James Earl Rudder

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James Earl Rudder
James Earl Rudder

James Earl Rudder (May 6, 1910March 23, 1970) was a United States Army Major General, Texas Land Commissioner and President of Texas A&M University.


[edit] Military career

Rudder was the hero of D-Day as Commander of the United States Army's 2nd Ranger Battalion. Rudder's U.S. Army Rangers stormed the beach at Pointe du Hoc and, under constant enemy fire, scaled 100-foot cliffs to reach and destroy German gun batteries. The battalion's casualty rate for this perilous mission was greater than 50 percent. Rudder himself was wounded twice during the course of the fighting. In spite of this, they dug in and fought off German counter-attacks for two days until relieved. He and his men helped to successfully establish a beachhead for the Allied forces.

Six months later, Rudder was assigned to command the 109th Infantry Regiment, which saw key service in the Battle of the Bulge. Rudder became one of the most decorated soldiers of the war, with honors that included the Distinguished Service Cross, Legion of Merit, Silver Star, Bronze Star Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, French Legion of Honor with Croix de Guerre and Palm, and Belgian Order of Leopold with Croix de Guerre and Palm. By the end of the war he was a full Colonel and was promoted to Brigadier General of the United States Army Reserves in 1954 and Major General in 1957.

[edit] The Politician & Educator

Rudder's statue on the TAMU campus.
Rudder's statue on the TAMU campus.

Rudder served as mayor of Brady, Texas from 1946 to 1952 and was vice president of Brady Aviation Company in 1953. On January 1, 1955, he assumed the office of Land Commissioner after the abandonment of the position by James Bascom Giles. At that time the Veterans Land Program was under scrutiny for mismanagement and corruption. Rudder undertook the task of reforming policies, expediting land applications, and closely supervising proper accounting procedures. He also oversaw the proper leasing of state lands by employing more field inspectors for oil and gas sites and adding a seismic exploration staff. In addition, he improved working conditions for his staff and instigated a program to preserve the many deteriorating General Land Office documents.

On the strength of his many reforms, Rudder won the election for land commissioner in 1956 and served until February 1, 1958. That year, he became vice president of Texas A&M University. He became president in 1959 and president of the entire A&M System in 1965. In 1967 President Lyndon B. Johnson presented Rudder the Distinguished Service Medal, the highest peacetime service award. Since his death in 1970, an annual service has been held in Normandy, France in his honor.

While President of Texas A&M, Rudder is credited for transforming the University from a small land-grant college to a renowned University. Specifically, he made membership in the Corps of Cadets optional, and allowed women to attend. There are many reminders of Rudder on campus, including Rudder Tower, next to the Memorial Student Center, and a statue. Additionally, a special training unit within the Corps of Cadets known as "Rudder's Rangers" is named in his honor. Cadets within the Corps of Cadets at A&M are expected to be able to recite an excerpt from the inscription on Rudder tower, a "Campusology" that reads:

In memory of James Earl Rudder, 1910-1970, Class of 1932, Heroic Soldier. Commissioner of the General Land Office of Texas… Sixteenth President of Texas A&M University… Third President of the Texas A&M University System.

Earl Rudder was architect of the dream that produced this center. In this, as in all he did, he demonstrated uncommon ability to inspire men and lead them to exceptional achievement.


[edit] Sources

A middle school in the city of San Antonio, Texas was named in his honor. Sports teams are known as The Rudder Rangers.

[edit] Further reading