James Moore (cyclist)

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James Moore (right) and the second, Jean-Eugène-André Castera at Paris-Rouen at 1869/Nov/7
James Moore (right) and the second, Jean-Eugène-André Castera at Paris-Rouen at 1869/Nov/7

James Moore (born 1850) was the first champion cyclist. He was born in England, but moved to France by the time he was 18. On 31 May 1868 the first cycling race is said to have taken place in Saint-Cloud - a 1.2 kilometre race from the towns fountains to the park, he won it. Later this year, on the 7 November he also won France's first road race from Paris to Rouen, a 135 kilometre race - the race took him 10 hours and 25 minutes. This length of time (keeping in mind this is an average of 13 kilometres per hour) may be attributed to the quality of bicycles of the time. Due to the lack of good gearing and the vehicle weight he had to push it up hills (which were not even steep).

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