Jake Sisko

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Jake Sisko
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Brown
Home planet: Earth
Portrayed by: Cirroc Lofton

Jake Sisko is a character in the fictional Star Trek universe, played by Cirroc Lofton. He is the son of Captain Benjamin Sisko in the series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

[edit] Overview

He was born in 2355 to Jennifer Sisko, who was killed in 2367 during the Battle of Wolf 359, when Benjamin Sisko served aboard the USS Saratoga. In 2369, he moved with his father to Deep Space Nine, under protest. Once there, he became friends with a Ferengi named Nog, son of Rom, despite the disapproval of both youths' fathers. Jake and Nog became the first students enrolled in Keiko O'Brien's school. Jake aspired to be a writer, though he declined a scholarship to the Pennington School (New Zealand) in 2371.

In 2372, Jake wrote the first draft of his first novel, Anslem under the influence of Onaya, an alien who fed on creative energy ("The Muse").

In an alternate timeline ("The Visitor"), Benjamin Sisko is thrust into a sub-space limbo after being struck by an errant energy bolt in the USS Defiant engine room in 2372. After the accident, Sisko is presumed dead, but later appears to Jake several times. After a short but successful career as a novelist (including the publication of *Anselm*), Jake spends the rest of his adult life trying to understand and reverse the accident. Jake learns that since he and his father were in proximity when the accident occurred, he acts as sort of an anchor to his father in sub-space, occasionally pulling the elder Sisko into the real world (similar to a rubber band occasionally going taut). Jake determines that if he were to take his own life, the connection would be severed and Ben would return to the time of the accident. Jake follows through with the plan, and his father is able to return to the past, dodge the energy bolt and change history.

During the Dominion occupation of Deep Space Nine, Jake remained behind served as a reporter for the Starfleet News Service, though most of his work was suppressed by the Dominion governor.

Jake does not have a counterpart in the Mirror Universe; Mirror counterparts of Benjamin and Jennifer exist there, but they separated before ever having a child.

In the series finale, Benjamin Sisko joined the Prophets, and although Jake Sisko is still at DS9 for the final scene of the show, it is not clear if he stayed there.

[edit] External links

Regular characters on Star Trek
 The Original Series  Kirk | Spock | McCoy | Scott | Uhura | Sulu | Chekov | Chapel | RandAnimated Series: Arex | M'Ress
 The Next Generation  Picard | Riker | Data | La Forge | Worf | B. Crusher | Troi | W. Crusher | Yar | Pulaski
 Deep Space Nine  B. Sisko | Kira | J. Dax | Odo | Bashir | O'Brien | Worf | J. Sisko | Quark | Rom | Nog | E. Dax | Garak | Martok | Damar | Dukat | Weyoun | Winn
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 Enterprise  Archer | T'Pol | Tucker | Reed | Phlox | Sato | Mayweather
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