User:Jack Daw

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My demographic is this: White male, born 1985, from upper middle class white collar family. I currently live in central Uppsala with my fiancée. My interests generally go under the subjects of medicine, human geography and bodybuilding. In medicine I find endocrinology to be the most interesting subspecialty.


[edit] Bodybuilding, Sports

My main physical activity is no doubt bodybuilding, or rather, weight lifting, in the attempt to stimulate hormonal response yielding anabolism upon adequate presence of nutrients - that's my way of defining the activity. I lift weights four days a week, currently I'm mostly focusing on my upper body, because it's in dire need of attention and my back and legs especially usually grow easily upon the slightest exertion. I've been working out since October 2005. I have a couple of "philosophies" when it comes to bodybuilding. The first is that for an amateur seeking to reach no longer than that level, a different workout regimen doesn't offer a relevant advantage, if any, over another. Secondly, I think that a bodybuilder, or any other healthy person for that matter, needs few if any supplements. I think that a healthy diet such as recommended by ADA and the likes should not be traded for a perceived greater increase in lean body mass. Especially, no bodybuilder needs a protein supplement. Protein is not a nutrient that needs any greater attention for the bodybuilder than for any other activity. More than enough is provided by the required hypercaloric diet. Lastly, I don't consider bodybuilding to be a sport and I don't want to see it along true sports such as those in the Olympics. I do think however that bodybuilding contests should test for doping, just like other sports.

I also enjoy sports like cross country skiing, ice skating, running, rowing and simming, and would like to partake in these sports on my non-weight lifting days, but then I'd have to eat more, and I'm already eating ubareably much.

[edit] Music

I like pretty much all kinds of music. The music that has had a fundamental part as "the soundtrack of my life" includes such acts like: Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Suede, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, Rod Stewart, Pet Shop Boys, Leonard Cohen, Metallica, Beethoven and other classical music, 80s pop music, black metal music.

Other acts I like are: David Bowie, T Rex, Def Leppard, Iron Maiden, Depeche Mode, Roxy Music, The Smiths, Morrissey, Velvet Underground, Lou Reed, Giorgio Moroder, Huey Lewis and the News, etc...

[edit] Film

American Beauty, American Psycho, American Gigolo, Wall Street, Platoon, Forrest Gump, Risky Business, The Great Gatsby, Annie Hall, The Graduate, Sin City, Sleepless in Seattle, the Rambo trilogy, Star Wars, Star Trek, When Harry Met Sally, RoboCop, The Terminator (and the sequels), Conan the Barbarian, Pulp Fiction, The Shawshank Redemption, etc...

[edit] Americanism

My definition of Americanism is similar to anglophilia, but deeper and more passionate. I love America. America is the most free "visible" country. It has by far the best constitution among all nations of the world. America is a country where big dreams and big thinking is encouraged. American English is the superior English accent - and English is the superior language. Whenever I want a book, I make sure it's an English edition. Despite being comparatively short, America's history is extremely interesting, with the settlers of the 1600s, legal debate in the 1700s, "how the west was won" and the burgeoning of industrialism in the 1800s, and how America became the most prominent country all categories in the 1900s. What the 2000s has to offer for America has yet to be found out. I don't like all of America, after all, it is the country where some people refuse to stop at a "Stop" sign, because "I have my rights", but the pros overwhelm the cons, especially if one is, like me, from Sweden, the opposite of America all categories save for moralism (although Sweden is noticeably more moralistic). Unfortunately it's almost impossible to get into America without some super ultra deluxe education these days, but if I could just have five minutes with the immigration guys, I could show them why I'm right for America. Hey, I'm virtually fluent in English, I know more about America in all aspects than most legal (and illegal) immigrants, and I'm willing to work hard; what's not to like?

[edit] Wikipedia

One of the reasons I love wikipedia is because it's so dramatic. Two examples:

[Beethoven] is generally regarded as one of the greatest composers in the history of music, [...]
Iron is essential to all known organisms.