the Mughal allies put them to flight. (The Baburnama, 2002, W.M Thackston, p377)

[edit] Forts of the Janjua

Many forts within Punjab are still remnant of their royal past, such as the Kusak fort, Sohava fort, Khushab fort, Garjaak fort in Makhiala Jhelum, Malot fort in Chakwal District, Nagi fort, Dalowal fort, Dhandot fort, Kath Saghral and Masral fort, Dhak Janjua fort, Akrand fort, Anderana fort, Sialkot fort (which was given to the Janjua by Sultan Firuz Shah Tughluq who accepted their suzerainty in that region in about late 14th century (Tarikh-i-Janjua, p71) and many more. Some of these forts were lost, other's gained as the changing climate of rulers endured.

However, the Kusak Fort is still in control of the Janjua Sultan of Watli who was mentioned in Punjab Chiefs (L.H.Griffin Lahore 1909, p217) "The Watli family noted for its heroic defence of the fort of Kusak against the Sikhs...Sultan Lal Khan was held in much esteem. The title Sultan is allegedly to have been bestowed upon the representatives of these two branches (Makhiala and Kusuk) by the Emperor Babur. It is much prized in the family, being only used by the head." The Watli Sultans were the descendants of Raja Jodh Khan through his second son Raja Sunpaal.

It has been recorded how the Janjua Sultan Alim Khan constructed the fort and how the Sultan Fateh Muhammad Khan of Watli, valiantly opposed Maharaja Ranjit Singh himself who in "...about 1810 besieged it (in person) ineffectually for six months until the want for water by his subjects compelled the Sultan to surrender." (Archaeological reconnaissances in north-western India and south-eastern Iran by M.A.Stein, London 1936, p46) The fort was immediately reinstated to the Sultan.

[edit] Characteristics of the Janjua Rajputs

Sir Denzil Ibbetson, in "Panjab Castes" describes the Janjua Rajput as, "The great Janjua tribe...have retained their pride of lineage and their Rájput title....who can be ranked as Míán Sáhu or first class Rájpúts...physically well-looking, with fine hands and feet; much given to military service, especially in the cavalry;...poor agriculturists, and with great pride of race." (Delhi 2002, p149, p154)

The Rawalpindi District Gazetteer (Robertson, 2001, Lahore, p105) records the Janjua, "they are proud of their ancestry, make good soldiers. They are usually addressed as 'Raja' and stand very high in social rank...The Janjuás are a Rájpút tribe."

The Janjua, throughout history have been recognised as a "dominant warlike clan of proud position" as well as "Lords of the Salt-range" The British Raj also distinguished them as so, stating, "...other tribes in no way superior to them in courage or military skill...the Janjuahs furnish excellent cavalry recruits." (Punjab Chiefs L.H.Griffin, 1909 Lahore, p215-7} (Panjab Castes, D.Ibbetson, p102, p132)

The Janjua Rajputs would not serve in any regiment that was not commanded by either a Gakhar, a Janjua or any other tribe of equal social standing. The Janjua Rajas of Punjab rank highly in social hierarchy and objected to serving any officer of lower social standing. (The Garrison State, Tan Tai Yong, Sage Pub.Inc, p75)

Regarding their recruitment into the British Army, they are further distinguished, "The Janjúas of the Salt Range are considered second to none in Martial spirit and tradition...they make good (horse) riders and good horse masters.... (another tribe) not so intelligent as the Janjúas" (The Jhelum Gazetteer 1907, Lahore Press, p254)

General Asif Nawaz Janjua of Chakri Rajgan was mentioned in Pakistan's Drift into Extremism as, "August 18 1991, General Asif Nawaz Janjua took over as Chief of army staff. He was cast in a mold entirely dissimilar to any of his predecessors. A tall, handsome, Sandhurst-trained officer, he was straight enough to be brusque. He was easily slighted and would go into a paroxysm of nervous energy at the mere hint of being challenged. With all of this, he had no time for fools and had an enormously long memory. In short, he was not someone that a Pakistani politician would like to see as an army chief." (by Hassan Abbas, ME SHARPE, p144)

Amir Timur the world conqueror, recognised their military qualities and loyalty and wrote a handwritten letter of gratitude to them in recognition of this.

Babur's mention of the Janjua rule as brotherly and benevolent to their subjects also shows an apparent chivalry that this clan has continued since the Mahabharata.

In Soldier Sahibs by Charles Allen, (p122-123) it mentioned of the Hindwal Tanoli Janjuas as "Extremely hostile and powerful...Of all the tribal chiefs of Hazara, the most powerful was said to be Jehandad Khan of the Tanoli, whose fellow-tribesmen were brave and hardy and accounted for the best swordsmen in Hazara."

The ancestors of the Janjua, The last dynasty of the Janjua Shahis were mentioned by Al-Beruni.. "as noble men of noble bearings...who always did what they said."

The King of the Pauravas, King Porus, an ancient patri-arch member of the same dynasty was a well known and respected warrior king gaining respect from no less than Alexander the Great himself.

Prince Arjuna of the Mahabharata himself gained the stage of Atirathi or out standing warrior in his time and his heroic chivalry was well documented.

[edit] Janjuas Today

Janjuas are spread throughout Punjab both in India and Pakistan. There are Sikh, Muslim and Hindu Janjuas, the majority of Muslim Janjuas are in Pakistan and serve in the Military of Pakistan in large numbers. They have spread into Potwar region of Northern Punjab in Pakistan (due to displacement during the Sikh conquests), Mansehra, Hazara and also Rawalpindi with Jhelum holding primarily the largest numbers. They hold influential positions in both the Pakistani Govt, Police and army as evidenced below.

The Sikh Janjua Rajputs are in abundance in Hoshiarpur, Faridkot, Kapurthalla and Fatehghar Sahib of Indian states of Haryana and Punjab.

[edit] Royal Titles

Many Janjua Rajputs have different suffixes/titles with their name depending on their descendency. The stronger more dominant branches will hold the mentioned some highly recognised prestigious titles whilst others will retain ancestral titles.

The Gazetteer of the Rawalpindi District records, "They (Janjua) are very proud of their ancestry, make good soldiers...they are usually addressed as "Rája", and stand very high in social rank." (Sang-e-Meel, 2001, Lahore, p105). Panjab Castes also confirms, "Dominant tribe of proud position, such as the Janjúa, have retained their pride of lineage and their Rájpút title...and always addressed as Rája." (Denzil Ibbetson, Delhi, 2002, p132, p149, p154).

Hindu Janjuas use the title of Kuwar with their names. Whereas Muslim Janjuas use the title Rai, and Raja with their names in recognition of their royal lineage and is mainly used by Jodh, Bhir, Khakha and Kala descendants. Although the majority today use the title Raja.

Sikh Janjuas use the surname Janjua.

The tribal chief of the Janjuas of Watli, who also retains control of the Fort of Kusak uses the centuries revered title of Sultan which was conferred by Mughal emperor Babur. The name of the Watli Sultans was held in greater esteem after their successful resistance against the Sikhs.

A well known Janjua chief of Ratala tehsil Gujar Khan, Mirza Atta Mohammad Khan was known by the title of Mirza (Persian title of Prince of the blood) and was a renowned tribal chief of Ratala during the early to mid 20th century. His great grandfather Raja Abdullah Khan (descendant of Raja Darwesh Khan), being displaced by the upheaval of the Sikh conquest of Garjaak and Darapur (Punjab Chiefs L.H.Griffin KCSI, 1909 Lahore, p216) took his remaining army and conquered the region of Ratyal from a Ratyal chief who was loyal to the Sikh empire. His domain was over seven large villages consisting of Mughal Kayanis, Jatts and Gakhars. He defeated the Ratyal Chief and renamed it Ratala.

[edit] Famous Janjuas of Today

[edit] Army

  • Jawan Sawar Muhammad Hussain Shaheed (1949–December 10, 1971) - Awarded Nishan-e-Haider, The highest Military Gallantry award given by the Pakistan Army. One of only 10 recipients since the creation of Pakistan.
  • General Asif Nawaz Janjua- Chief of Army Staff of the Pakistan Army - of Chakri Rajgaan Jhelum and descendant of Raja Darwesh Khan.
  • General Tikka Khan - Chief of Staff of the Pakistan Army.
  • Major General Iftikhar Janjua - the hero of Runn Kutch who is known as the only general to have died on the front line. Iftikhar Khan Janjua Road of Rawalpindi is named after his nationally honoured bravery.
  • Brigadier Mohammad Zaman: Chakri Rajgaan Jhelum: 1st Director General Signals Pakistan Army. Father of General Asif Nawaz Janjua.
  • Major Farooq Nawaz SJ : Sword of honour PMA - Chakri Rajgaan Jhelum, Raja Darwesh Khan's line.
  • Sardar Bahadur Captn. Hussain Bux Khan Janjua - served as a Captain during the British Raj era.
  • Brigadier (retired) Amir Gulistan Janjua - His excellency, who was the Governor of the North West Frontier Province and also Pakistan's ambassador to the UAE, Nepal and Saudi Arabia is a famous and very influential Janjua with a strong back ground in the Pakistani armed forces. [10][11]
  • General (retired) MK Janjua - of Matore, Kahuta District
  • Lieutenant General (retd) Afzal Janjua - Pakistan Army
  • Lieutenant General Afzal Muzzaffar - Pakistan Army
  • Lieutenant General (retd) Ahmed Jamal Janjua - Pakistan Army, from Matore, Kahuta.
  • Lieutenant General Hamid Rabnawaz
  • Major General Muhammad Akram (retd) - is a Janjua of Chakwal. He has served in the Pakistan Army as well as Semi Government Organizations of Pakistan. He is also a very popular welfare worker of Choa Saidan Shah of Chakwal.
  • Lieutenant General Ahmed Kamal - Served under Zia ul Haq of Pakistan Army, of Matore, Kahuta.
  • General (retd) Saeed-u-Zaman Janjua - General of Pakistan Army. Chakri Rajgaan, Jhelum
  • Major General (retd) - Saleem Arshad of Matore, Kahuta.
  • Major General Khalid Nawaz - of Matore, Kahuta.
  • Major General Zaheer-ul-Islam of Matore, Kahuta.
  • Brigadier Akhter Abbas Janjua - of Matore, Kahuta.
  • Brigadier Raja Muhammad Afzal Khan - of Chakri Rajgaan, Jhelum.AN uncle of Gen Asif Nawaz
  • Brigadier Shahid Hamid - of Matore, Kahuta.
  • Brigadier Ejaz Mehdi Darapur- Pakistan Army
  • Brigadier Abdul Ghafoor - of Matore, Kahuta.
  • Brigadier Asif Nawaz - of Matore, Kahuta.
  • Brigadier Muhammad Parwaiz Akbar, SI(M), TBt of Maira, Kahuta.
  • Brigadier Khalid Mehmood (Retd) of Maira, Kahuta.
  • Brigadier Rab Nawaz (Retd) - of Maira, Kahuta.
  • Brigadier Raja Fiaz Ahmad Janjua (late).
  • Colonel Muhammed Afzal Janjua(Retd).of Wagh,Jhelum,son of sub Muhammed khan.
  • Colonel Sher Afghan Janjua(retd). of chakri rajgan, jhelum. Son of Maj Yar Muhammed Janjua.
  • Colonel Nusrat Kamal Raja EME from Dandot Village,Chakwal.
  • Major Raja Sher Afzal Janjua,AK Village DATA BHATT Teh Gujar Khan Rawalpindi
  • Beaconite Raja Saim Sher Janjua s/o Major Raja Sher Afzal Janjua,Rawalpindi
  • Commodore Muhammad Qasim Janjua, Tatral, Chakwal.
  • Major (retd) Shaukat Nawaz Khan - Joint Secretary of Defence, of Matore, Kahuta.
  • Major Imran Amin Janjua - of Maira, Kahuta.
  • Muhammad Fazal Janjua - Air Marshal of Pakistan Army.
  • Major rtd Mushtaq Ahmed Janjua- Dariot Waris, Kahuta, in line from kharawal line of Peer Kala Khan.
  • Colonel Obaidullah (late) - Director National Accountability Bureau, of, Kahuta.
  • Colonel Iftikhar Mahdi SJ - Chakri Rajgaan Jhelum
  • Captain Tashfeen Riaz Janjua - Pakistan Navy of Chakri Rajgan, Jhelum.
  • Captain Rashid Kafait Janjua (Late) Aviator 33 Cobra Sqdn from Dandot Village, Chakwal.
  • Subedar Raja Zaman Ali - of Nambal, Kahuta.
  • Subedar Major Raja Sher Ali Khan (Late) of Chakri Rajgan District Jhelum.
  • Raja Maj Yar Muhammed Janjua (Late) most honored and upstanding officer of British raj and the fledgling Pakistan army. of Chakri Rajgan, Jhelum
  • Subedar Raja Muhammed Khan (Late) served during the British Raj with distinction in WW11. Honoured and reverred as a leader in his area. Wagh, Jhelum.
  • Subedar Raja Muhammad Zaman Khan (Late) served during the British Raj. Renowned and respectable figure of Maira, Kahuta.
  • Subedar Allah Ditta during British Raj and Janjua from Raja Kala Khan, of Kalana, Kahuta.
  • Colonel Javed Janjua (Retd)from Mowara, Kahuta now a sucessful businessman based in Virginia, USA

[edit] Police

  • Raja Muhammad Amin - Senior Superintendent of Police (retd) of Maira, Kahuta.
  • Khan sahib Sardar Muhammad Khan - District Superintendent of Police (retd) of Dheer Kot, conferred title of Khan Sahib during British Raj.
  • Raja Muhammad Arsal Khan Janjua (Late) - "Superintendent of Police" of Chakri Rajgaan, Jhelum
  • Raja Nusrat Khan - District Superintendent of Rawalpindi Police (retd)
  • Raja Afzal Janjua - Chief Inspector of Jhelum District Police and younger brother of Raja Zar Khan (above).
  • Raja Nasirullah Khan - Commissioner of Torach (retd)
  • Raja Muhammad Sarwar Khan (late)( - Superintendent Police of Matore.
  • Raja Fazal Dad (late) - District Superintendent of Matore.
  • Raja Taifoor Akhtar District Superintendent Police Gujar Khan, of Matore, Kahuta. Raja Taifoor has also recently been nominated for Pakistan Police Medal by The Govt of Pakistan.
  • Raja Shahid Nazir District Superintendent Police Multan, of Matore, Kahuta.
  • Raja Naseer Ahmed (Shaheed) Inspector police Chakwaal, Kahuta.
  • Raja Zaheer Ahmed (Late) Inspector Police Karachi, Kahuta.
  • Raja Hamid Nawaz - Superintendent Punjab Police of Chakri Rajgan, Jhelum
  • Raja Gul Nawaz Khan (Late) Deputy Inspector General Punjab (Prison) of Dandot, District Chakwal
  • Raja Nusrat Ullah Khan (late) Inspector of Punjab Police of Chakri Rajgan, Jhelum
  • Raja Ibrar Yousaf - Constable of Thames Valley Police UK, from Ratala, Gujar Khan. Raja Darwesh Khan's line.

[edit] Sport

  • Amir Khan (boxer) - Pro boxing lightweight sensation Amir Khan of the UK is a Janjua Rajput of Raja Kala Khan, Matore. He is also the 2004 Olympic silver medalist as well as 2003 Gold medalist in the Junior Olympics. Role model to thousands of youth.
  • Sajid Mahmood - The England Cricket Team's rising star Sajid Mahmood is also a Janjua from Raja Kala Khan's line of Kahuta.
  • Raja Majeed - Famous player of Pakistani wrestling game called Kabadi, of Gora Rajgaan of Kahuta.
  • Kamran Pasha Sheeraz - played for Gloucester Country Cricket Team in the 90's and was also a Janjua from Raja Kala Khan of Kahuta.
  • Capt (R) Gull Muhammad - Pro basketball for Pakistan Army Team.
  • Raja Bilal Ahmed Janjua - Got 2nd position in Basketball Championship in Rawalpindi District and hails from Maira Matore, Kahuta. Descendant of Raja Kala Khan.

[edit] Politics

  • Ms Tehmina Janjua - Pakistan's Permanent Representative to the United Nations
  • Raja Zafar-ul-haq - Chairman of Pakistan Muslim League Party is a Janjua from Raja Kala Khan.
  • Raja Saeed Ahmed Advocate- President Bar Association Kahuta and Chairman kahuta Pakistan Muslim League Party is a janjua from Kahuat Town, Kahuta.
  • Raja Mumtaz Ahmed Khan Advocate - (Late) of Chakri Rajgan. President of Pakistan Peoples Party District Jhelum
  • Sultan Azmat Hayyat Khan (late) - The late Sultan of Watli and Member of Punjab Assembly.
  • Muhammad Tariq Janjua - Federal Secretary for Minorities, Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs in Pakistan.
  • Muhammad Basharat Raja - Provincial Minister for Law and Local Bodies
  • Nawabzada Raja Afzaal Mehdi Khan - (ex) Member of National Assembly, of Darapur
  • Raja Muhammad Ali - Member of Provincial Assembly, from Matore Kahuta.
  • Muhammad Nasir Raja - Advisor to Chief Minister of Punjab
  • Raja Lal Khan - Federal Minister of Pakistan Government
  • Raja Iqbal Mehdi Khan - (ex) Member of National Assembly & Former Provincial Minister, of Darapur.
  • Raja Lehrasab Khan - Federal Minister of Pakistan Government
  • Khan sahib Basheer Ahmed Khan - of Gujranwala, conferred the title of Khan Sahib during the British Raj.
  • Khan Sahib Mahmood Ahmed Khan - of Sodara Gujrat, conferred title of Khan Sahib during the British Raj.
  • Hafeez Ullah Sher Janjua-from Adhi,a villege in Mandibahauddin,ex-vicepresident(tehsil) Pakistan Muslim League, ex Member District Council Mandibahauddin, ex-Nazim Union Council-13 Mandibahuddin. Also a leading businessman of Mandibahuddin.
  • Raja Ahmed Saeed Khan ex Chairman of UC Darapur District Jhelum.
  • Hafiz Ijaz Mehmood janjua Ex chairman of UC Wagh and president of Muslim League Youth Wing (N) Jhelum.
  • Advocate Raja Abdul Qume, Ameer-e-Jamat-e-islami Kahuta and a highly respested local politition.
  • Raja Tariq Mehmood Janjua - District Nazim (Mayor) of Qadian, Tehsil Gujar Khan, of Ratala.
  • Hamid Nawaz Raja - District Nazim Tehsil Rawalpindi.
  • Muzaffer Ali Khan Janjua - District Nazim (Mayor) of Union Council, Dist. Sanghar (retd)
  • Haji Bawa G.Farid (late) - twice Member District Council Rawalpindi.
  • Sardar Hassan Akhter Khan - Ex District Nazim and Chairman of Union Council Matore, Kahuta.
  • Sardar Ilyas Akhtar Janjua - District Nazim of Matore, Kahuta.
  • Nadar Ali Khan Janjua - Tehsildaar (retd) of Malowal Gujrat
  • L.D. Janjua - Additional Joint Secretary, Establishment Division of the Government of Pakistan. He was later fictionalised as the main character (Munir) in Chaman Nahal's book Azadi (published 1979).
  • Raja Shahid Hussain of Ratocha - (near Choa Saiden Shah, Chakwal) prominent Politician of the Raja Bhir Line of Chakwal.
  • Ron (Imron) Janjua B.A(hons)MSc - Born in Toronto Canada, Graduated from York University, Canada with a Specialized Honors Degree in Global Political Studies, with a concentration on Peace and Security, Continued to the London School of Economics, London England, where he undertook a Masters of Science in International Relations, writing his masters dissertation on asymmetrical warfare, as well as serving on the LSE Student Executive as Mature and Part Time Students Officer, and interning for a British Labour Party Minister at the Houses of Parliament. He is continuing to study Law and gain his Juris Doctor and practice International Law, as well as a career in politics once completed.

[edit] Social Sciences

  • Dr. Pervez Zamurrad Janjua - Foreign Professor at International Institute of Islamic Economics, Principal Investigator at Centre of Research for Development and Policy Studies, International Islamic University Islamabad, Approved HEC PhD Scholar, Member National Curriculum Committee Pakistan (Economics)
  • Faisal Janjua - famous banker residing in Toronto, Canada
  • Raja Hasan M Mohsin-"Research Economist", Pakistan Institiute of Development Economics, PIDE, Islamabad (on study leave), Presently, doing PhD in Economics from Southern Illinois University Carbondale, USA funded by Fulbright-USAID scholarship.

[edit] Medical Sciences

  • Dr.Sadiq Janjua, BSc,MD,DPH, - Medical Doctor Born in Rawal Pindi Pakistan, Graduated from University of Aberdeen Scotland in Medicine, Specialized in Public Health at University of Edinborough Scotland, Emigrated to Canada in the 1960s and served in several public health positions including Associate Medical Officer of Health for Sudbury Ontario, as well as Associate Medical Officer of Health for Peel Region in Ontario. He has served his community medically at several local Toronto hospitals and continues to serve the community as a General Practitioner in Toronto.
  • Lt.Col Sarfraz Khan Janjua,MBBS,FCPS(PAK),FFARCS(IRELAND),born at Adhi,a village in Mandibahauddin.He graduated from Army Medical College in 1987.Has specialized in anaesthesia and intensive care.He is one of the most qualified anaesthetists in Pak Army.Has served in UNO mission in Bosnia in 1995.Presently is posted at CMH Rawalpindi.
  • Mohammed Saeed-Khan Janjua (MPharm.Bsc)Lancaster University.Village Mehra Sangal,Kallar Saiydan Dist. Rawalpindi.Descendant of Raja Kala Khan.Community pharmacist in Leeds U.K. and Local Business man.Well known Community role model and Businessman.

[edit] Media and IT

  • Labh Janjua - famous and successful Punjabi singer hailing from Khanian, Fatehgarh Sahib India. He sang the huge international hit 'Mundian Tho Bachke' in 2003 and was also featured in American Desi movie soundtrack.
  • Nadia Janjua - Of USA, a well known architect and engaged in relief work for the Pakistani Earthquake of 2005.
  • Raja Atif Shahzad from Kahuta Mohallah Rajgan studying in USA and working in New York State Thruway Authority as Information Technology Specialist.
  • Yasin Janjua - rising Pakistani economist contributed a background paper and chapter to 2002 report on Human Development in South Asia: Agriculture and Human development produced by Human Development Centre (HDC) Islamabad, Pakistan and Published by Oxford University Press.
  • Raja Shahzad Khan - Famous for his webdesigning worldwide, Creativity with passion. Also famous for his website on rajputs and on Jhelum Apnajhelum, Belongs to Jhelum City of Pakistan.
  • Raja Hafee Ullah Khan Janjua M.Phill Physics - Researcher on Semiconductor Physics and Fibre Optics in Islamia University of Bahawalpur.
  • Raja Ghulam Gilanie Khan Janjua - Famous as Visual C++ Developer. His intellectual work about C/C++ programming is also taught in The Islamia University of Bhawalpur.
  • Major Aamer Akbar Janjua(Retd) - Famous as Oracle Applications Technical Consultant. Working In a Leading UK based Company and heads Technical Division of Oracle Group.
  • Naseer Hussain - A famous writer, film producer and directer. Also a social worker running a NGO Shoulder.he is from Bhilowal,Pind dadan Khan,Jhelum.
  • Ahmed Kamal Janjua - Highly Qualified Senior Technologist/Entrepreneur/Researcher, educated from USA, and served several years with fortune 500 companies, hails from Jhelum, Wagh
  • Mubasher Kafait Janjua - 10 year experience in IT and GM in Defence Indenting field from Dandot village,Chakwal.
  • Raja Mohammad Ibrahim - The famous poet from Village Nambal in Kahuta district of Rawalpindi is a Janjua from Raja Bhir Khan.
  • Raja Talib Mehdi Janjua of Darapur, Jhelum- settled in Los Angeles, California <previous residence in Karachi, Pakistan: Systems Analyst/Programmer at Electronic Data Services (EDS) & Former Principal Systems Analyst Pakistan International Airlines (PIA)

[edit] External links