Jack Snyder and Carly Tenney

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Jack (Michael Park) and Carly (Maura West)
Jack (Michael Park) and Carly (Maura West)

Jack Snyder and Carly Tenney Snyder are fictional characters and a supercouple on the American soap opera As the World Turns. Jack is played by Michael Park and Carly is played by Maura West. The popular couple has been nicknamed as the portmanteau "CarJack" by internet message board users (for Carly and Jack).


[edit] History

Jack and Carly met in Carly's native state Montana. The two didn't get along at first; in fact they couldn't stand each other. But despite all their arguing, there was lots of chemistry between them. Their true feelings for each other became apparent when they investigated arsonist/dirty cop Teague. During the investigation, Jack and Carly got trapped in a cabin where they got closer and discovered that they had feelings for one another. After returning to Oakdale, Jack wanted to continue the relationship slowly; however Carly was desperate to get married and she dumped Jack to marry Hal Munson.

Reeling from his breakup with Carly, Jack was all set to leave town when he met Julia Lindsey. While helping Julia escape from her controlling fiancé, he fell in love with her. In the meantime, Jack found out the truth about why Carly dumped him and married Hal--she would inherit a huge trust fund from her sister, Rosanna Cabot, if she married a man and had a baby by him by the time the year was out. Disgusted, Jack told Carly to come clean with Hal or he'd completely walk out of her life. In the end, Hal learned the truth himself and divorced her. Luckily for Carly, she got Dr. John Dixon (whom she thought impregnated her with donated sperm) to marry her and soon after, with the assistance of Jack and Julia, she gave birth to a son, Parker, in December of 1998.

Soon after, Jack's relationship with Julia ended when he found out she lied to him about killing David Stenbeck, and because of interference from Carly. Even though he tried to avoid her and deny his feelings for her, something about her kept pulling him back. Eventually long buried feelings rose to the surface and they made love. Their relationship crumbled again when Jack found out that Carly lied about Parker's paternity. Hal, not John, was the baby's father.

After a little while though, Jack took pity on Carly and, impressed by how she was trying to turn her life around, befriended her. Jack decided to give Carly another go at their relationship if she could go one month without lying. With Jack's support and understanding, Carly won the bet and Jack proposed to her on Christmas.

Jack and Carly's wedding
Jack and Carly's wedding

Unfortunately, Jack was about to get his heart broken yet again in 2000. The day of their wedding, Carly arrived at the church and told Jack that she was leaving him to pursue a business opportunity in Paris. A disgusted Jack wrote off Carly forever. Months later, Jack would learn that the reason Carly left was because she was being threatened by Winston Lowe, a man she married in Hong Kong. However, by now Jack was married to Julia and decided that he was better off without Carly and her lies anyway.

As much as he wanted, Jack couldn't deny his feelings and in 2001, after Julia miscarried her and Jack's baby, Jack finally confessed to Julia that he still had feelings for Carly. Though he vowed to stick by Julia, he couldn't stay away from Carly and continued to meet with her. Jack's devotion to Carly drove Julia over the edge. She tried to hurt Carly first by alerting Craig that she was spying on him and then by killing Carly's prized horse, Flashdance. Jack, concerned about Julia's state of mind insisted that she check herself into an institution and get help. Though he tried to protect Julia by keeping her crimes from the police, Jack's plan backfired when Julia became increasingly unstable and she later went after Carly. Luckily Jack was able to stop Julia from killing Carly and she was led away by the police. With the nightmare of Julia over, Jack was finally able to be with Carly. Unfortunately, the whole experience with Julia scared Carly and she turned away from him.

A few months later Carly would mysteriously disappear along with Emily Stewart and Rose D'Angelo. Though Barbara Ryan admitted that ex-husband James Stenbeck kidnapped the women on her behalf, she had no idea as to where they were. After months of chasing down leads that led nowhere (and after being kidnapped, drugged, assaulted and raped by a demented Julia) Jack made a deal with James: he'd return Carly in place of Barbara. Though he initially wanted to use a decoy, Barbara demanded that she be allowed to go along with James. Intending to double cross James, Jack's operation was ruined by a hypnotized Hal and James ran off with Barbara.

Nearly four months after she'd disappeared, Carly was mysteriously released by James and traded for Barbara. Although elated to be reunited with her family, there was just one problem: due to her treatment at the spa where she was held, Carly looked decades older! Disgusted by her appearance, Carly was reluctant let Jack (her rescuer) into her life, and refused to see Craig. However, despite her appearance, all Jack saw was simply the woman he loved. He did not even flinch when he saw her for the first time upon her return; he held her and loved her unconditionally and she felt it. Though afraid that she'd be disfigured for life, the doctor who treated Carly at the spa was captured and "persuaded" by Jack to undo the damage he did to Carly. Her face restored, Carly settled down for a life with Jack. Later that year, Julia returned to town with a baby, Jack Jr., claiming he was Jack's. Though the paternity test confirmed this, later it was discovered that the child belonged to neither Jack nor Julia and was returned to his biological parents.

Unfortunately, Jack and Carly's happiness wouldn't last long. Jack was jealous over Carly's friendship and working relationship with Craig, and the couple argued bitterly right before their wedding, leaving Carly devasted. She found comfort in former flame and friend Mike Kasnoff and the two made love.

Jack eventually came to his senses, Carly decided to keep the one night stand with Mike a secret and the two reconciled in time for their glorious wedding. Though the marriage started on happy note with Carly expecting their baby, it soured when Jack learned about the night Carly spent with Mike before their wedding. Bitter, Jack threw Carly out of his house. Though he immediately wanted to divorce her, he took Holden and Lily's advice and held off. Though still jealous of Mike, Jack softened when he finally realized the child could actually be his and he agreed to help Carly in her pregnancy. To that end, when Carly was ordered to avoid stress in order to ensure a safe delivery, Jack demanded that she stop all work at Monte Carlo. Unfortunately, Carly wouldn't listen--especially when she found out Barbara was trying to get her job. Later Barbara disappeared and later resurfaced claiming that she'd been kidnapped. Skeptical at first, Jack did some digging and discovered that Craig, Rose and Emily did in fact kidnap Barbara. Not wanting the others to suffer, Jack kept quiet about the crime only to be ratted out by Henry Coleman. Not long after, Jack suspected that Carly ripped off Barbara's designs and blew up at her. By the time he learned he was mistaken, Carly had disappeared to quietly have her baby in Montana without telling anyone. Jack eventually found out and after Carly's cousin Molly Conlan McKinnon convinced him that Carly wanted him to follow her, Jack hightailed it to Montana where he ended up delivering Carly's daughter, Sage. After the birth, Jack promised Carly that he'd stand by her no matter what. Jack and Carly finally married in a simple ceremony and later, Jack learned that Sage was his child.

A year later, Jack would find himself in a perilous situation while trying to protect Molly. After having helped rescue Molly from a mobster named Starziak who feared she was going to testify against him, Jack offered to let her stay in his house since she had no where to go and feared for her life. Molly's fears seemed grounded when Starziak found her at the Snyders and went after her. Fortunately, Jack and Carly arrived home in time and Jack was able to subdue Starziak. However, the frightening ordeal left Molly hysterical and she demanded that Jack take him away. Though proper procedure was to wait for police backup, to appease a hysterical Molly, Jack took the criminal away himself. However, in the car, Starziak attempted an escape by grabbing Jack's steering wheel and the car went into the water! Jack was presumed dead and Carly was devasted by the loss of her true love.

Days later, Jack would wake up in a hospital with no memory of who he was.Knowing his name was Jack (from the inscription on his wedding ring), Jack met a dark haired nurse named Julia Larrabee and was convinced she was his wife. Julia did nothing to contradict him, and the two bonded. However when he made the assumption that her son, J.J., was theirs, Julia revealed that she'd only gone with his assumptions because his doctor asked her to. (The doctor thought it would help Jack) Soon after, Jack was released, but with nowhere to go. Feeling sorry for him, Julia let him stay with her and J.J and promised to help him find out who he was. Staying with Julia, Jack quickly fell in love with this very sweet woman and her son. Although the search for Jack's identity led nowhere, he and Julia got a clue when a pair of hippies suddenly recognized him from pictures they'd seen from a crazy woman who hitched a ride with them one day, Jack's ex-wife. Suddenly Jack had a memory flash of Julia trying to kill him! That memory scared Jack and he decided that his former life was better off buried, and he focused on creating a future for himself.

Meanwhile, Carly refused to believe Jack was dead and began to look into the accident. Although it seemed hopeless, Carly had one small lead--a dark haired woman at the water park with a small child named JJ was at the park with the blurred man in the photo. Her luck changed when a report came in that Jack Snyder's wallet had been stolen. It was proof that Jack was alive! Carly soon got wind and began her own investigation to find her husband. But throughout the weeks the search proved fruitless. Finally Parker (who'd been having psychic flashes throughout all of this) told Carly that it was too late and then collapsed. Fearing what this was doing to her son, Carly decided to give up the search. But that all changed when Carly learned that the dark haired woman from the water park had been in her house wanting to tell her something. The same day, Parker found a pen in the trash, which must have been left by the dark haired woman, a pen from St. Genevieve Hospital. Now with a solid lead, Carly and Rosanna did some searching and found out the woman's identity--Julia Larrabee.

While bonding with Julia and JJ, Jack would periodically get flashes of a vivacious blonde but had no idea what those flashes meant. Then came the arrival of Julia's abusive ex-husband, Les who threatened to take JJ away. Having an instinctive need to protect his new family, Jack talked Julia into marrying him. Although she hesitated since they both had no idea what was in his past, Jack was happy in his new life, was falling deeper in love with Julia and assured her that he didn't care about his past. So, after obtaining a fake ID, under the name "Jack Jackson", Jack and Julia married. Weeks later, Jack was startled when Julia suddenly insisted that they had to move immediately. Though Jack was content remain where he was and worried about JJ leaving in the middle of a school year, Julia insisted that they had to move to Louisville that night. After being told that Julia had a job offer there, Jack agreed to the move. After driving all night, Jack and his new family stopped at a hotel called the White Horse.

When Carly went to Julia's home, she was told that she'd left suddenly with her son and husband, who had to be Jack! With the clock ticking, Carly and Rosanna went searching for Julia and Jack. Although they were thrown off course since Julia had told people she was headed for Tennessee, Carly soon figured out she was heading somewhere else and with some information from some truckers at a rest stop deduced that Julia and Jack could be headed for Louisville, Kentucky. Hitching a ride with a trucker, Carly searched at every hotel on route for Jack to no avail. Finally at dawn's light she got a clue from Parker---Jack was at the White Horse.

That night, Jack would be shocked to find a police badge in Julia's possessions--his badge with the name Jack Snyder! Shocked, Jack confronted Julia the next morning with the fact that she knew his identity. However, Julia maintained that she'd only found out the day before when she left the hospital. Buying her explanation that the hospital gave her the rest of Jack's effects, Jack went out and came face to face with a blonde who immediately recognized him--Carly! Unfortunately, Jack had no memory of Carly at all. Although Carly tried to jog his memory by showing him a family picture and telling him about their past, he still could not remember anything. Not feeling anything for this woman in front of him, Jack only wanted to return to Julia and was shocked when Carly told him that Julia had known who he was, that she'd been to their house in Oakdale. Not knowing who to believe, but not liking Carly's confrontational attitude toward Julia, Jack took Julia aside and demanded the truth. Caught, Julia tearfully confessed that she'd learned of Jack's identity much earlier but kept quiet since she'd fallen in love with him. Touched, Jack forgave Julia. Although Julia wanted to go ahead and move far away, Jack convinced her that he had to find out who he was.

So, Jack went back to Oakdale, and brought Julia and JJ, with him. This development didn't sit too well with Carly and she had several run-ins with Julia, whom Carly accused of exploiting Jack's vulnerable state to keep him close. Carly's antagonism toward Julia only ended up alienating herself from Jack. Knowing that Jack considered Julia his real wife, Carly went to court and had Jack declared incompetent and had him placed in her custody. However, though Jack was now at home, he was colder than ever to Carly. However, he was starting to bond with his children and the Snyder family. Meanwhile, after weeks of Jack being hostile towards her, Carly tried to make him remember their past by tricking him into going to Montana. There she discussed their past and started reciting their wedding vows. Suddenly, Jack started remembering them too and his entire memory came flooding back! But even though his memory had returned, Jack still had a problem--he cared for both women. As Jack struggled with his choice, in the end Carly decided to make it easy for him and signed divorce papers. However, to her delight, Jack had already made his decision and tore them up. Months later, Julia was tragically murdered by her ex-husband, Les, and Jack and Carly were granted guardianship of JJ.

A few months later, Carly started having nightmares of a woman screaming at her demanding to know what she’d done to her child. Convinced this was a traumatic childhood memory, Carly did some digging though her father’s things and found a photo of him and a dark haired woman. The odd thing was that the photo was taken near Mabel’s in Oakdale. Confused since her father never mentioned living there, Carly asked around but no one remembered her father or the woman he was with. Trying to support her, Jack did some digging and found out who the woman was and her relationship to Carly. Determined that Carly would never learn the truth, Jack located the woman, Iris, in Oakdale and went to her to tell her to stay away. Unfortunately, Carly saw them talking. To Jack’s relief, Iris simply told Carly that she dated her father when Carly was a girl.

Meanwhile, tragedy struck when Rosanna was run off the road by Craig and fell into a coma. At the time of the accident, Rosanna had made plans to adopt a baby boy from teenaged unwed mother. With Rosanna incapacitated, Carly decided to raise her sister’s baby, whom she named Rory, after Rosanna. Unfortunately the mother, Gwen Norbeck, decided to sue the Snyders for custody since she didn’t know or trust Carly. A week later, at the trial, Iris told Carly the secret she’d been hiding. She had given birth to Carly's father, Ray Tenney’s, child and Carly, in a childhood pique of jealousy, murdered her newborn baby. Since Carly was underage, the records were sealed. When Carly relayed the story to Jack he was forced to admit that he’d not only seen the juvenile records; he’d destroyed them. As for Carly, all she remembered was a small baby and Iris screaming that she’d killed him. In the meantime, the custody battle seemed to be turning in Gwen’s favor with her getting visitation rights.

Desperate to make sure she didn’t lose Rory, Carly set out to make Gwen look like an unfit mother by arranging her to drink tainted water during an outing so Gwen would fall asleep while watching the baby. Upon learning that Carly had arranged for the drugged water, Jack again covered for Carly by lying to Hal. Not long after, Carly and Jack were shocked to learn that Iris was Gwen’s mother. Painting herself as the perfect mother, Iris petitioned the court to let Gwen have temporary custody of the baby while under her care. To Carly’s dismay, the judge agreed.

After a few weeks when Iris accused Will Munson (who was seeing Gwen) of poisoning her, the teens ran off with Rory to New York City. Carly and Jack went to NYC to locate them. Finally they found them. on the steps of the NYC university, Carly and Gwen were on the top steps and Jack, Will and Iris were near the bottom of the steps) Gwen was holding on to the baby carriage, when Carly and her got into fight over Rory, Gwen lost her balance. The carriage went over first, and Jack caught the carriage, and saved Rory. Unfortunately, Gwen lost her balance and fell down the stairs. Suddenly, at that moment Carly had a memory flash to the night Iris’s baby died. She suddenly remembered that it wasn’t a baby BOY but a GIRL. Carly suddenly put two and two together and figured out that Iris set up Carly in order to get her and her baby away from the Tenneys. That meant that Gwen was her half-sister!

Carly and Jack
Carly and Jack

Despite the revelation, Carly refused to acknowledge any sisterly bond and was still determined to keep Gwen away from her baby. Meanwhile, Hal found out about Jack destroying Carly’s juvenile record and had him suspended without pay. In the end though both women ended up losing when another major revelation came out---Rory was NOT Gwen’s baby! He was actually Jennifer Munson’s. Both babies had been born on the same day but one wouldn’t survive. Unknown to everyone, Craig had switched the babies so everyone thought that Jen’s baby had died. With the truth finally discovered, Rory was given to Jennifer and saddened by Gwen’s loss (since it reminded her of a previous miscarriage), Carly truly bonded with her sister.

As for Jack, although he was cleared by Internal Affairs for what he’d done, his job had already been given away to Mike’s cousin, Nick Kasnoff. He was allowed to work part time on the force, partnered with none other than Nick. Although Carly detested Nick since she felt that he'd stolen Jack's thunder, Jack tried to make the best of the situation, though he wasn't Nick's biggest fan either. Then both Nick and Jack were assigned to crack a gambling operation, with Nick as lead detective. Hoping to help Jack get the information to crack the case, Carly (without Jack's knowledge) took a job at the club they were investigating. Things became complicated when Nick spotted Carly working at the Galaxy club as a waitress. She quickly spun a story about them needing the money since Jack wasn't working full-time and begged him to keep her job a secret from Jack.

Despite a few close calls, and several run-ins with Jack, the secret remained safe, although Jack became suspicious of the many conversations between Carly and Nick. After several weeks of Carly's suspicious behavior, Jack soon learned the entire truth and feeling betrayed left Carly. In the meantime, while Jack was finally reinstated at the force, Mike was caught up in trouble of his own when he discovered a skeleton in the basement of the Snyder home (his old house) The body belonged to a woman Mike briefly knew named Maya Gold and since he was the last person to see her alive, he became the prime suspect. However, Carly and Katie started wondering if it was Nick, not Mike, who was the killer. It turned out the ladies were right. Realizing he was about to be found out, Nick took both women hostage. Luckily, Mike and Jack found them. Realizing he'd almost lost her, Jack reunited with Carly.

Unfortunately, soon after, he was forced to admit that he couldn't fully trust her and their marriage. Angry, Carly threw him out and warned him that she might not wait around for him this time.

Carly has currently moved on to a flirtatious relationship with business partner, Simon Frasier. A jealous Jack is realizing how much he misses his soulmate.

[edit] Trivia

[edit] See also

[edit] References