
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ò This user likes to read Tintin graphic novels.

zh-hakka Lia-zak yung-fu gei mu-ngi hei Hak-Ngi.

lai31-tsak3 juŋ55-fu33 ge53 mu33-ŋi33 he53 hak3-ŋi33.


en-4 This user speaks English at a near-native level.
ms-4 Pengguna ini boleh menyumbang dengan taraf semacam bahasa ibunda dalam Bahasa Melayu.
zh-yue-2 呢個用戶可以用一般粵語進行交流。
zh-1 該用戶能以基本中文進行交流。
ja-1 この利用者は少しだけ日本語を話すことができます。
Mix This user has been influenced by too many dialects of English to use one orthography, vocabulary and grammar consistently.
Fx This user browses the Web using Mozilla Firefox.
G This user uses Google as a primary search engine.
slsk This user uses Soulseek.
This user's favourite subject is Economics.
SOTON This user attends or attended University of Southampton.
Reading Materials
7+1 This user enjoys the Discworld series.
This user reads Asterix comics.
This user is a liberal adherent of Anglican Christianity.
This user has an iPod.
~_~ This user is a definite fan of Anime.
Haruhiism This user is not interested in normal humans.
This user prefers warm weather.

This user has set foot in 12 countries of the world.

Usually seen floating about the internet under the guise of j1m0ne. Main topics of interest:

[edit] Can be seen elsewhere

[edit] Random fact #10945

  • Has suffered from tinnitus for 6 years and counting.