User:James Arboghast

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Have a Pseudo-panathenaic amphora, ca 500 BC. Picture courtesy of Matthias Kabel. Check out Typology of Greek Vase Shapes
Have a Pseudo-panathenaic amphora, ca 500 BC. Picture courtesy of Matthias Kabel. Check out Typology of Greek Vase Shapes
Carved stone griffin 6th century BC, symbol of the Persian Empire. Picture courtesy of Zmmz.
Carved stone griffin 6th century BC, symbol of the Persian Empire. Picture courtesy of Zmmz.
I'm on Wikileave for November 2006. but I will check for messages.
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Please allow up to 2 days for replies.
I'm an advertising creative in Melbourne, Australia, and I design typefaces in my spare time. I write & edit a lot of copy in my job and in just about every other capacity. At WP I specialize in re-writes, grammatic structure, philological & semantic errors, economic prose, and reducing wordiness in Wackypedia. (Wikiwordiness?)
  • 1st thing: good writing is simple and easy to understand
  • 2nd thing: writing is re-writing.
  • Other thing: "This important. Civilization must go on!" — Robert Crumb

    Rewrites and revamps:

    Articles written from scratch:

    The Mysterious Phaistos fish "Combining multiple fish in a single fish-like device seems to have first occurred in the fish century BC. The mysterious Phaistos "fish"—a 15 meter ceramic fish-shaped device with 241 tokens molded in scales (comprising 45 unique fish glyphs)—is obviously a fish labelling machine. Sure, put money on it. The true purpose of the so-called Phaistos "fish" is anybody's guess, but my friend Amanda heard that many believe it really is a primitive computer "floppy" fish. Also try: Hackenbacher Nightrider." Arbo 25 October 2006. Reposted from [1].

    [edit] Useful wiki stuff

    Wikipedia:Template messages, Wikipedia:Shortcuts, Upload an image, Image copyright tags
    Take it from some truly switched-on Wikipedians: Wetman, Ryan Freisling, Bacchiad and MONGO
    Greek bronze cult statue, thought to be either Poseidon or Zeus, c. 460 B.C, National Archaeological Museum, Athens. This masterpiece of classical sculpture was found by fishermen off the coast of Cape Artemisium in 1928. More than 2 m in height. Photo courtesy of Adam Carr.
    Greek bronze cult statue, thought to be either Poseidon or Zeus, c. 460 B.C, National Archaeological Museum, Athens. This masterpiece of classical sculpture was found by fishermen off the coast of Cape Artemisium in 1928. More than 2 m in height. Photo courtesy of Adam Carr.

    [edit] My interests

      [edit] Type samples I made or scanned for Wikipedia

      Genuine Jenson roman type, from the "Laertis", published in Venice ca 1475. This image replaces the fake Jenson made with digitized centaur punches.
      Genuine Jenson roman type, from the "Laertis", published in Venice ca 1475. This image replaces the fake Jenson made with digitized centaur punches.
      Text typesetting using Chianti BT to demonstrate leading and letterspacing.
      Text typesetting using Chianti BT to demonstrate leading and letterspacing.
      Text typeset in Iowan Old Style roman, italics and small caps. Extract of an essay by Oscar Wilde The Renaissance of English Art ca. 1882.
      Text typeset in Iowan Old Style roman, italics and small caps. Extract of an essay by Oscar Wilde The Renaissance of English Art ca. 1882.
      Facsimile of lines from Dante's "Vita Nuova" first published with Bodoni types by the Officina Bodoni in 1925. Actual font is the digital Bodoni Monotype published in 1999.
      Facsimile of lines from Dante's "Vita Nuova" first published with Bodoni types by the Officina Bodoni in 1925. Actual font is the digital Bodoni Monotype published in 1999.
      list of my contributions >>
       Engraving of Edgar Allen Poe with authentic creepy-macabre 19th century look. You can practically hear the glass harpsichord snickering. Poe has nothing to do with typography but, I love his writing.
      Engraving of Edgar Allen Poe with authentic creepy-macabre 19th century look. You can practically hear the glass harpsichord snickering. Poe has nothing to do with typography but, I love his writing.

      [edit] Why typography should matter to everyone

      In typically self-absorbed post-modern paradoxical fashion the fundamental substance of the World Wide Web is itself rather undernarrated within the one web project best-positioned to demystify it; code, software, media files, your computer, web servers, email, internet transport protocols—every software component that enables me to write this page and you to read it from a great distance—all of it runs on fonts and code pages made up of typographic characters.
      Computers do the number crunching—they crunch letters too, but without the alphabet and fonts, the internet would have no medium to propagate in.
      By a route obscure and lonely
      Haunted by ill angels only
      Where an eidolon named night
      On a black throne reigns upright
      I have reached these lands but newly
      From an ultimate dim thule—
      From a wild weird clime that lieth sublime
      Out of space—out of time
      So reads the first stanza of Edgar Allen Poe's poem Dreamland penned in 1844. It's the kind of dark and uncanny premonition I love, even if the verisimilitude to the internet is superficial.
      my name
      James Arboghast a professional name designed to stand out in the sea of drek.
      en This user is a native speaker of English.
      en This users contributes with a advanced English, including figurative use of speech.
      This user has one or more cats.
      html-3 This user is an advanced HTML user.

      A catalog of my fonts can be found here About five of them are free fonts.

      James 17:15, 13 August 2006 (UTC)