James Harkins

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James M. Harkins, Republican, was appointed Director of Maryland Environmental Service (MES) in May 2005. Jim, former Harford County Executive and a two-term member of the Maryland House of Delegates, began work at MES July 1, 2005.

As Director of MES, Jim oversaw an independent State agency with 600 employees involved in more than 375 environmental projects located in three states, projects that range in cost from $1,000 to $6.7 million. The generation of energy and the recovery of useable resources from waste, and the promotion of public sector participation in environmental protection is a key component of the Agency’s legislative directive.

Jim was elected as the fifth County Executive of Harford County in 1998 and was reelected in 2002. In the Maryland House of Delegates he was ranking minority member of the House Judiciary Committee, and served one year on the House Appropriations Committee.

A twenty-five year veteran of the Harford County Sheriff's Office, Jim has been recognized for his expertise in law enforcement and public safety issues. In addition, he has served as Chair of the Law Enforcement Agencies Committee on the Governor's Commission on the Structure and Efficiency of State Government, the Hellman Commission, Governor's Commission on Transportation Investment and the Governor's Task Force to Ensure Utility Services.

Jim and his wife, Debra, have two daughters, Andrea and Stephanie. The family resides in the rural community of Whiteford.