Jan Stuyt

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Jan Stuyt (Aug 21, 1868, Purmerend - Jul 11, 1934, The Hague) was a Dutch architect.

Stuyt started his architectural career in 1883 at the office of A.C. Bleys (1842-1912), whose neo-Romanesque style would become of great influence on Stuyt. In 1891 Stuyt joined the Cuypers office in Amsterdam, where he became an overseer of the building of the Cathedral of Saint Bavo in Haarlem between 1895 and 1898. In 1899, after a short career as an independent architect in which he built his first church, he formed a partnership with Jos Cuypers, son of Pierre Cuypers, which lasted until 1908. It seems that the architects in this period mostly worked on their own. Jan Stuyt mostly designed neo-Romanesque churches, often decorated with chessboard-like tile-decorations, which are present in many of the churches both during and after the partnership. Cuypers chose a more neo-Gothic approach, closely related to the work of his father. Stuyt's style was greatly influenced by Mediterranean (Italian, Byzantine, Islamic) architecture after his participation in the first Dutch pilgrimage to Palestine in 1903. Several of his most important churches were dome-churches, shaped after the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. His less prestigious designs were often executed in a simple neo-Romanesque style, combining standard elements.

Besides churches Stuyt designed various other buildings and was also active in town planning, especially in the city of Heerlen. He was an architect for housing corporation Ons Limburg and in that function made the planological design for the Molenberg neighbourhood [1]. In his profane designs influences from (neo-)Classicism and the work of K.P.C. de Bazel are apparent.

After Stuyt's death, his son Giacomo C. Stuyt continued the office, but apparently with considerably less success. His first and best known work is the church of St. Paulus in Utrecht of 1937, which has been demolished already.

[edit] List of Designs

Note: Not all his designs were actually built. Designs during his work together with Jos Cuypers, between 1899-1908 are not listed here.

Entrance to the Ambachtsschool in Heerlen
Entrance to the Ambachtsschool in Heerlen
Church in Heilig Landstichting
Church in Heilig Landstichting
  • 1898 Design for a church in Lodz, Russian Poland
  • 1899 Design for a church in Copenhagen, Denmark
  • 1899-1900 Sloten: church St. Pancratius
  • 1906 Zeelst: tower church St. Willibrordus
  • 1907 Weebosch: church St. Gerardus Majella.
  • 1908 Wijkeroog: church St. Jozef
  • 1909 Eindhoven: Office-building Coöperatieve Centrale Boerenleenbank
  • 1909 Eindhoven: Director's house
  • 1910 Berkel-Enschot: church St. Willibrordus
  • 1911-1913 Alkmaar: restoration town hall
  • 1911 Naarden: church St. Vitus
  • 1911 Overloon: church St. Theobaldus
  • 1911 Klein-Zundert: church St. Willibrordus
  • 1911 Heemskerk: town hall
  • 1912-1913 Bergen op Zoom: church St. Joseph
  • 1912 Purmerend: town hall.
  • 1913 Rotterdam: design town hall
  • 1913-1915 Heilig Landstichting: church Cenakelkerk
  • 1913-1914 Terborg: church St. Gregorius
  • 1913 Groningen: church H. Hartkerk
  • 1913 Heiloo: Church O.L.V. ter Nood
  • 1913 Heerlen: Ambachtsschool (later called Technische School (Technical school))
  • 1913 Hoensbroek: Housing complex De Eerste Stap
  • 1915-1930 Heerlen: Molenberg
  • 1915-1916 Maarn: Huis te Maarn
  • 1915 Zoetermeer: church St. Nicolaas
  • 1915 Wormerveer: church H. Maria Geboorte
  • 1916-1917 's-Hertogenbosch: church St. Catharina
  • 1916-1917 Eindhoven: church St. Anthonius van Padua
  • 1916 Harmelen: church St. Bavo
  • 1917-1920 Brunssum: garden-village De Rozengaard
  • 1917-1918 Mariaparochie: church O.L. Vrouwe van Altijddurende Bijstand
  • 1917 Voerendaal: enlargement church St. Laurentius
  • 1918-1919 Geleen: AW Kolonie
  • 1919-1922 Heemstede: seminary Hageveld
  • 1919 ijsselmuiden: church O.L. Vrouwe Onbevlekt Ontvangen
  • 1920-1922 Heerlen: Vroedvrouwenschool (School for midwives)
  • 1920 Amsterdam: church St. Agnes
  • 1921-1922 Den Haag: church Heilige Familie
  • 1921-1924 Wierden: church St. Johannes de Doper
  • 1921 Brielle: ciborium
  • 1921 Den Haag: design Tweede Kamergebouw
  • 1922-1924 Almelo: church St. Egbertus
  • 1922-1924 Den Haag: church St. Gerardus Majella
  • 1923-1926 Amsterdam: church St. Gerardus Majella
  • 1923 Egmond a/d Hoef: church H. Margarita Maria Alacoque
  • 1925-1927 Zundert: church St. Trudo
  • 1925-1926 Geesteren: church St. Pancratius
  • 1925 Alkmaar: hospital St. Elisabeth
  • 1926 Koningsbosch: church O.L. Vrouw Onbevlekt Ontvangen
  • 1926-1928 Nijmegen: Neboklooster
  • 1926-1928 Almelo: hospital St. Elisabeth
  • 1926-1927 Enschede: church O.L. Vrouwe van Altijddurende Bijstand
  • 1927 Hillegom: church St. Joseph
  • 1927 Heiloo: church St. Willibrordus
  • 1928 De Steeg: church O.L. Vrouwe Hemelvaart
  • 1928-1929 Zevenbergen: church St. Bartholomeuskerk
  • 1929-1930 Dommelen: enlargement church St. Martinus
  • 1930 Warmond: Philosophicum
  • 1930 Heiloo: pilgrimage chapel Onze Lieve Vrouwe ter Nood
  • 1930-1931 Lisse: church H.H. Engelbewaarders
  • 1931-1932 Keijenborg: church St. Johannes de Doper
  • 1932 Valkenswaard: church St. Nicolaas
  • 1933 Rome: Building Nederlands Instituut
  • 1934 Heerlen: Chapel for the Vroedvrouwenschool (School for midwives)

[edit] Year unknown

[edit] Source


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