JACK Audio Connection Kit

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JACK Audio Connection Kit
Latest release: 0.102.20 /
OS: Linux, Mac OS X
Use: Sound server
License: GPL
Website: jackaudio.org

The JACK Audio Connection Kit or JACK is a sound server or daemon that provides low latency connections between so-called jackified applications. It is created by Paul Davis and others and licensed under the GNU GPL. JACK is free audio software. It can use ALSA, PortAudio and (still experimental) OSS as its back-end. As of 2003 it runs on GNU/Linux and Mac OS X.

Audio flow chart for GNU/Linux systems:

 application 1
 application 2   <->  JACK  <-> ALSA  <-> Sound card
 application ...


[edit] Applications

Some software that works with JACK:

  • qjackctl [1] is a Qt based tool to control JACK.
  • Ardour, a hard disk recorder.
  • Baudline, a signal analysis tool.
  • SuperCollider, a real-time audio programming language.
  • ChucK, real-time audio programming language
  • CheeseTracker is an Impulse Tracker clone.
  • Rosegarden, a free digital audio workstation program for Linux.
  • XMMS, using xmms-jack
  • Freqtweak [2] is a program that allows for individually tweaking the frequency bands.
  • Demeter can show distortion in JACK systems and AD/DA converters.
  • JACK Rack is an effects "rack" for the JACK low latency audio API.
  • JACK Timemachine is a simple program to record sounds that would otherwise have been lost
  • LADCCA [3] is the Linux Audio Developer's Configuration and Connection API, a session management system for audio applications.
  • Meterbridge
  • MusE [4], a Qt-based MIDI/audio sequencer.
  • PyJack Python module to provide an interface to the JACK server.
  • Pure data - a graphical programming language for multimedia.
  • ZynAddSubFX - an opensource software synthesizer.
  • Hydrogen - an advanced drum machine.
  • Rivendell - a complete radio broadcast automation solution
  • oss2jack [5] - an OSS to JACK bridge that allows legacy OSS applications to work seamlessly with JACK.
  • Internet DJ Console - IDJC. A simple, feature packed streaming radio DJ application.

[edit] Libraries

  • Allegro, a game programming library.
  • bio2jack, a library that allows for simple porting of blocked I/O (bio) OSS/ALSA audio applications to Jack.
  • libjackasyn is a library that converts programs written for the OSS system into JACK-aware applications.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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